15 research outputs found

    Analisis Tuturan Ritual Ngalap Semangat Suku Tidung Di Sebuku Ditinjau Dari Bentuk Mantra

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    This study discusses the form of the mantra in the ritual speech of the Ngalap Spirit of the Tidung Tribe in Sebuku. Mantra is a word or speech that contains wisdom and supernatural powers. The power of the spell is thought to be able to heal or bring harm. This research is focused on analyzing the form of the mantra in the speech of the Ngalap Spirit Ritual of the Tidung tribe as one of the oral literatures that needs to be developed and preserved because it contains high literary values. The research was conducted with the aim of describing the form of the mantra and the ritual tradition of ngalap the spirit of the Tidung tribe in Sebuku. The method used in this research is a field research method with a qualitative approach that is described descriptively. Data collection techniques used in this study were interview techniques, note-taking techniques and recording techniques. The data analysis technique used is a qualitative descriptive analysis technique. The results of the research obtained are (1) the form of the mantra: a. The form of the line in the first mantra consists of 5 lines, each line contains 2-6 words and consists of 3-10 syllables; b. The form of the first mantra stanza, that is, each stanza consists of 5 lines and contains 2-6 words; c. The choice of words used in the traditional mantra ngalap, the spirit of the Tidung tribe does not only use the Tidung language but also uses the Indonesian language. It's just that the Tidung language is more dominant in its use in the traditional speech of ngalap, the spirit of the Tidung tribe

    Analisis Bentuk dan Fungsi Tuturan Belian Sentiyu pada Masyarakat Muara Begai Kabupaten Kutai Barat

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    Belian sentiyu is a traditional ceremony performed by the Dayak Benuaq people in Muara Begai village, West Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan. The ceremony is related to the belief system and religion adopted by the local community and relates to requests for help to the spirits of spirits around them as well as ancestral spirits and the upper rulers (lahtala) and also the lower rulers (uwokng). This research focuses on the form and function of Belian Sentiyu's speech in the Muara Begai community. The purpose of this research was to describe the form and function of Belian Sentiyu's speech in the Muara Begai community. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research method. The data collection techniques used were observation, interview, recording, documentation, transcription, recording and summarizing, and translation techniques. The data analysis technique used is the analysis technique of Lexy J. Moleong, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results obtained from the form of speech in the form of spell characteristics, namely: (a) a series of rhyming words, (b) verbal, magical or magical, (c) espheric (a special language between the speaker and the interlocutor) and mysterious, ( d) use words that are less commonly used in everyday life. The functions of Belian Sentiyu's speech are: (a) as a means of validating cultural institutions and institutions, (b) as a means of educating children, (c) as a means of coercion and control so that the norms of society will always be obeyed by its collective members

    Analisis Puisi Pada Hari Minggu Kucari Ayah ke Kota Karya Hasan Aspahani Ditinjau dari Aspek Semiotik

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    This study aims to describe the shape of the icons, indexes, and symbols contained in the poem On Sunday I’m Looking For My Father To The City. The method used in this research is a qualitative approach method. Data collection techniques used are library research techniques, reading techniques, note-taking techniques, and semi-structured interview techniques. The data analysis techniques used is to understand the data as a whole, classify the data,make comparisons of data matches, and draw data conclusions. The results of this study include (1) Icons in the poem On Sunday I Look for Father to The City by Hasan Aspahani there two types of icons, namely image icons and diagrammatic icons.(2) The index in the poem On Sunday I’m Looking for My Father to The City by Hasan Aspahani is an index in various findings between texts.(3) Symbols in Hasan Aspahani’s poem On Sunday I Look for Father to the City are signs that do not show a casual relationship between the signifier and the signifier

    Analisis Kesantunan Berbahasa Pada Grup Whatsapp Wali Kelas MI Al-Hikmah Kecamatan Barong Tongkok Kabupaten Kutai Barat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pematuhan dan pelanggaran prinsip kesantunan berbahasa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode simak, dokumentasi, dan kemudian disalin ke dalam kartu data. Data yang telah dikumpulkan selanjutnya dianalisis berdasarkan maksim-maksim kesantunan Leech yang terdiri atas maksim kearifan, maksim kedermawanan, maksim pujian, maksim kerendahatian, maksim kesepakatan, dan maksim simpati, yang digunakan untuk memperoleh pematuhan dan pelanggaran kesantunan berbahasa. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa anggota dalam grup whatsapp yang melakukan pematuhan dan pelanggaran kesantunan berbahasa dengan pematuhan kesantunan berbahasa lebih dominan dibandingkan pelanggaran kesantunan berbahasa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, saran yang dapat diberikan adalah (1) Semakin banyak penelitian-penelitian berikutnya yang melakukan kajian mengenai kesantunan berbahasa dalam berbagai bentuk komunikasi baik langsung maupun melalui sosial media, mengingat kesantunan berbahasa merupakan aspek penting dalam berkomunikasi. (2) Sebagai mahasiswa yang berpendidikan, tentu diharapkan mampu menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai kesantunan dan mengimplementasikannya dalam berkomunikasi. (3) Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan mampu menjadi referensi dan dimanfaatkan oleh berbagai pihak yang tertarik untuk mendalami kajian yang berkenaan dengan kesantunan berbahasa

    Analisis Bentuk dan Makna Kata Berafiks yang Berkategori Verbal pada Bahasa Berau

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    Penelitian ini difokuskan pada analisis bentuk dan makna kata berafiks yang berkategori verbal pada bahasa Berau, alasan pengambilan objek bahasa Berau karena bahasa Berau merupakan salah satu bahasa yang memiliki jumlah pemakaian yang cukup banyak. Selain itu bahasa Berau merupakan salah satu bahasa daerah asli Kalimantan Timur yang perlu diteliti dan dikembangkan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui proses melekatnya afiks serta menemukan afiks pembentuk kata kerja bahasa Berau dan mengetahui kemungkinan-kemungkinan atau perubahan yang terjadi akibat afiksasi. Teknik yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah teknik observasi dan wawancara. Sedangkan metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dan metode yang digunakan dalam menganalisis data adalah metode padan dan metode agih. Adapun data yang digunakan yaitu bahasa Berau. hasil analisis data dalam penelitian ini disajikan dengan menggunakan metode formal berupa kaidah-kaidah atau lambang fonemis. Dari penelitian ini yang dilakukan di lokasi yaitu di Tanjung Redeb, Berau diperoleh bahwa bahasa Bajau memiliki morfem terikat. Hasil penelitian dari analisis data adalah  bahwa  dalam  bahasa  Berau  tidak  ditemukannya  jenis  afiks  infiks.  Jenis  afiks  prefiks  pada  bahasa  Berau  berbeda  dengan  kaidah  prefiks  bahasa Indonesia  pada  umumnya, jenis  afiks  sufiks  pada  bahasa  Berau  sama  seperti kaidah  bahasa  Indonesia  pada  umumnya,  dan  jenis  afiks  konfiks  pada  bahasa  Berau  sama  seperti kaidah  bahasa  Indonesia  pada  umumny

    Analisis Penokohan Pada Naskah Drama Seni Karya Ahmad Muslih Navis (Kajian Psikologi Sastra)

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    Psychological studies are very necessary to understand the human psyche. Therefore, it is important to do research on the drama script Seni by Ahmad Muslih Navis. This study aims to describe the characterizations and psychological conflicts in the art drama script by Ahmad Muslih Navis experienced by the main character with Sigmund Freud's theory. The data are in the form of text excerpts that describe the psychology of the main character and the psychological conflict in the drama script. Data collection techniques were carried out in three stages, namely note-taking techniques, reading techniques and interview techniques. The method used in this research is descriptive method, a study that begins with the selection and determination of data, researching according to the formulation of the problem. The instrument in this study was the researcher himself using data cards and interview guides. The focus of this research is to describe the characterization of the main character and the psychological conflicts experienced by the main character of Sigmund Freud, namely, the id, ego, and superego. The results of data analysis in this study that were influenced by id were unyielding, confident, clever in seducing, and compassionate. While the ego-influenced characterizations are succumbing, confident, forward thinking, brave and wise. While the characterizations that are influenced by the superego are attention and discipline. The results of the research on psychological conflicts that are influenced by the id are disappointment, anger and worry. Meanwhile, Rian's ego-influenced psychological conflicts are disappointment, anger, and worry. While the psychic conflict that is influenced by the superego is regret

    Analisis Bentuk Tawar dan Fungsi Tuturan Tawar Pengobatan pada Masyarakat Dayak Bakumpai di Datah Bilang Kabupaten Mahakam Ulu

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    Tawar adalah sarana pengobatan yang di gunakan oleh masyarakat dayak Bakumpai di Desa Datah Bilang. Tuturan tawar Bakumpai memiliki fungsi yaitu sebagai pengobatan. Tawar dapat di lakukan kapan saja saat pasien membutuhkan atau disaat sakit, dan juga menyiapkan beberapa peralatan untuk melakukan tawar. Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah (a) Bagaimana bentuk tuturan tawar pengobatan di Desa Datah Bilang Ilir Kabupaten Mahakam Ulu di tinjau dari sudut mantra; (b) Bagaimana fungsi tuturan tawar pengobatan pada masyarakat Dayak Bakumpai di Desa Datah Bilang Kabupaten Mahakam Ulu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (a) Untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk tuturan mantra pengobatan dalam kehidupan masyarakat Dayak Bakumpai di Desa Datah Bilang Ilir Kabupaten Mahakam Ulu; (b) Untuk mendeskripsikan fungsi tuturan Mantra pengobatan dalam kehidupan masyarakat Dayak Bakumpai di Desa Datah Bilang Ilir Kabupaten Mahakam Ulu. Metode yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kulitatif menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, catat, rekam dan nyimak. Hasil penelitian yang di peroleh dari analisis data yang telah dilakukan penulis, maka ditemukan hasil penelitian berupa (i) mantra terdiri atas beberapa rangkaian kata berima; (ii) bersifat lisan, sakti atau magis; (iii) asoferik (bahasa khusus antara pembaca dengan lawar bicara); (iv) menggunakan kata-kata yang kurang umum di gunakan didalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Fungsi tuturan mantra tawar pengobatan suku Bakumpai berdasalkan hasil analisis fungsinya yakni (i) fungsi mantra sebagai alat pengendali social; (ii) fungsi mantra sebagai pengingat; (iii) fungsi mantra sebagai toleransi; (iv) fungsi mantra sebagai sarana untuk berdoa

    Analisis Naskah Drama Year Ten Thousandth Karya Fajri Syamsirani Dengan Unsur Dekonstruksi

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    The main aim to make a drama script entitled “Year Ten Thousandth” by Fajri Syamsirani as a research with intend of examining the facts of the story and dismantling the script into elements of deconstruction. This study uses a qualitative method, by deciphering word and symbols full of meaning. Describe the data based on the facts of the story, including; characterization, plot, and setting. As well as dismantling the text with Jacques Derrida’s theory Deconstruction, including; Differance (Delay or Differentiator), Trace, and Sous Rature (Crossmark). Then define this drama script with social relations or society. Based on the results of data analysis, the facts found in the story is chronological plot, the main character is the protagonist and Ratu Babangida as the antagonist character. Both of  these characters as actors who have a big role in the course of the story.  Based on deconstruction’s theory used, which there are all elements, namely differance in the setting of the first time the incident began , Sous Rature  also occurs in the time setting because of the differance in dimensions that occur, then the introduction to the conflict that occurs. Cannot to described in reality , and revealed the Trace or absence of meaning to not leave or neglect to worship. Overall, the intrinsic elements of this research able to offer a space for human awareness not to leave obligation. Let alone neglect to worship. Absolutely the extrinsic explain how to describe a deconstruction theory through out in a drama script

    Kajian Semiotika Tuturan Mantra Tradisi Pertunjukkan Jaranan di Desa Perangat Baru Kecamatan Marangkayu Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara Provinsi Kalimantan Timur

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    Literature is an expression of the human person in the form of experiences, thoughts, feelings, ideas, passions, beliefs in a form of concrete images that evoke charm with language tools. Jaranan performance is a ritual art activity carried out by the community as entertainment for the people of the village of Warat Baru and also to resist reinforcements. Semiotics is a science that studies a sign and the meaning in a sign, which is divided into three types, namely icons, indexes and symbols. The purpose of this study is to describe the shape of icons, indices and symbols in the speech of the Jaranan performance mantra in Prangat Baru village, Marangkayu district, Kutai Kartanegara regency. The data collection method used in this research is qualitative research, namely observation, structured interviews, recording, and collection tools in the form of interview instruments, recordings, photos, videos, and translation. The results of the research from the data of mantra speech using semiotic analysis obtained 3 utterances in the form of the 'Prince' icon, 'Sesaji', 'incense lan sela'. Obtained 4 indexes 'Sun Puji Maring Pangeran Mugi Sometimes Mitro Sami', 'Suro Diro Joyo Diningrat Melts Dening Pangastuti', 'Enjoy the offering of supados, enjoy smoothness and protection', 'kula sukani, let Kangge eat the ringgit wayangipun kula'. Get 3 symbols 'Yellow Janur', 'Semeblak koyo Geni', 'Jabang Bayine'. Obtained 4 indexes 'Sun Puji Maring Pangeran Mugi Sometimes Mitro Sami', 'Suro Diro Joyo Diningrat Melts Dening Pangastuti', 'Enjoy the offering of supados, enjoy smoothness and protection', 'kula sukani, let Kangge eat the ringgit wayangipun kula'. Get 3 symbols 'Yellow Janur', 'Semeblak koyo Geni', 'Jabang Bayine'. Obtained 4 indexes 'Sun Puji Maring Pangeran Mugi Sometimes Mitro Sami', 'Suro Diro Joyo Diningrat Melts Dening Pangastuti', 'Enjoy the offering of supados, enjoy smoothness and protection', 'kula sukani, let Kangge eat the ringgit wayangipun kula'. Get 3 symbols 'Yellow Janur', 'Semeblak koyo Geni', 'Jabang Bayine'

    Analisis Tokoh Utama Dalam Novel Konspirasi Alam Semesta Karya Fiersa Besari: Kajian Psikologi Sastra

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    This study aims to describe the psychological conflict, psychological aspects, and the factors that influence the psychological aspects of the main character Juang. The results show that the conflict experienced by Juang's character is an external conflict which is divided into conflicts between humans. The conflict is based on the stigma that says that Juang's family is someone traitor to the nation, the internal conflict that Juang experienced was when his friends were busy teasing Nadiya while she was reading a book so she felt disturbed and chose to separate herself from the real world and continue reading her book. The psychological aspect of fighting based on Sigmund Freud's theory works perfectly. The understanding of the id is the most basic personality system, the system that is innate instincts lives with instinctive desires. The fighting ego cannot fulfill the id then the superego works less than perfect and cannot control the id's instinctive desires. Broadly speaking, Juang Juang's psychological turmoil is divided into 2, namely, (1) Factors that influence Juang to be strong in living life as an idealist, including competence motives, love motives, values motives, and attitudes. (2) Factors that influence Juang's feelings include curiosity motives, cultural factors and ecological factors