26 research outputs found

    Kualitas Buah Tomat Pada Pertanaman Dengan Mulsa Plastik Berbeda

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    . Setyorini, D., D. Indradewa, and E. Sulistyaningsih. 2009. Fruit Quality of Tomato Planted inDifferent Plastic Mulch. Environment conditions is one of important factor that may affect plant growth. Modificationof environment conditions will not only affect plant growth, but also fruit quality. This study was carried out in TheExperimental Garden and Horticultural Laboratory of College of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University. The experimentwas set up in a randomize block design with 5 levels of treatments (plastic mulch color) and 4 replications. Parameterobserved were fruit number per plant, damaged fruit per plot, fruit weight, diameter and length of fruit, fruit firmness,coefficient of fruit ripening, total soluble solid, vitamin C, and dominant acid. The results showed that the color ofplastic mulch had a specific effect on tomatoes fruit quality parameter. The use of red plastic mulch reduce thepercentage of damage fruits but decreased the coefficient of fruit ripening. The blue plastic mulch had a significanteffect on increase fruit firmnes. Meanwhile, the silvery black plastic mulch could increase the dominant acid contentthat was suitable for growing processing tomatoes

    Kajian fisiologis cekaman kekeringan pada jagung manis=Physiological Study of Drought Stress on Sweet Corn

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    ABSTRACT Physiological responses of most plant in dry areas was affected by drought stress. An experiment was conducted to investigate the physiological effect of drought stress on sweet corn. Result of the experiment could be used to know physiological responses affected by drought and giving additional information in developing sweet corn in dry land areas. The research was carried out in Glass House Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, from October to December 2004. The research was arranged in a Completely Randomized Design with 7 treatments of drought stress and one control. Each treatment was replicated 3 times, and each replication consist of 6 poly bags. The result showed that drought stress reduced the level of opening sto-mata, reduced relative water content, the rate of transpiration, net assimilation rate, relative growth rate, and leaf area mainly in vegetative phase stress. Drought stress increased proline content in all of the growth phases. If the plant suffering from water stress in all of their stage of growth, observation in seed filling phase showed that no significant increased in proline content. Key words: Sweet corn, drought stres

    Pengaruh pemotongan akar dan daun bibit teh terhadap ketahanan kekeringan=The Effect of Roots and Leaves Pruning on Drought Resistance=

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    ABSTRACT Plant resistance to drought had relationship with root length. The root branching and weight could be increased by the root pruning. The research intends to study the effect of roots and leaves pruning on drought resistance of young tea plant. The research was done in Pagilaran tea plantation, Batang district from March to October 2004. This experiment was arranged in the RCBD (Randomized Complete Block Design) factorial 3 x 4, consisted of 2 factors and 3 replications. The first factor was root pruning consisted of control /without pruning (Ak), root prunned 25% of polybag length (A25), and root prunned 50% (A50). The second factor was leaves prunned 25% (D25), pruning consisted of control/ without pruning (Dk), leaves prunned 50% (D50) and 75% (D75) their lenght. Roots and leaves pruning were done on 5 months old of tea seedling. Result of the experiment showed that: no interaction between roots and leaves pruning of tea seedling on all of observed data. Roots pruning of 25% and 50% polybag length repaired the growth of root and lengthened the time length to achieve permanent wilting condition, a character of drought resistant plant. The leaves pruning 25% increased the growth of plant but the leaves pruning more than 50% of their length inhibited the growth of plant. Key words : Pruning, root, leaf, drought, tea

    Effect of source-sink manipulation on yield and related yield components in cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz

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    The distribution of nutrients and assimilates in different organs and tissues is in a constant state of flux throughout the growth and development of a plant. At key stages during the life cycle, profound changes occur, and perhaps one of the most critical of these is during tubers filling. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of sources- sink manipulation to related yield and yield components of cassava cultivars Singgah. Experiment manipulation source using number of branches cropping (S) which consists of three levels i.e. S1: 1 branch planting; S2: 2 branches planting; S3: 3 branches planting and manipulation at the bottom of that manipulation of the bottom with the model sliced the bottom of the cuttings (L) which consists of three levels i.e. L1: Sliced flat cuttings; L2: Sliced oblique cuttings; L3: Sliced cuttings of two sloping sides. In the cassava plant there is a relationship between the source and the bottom. Manipulation treatment plant cassava with two branches crop resources, if interaction the bottom with the model manipulation cuttings incision flat base capable of increasing biomass as well as the amount of cassava tuber crop plant varieties Singgah. The diameter of the tubers if interaction with wedge base model of cuttings oblique slices one general interaction and manipulation of two branches crop with all models of the base of the cuttings slice significantly improves weight of tuber crop.Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 6 (2): 69-76, December, 201

    Use of Ameliorants to Increase Growth and Yield of Maize (Zea Mays L.) in Peat Soils of West Kalimantan

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    Peatland in Indonesia has a potential for maize cultivation, but it has constraints that low of soil pH and of nutrient availability. Use of ameliorants from coastal sediment and salted fish waste was an alternative to improve peatlands productivity and maize yields. Objective of the study was to examine effects of coastal sediment and salted fish waste on growth and yield of maize at three kinds of soil of peatlands of Kubu Raya, West Kalimantan. This research was conducted  in  field  using  Inter-area analysis  design.  The  first  factor  was  combination  of  each ameliorants  which consisted of 5 levels, namely: 1) treatment under farmer custom at the sites (control); 2) coastal sediment of 20 Mg ha-1 + 0.75 Mg of salted fish waste ha-1; 3) coastal sediment of 40 Mg ha-1 + 1.5 Mg of salted fish waste ha-1, 4) coastal sediment of 60 Mg ha-1 + 2.25 Mg of salted fish waste  ha-1. The second factor was soil types which consisted of three levels, namely: Typic Haplohemists, Typic Sulfisaprists and Typic Haplosaprists. Each treatment was repeated 5 times. The results showed that combination of 40 Mg ha-1 of coastal sediment and 1.5 Mg ha-1 of salted fish waste was the best combination for all soil type. It increased plant height (33% - 44%), shoot dry weight (74% - 75%), number of seeds per cob (31% -110%), weight of 100 seeds (58% -71%) and dry grain weight per plant (136 % -160 %) at each soil. The highest yield was found in soil of Typic Haplosaprists (219.54 g), followed by Typic Sulfisaprists (210.72 g) and Typic Haplohemists (208.82 g).Keywords: Coastal sediment, maize, peat soils, salted fish waste [How to Cite: Denah S, BH Sunarminto, D Shiddieq and D Indradewa. 2014. Use of Ameliorants to Increase Growth and Yield of Maize (Zea mays L.) in Peat Soils of West Kalimantan. J Trop Soils 19: 35-41. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2014.19.1.35]  [Permalink/DOI: www.dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2014.19.1.35] &nbsp

    Isolation and Selection of Rhizobium Tolerant to Pesticides and Aluminum From Acid Soils in Indonesia

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    Application of Rhizobium as inoculum in acid soil requires specific characters, namely high tolerance to pesticide residues, soil acidity, and high concentration of Aluminum. This study was conducted to isolate Rhizobium having these characters. Inspite of acid soils from Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi and Java; root nodules of legumes planted in those regions were used as source of isolates. Rhizobial isolation was done using direct isolation andenrichment technique. A paper disc diffusion technique was used in selecting tolerance to pesticides. The selected isolates were examined the tolerance to pH, Al, and ability to form root nodule with soybean. From soil analysis, it could be seen the correlation between pH value and Al concentration. It means that the lower pH value the higher Al concentration. The number of Rhizobium isolates and its tolerance to paraquat was depended on soil type. From 173 strains of isolated Rhizobium, 24 strains were tolerance to pesticides and Aluminum. They were able to grow in wide range of pH, namely 3 – 8, or some of them in 5 - 8. Around 92% of the selected bacteria could form root nodules with soybean plant in different number and size. Hopefully, these isolates can be applied in the pesticide polluted agricultural lands, especially in acid soils with high concentration of Al, and it can also increase soybean production

    Ekstraksi, Karakterisasi dan Daya Penghambatan Kitosan Alami terhadap Jamur Colletotrichum Musae secara In Vitro

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    In order to enhance food safety, the use of chemical pesticides on agriculture must be minimized, especially on postharvest processing. One of the alternative ways is the use of natural chitosan. Chitosan has good prospect as an alternative compound to chemical pesticides to be used on postharvest processing for agriculture products which are potential as exported commodity, such as banana cv. Ambon Curup, exotic fruit from Bengkulu. The aims of this research were to extract and characterize chitosan and to evaluate the inhibition of chitosan to Colletotrichum musae. Methods of experiment were (1) extraction of chitosan, (2) characterization of chitosan, and (3) inhibition test of chitosan to the pathogen in vitro. The parameters observed were the growth and colour of colony, the measurement and density of conidia and the dry weight of mycelium. The result indicated that the texture of chitosan were flake-powder with white-brownish colour, had a little bit odor of fish and pH were 7.5–13. The deacetylated degree of chitosan were around 74.27–75.64%. The in vitro test indicated that the kind of chitosan treatments gave no significant effect to the growth and colony colour, the measurement and density of conidia and the dry weight of mycelium. However the concentration of chitosan treatments were significantly effect all parameters. The chitosan on 20 mg/ml could inhibit the colony growth up to 81.20%, the conidial density up to 46.5%, the measurement of conidia up to 19.4%, and the dry weight of mycelium up to 59.46%. Chitosan had no effect to the colour of fungal colony. Dalamrangkameningkatkan keamanan pangan, penggunaan pestisida kimiawi dalambidang pertanian, khususnya pada proses penanganan pascapanen, harus diminimalisir. Salah satu alternatifnya adalah penggunaan senyawa alami kitosan yang berasal dari limbah perikanan yang sangat banyak tersedia diIndonesia. Kitosan memiliki prospek yang baik untuk digunakan sebagai pengganti penggunaan pestisida kimiwi dalam proses penanganan pascapanen produk pertanian yang berpotensi ekspor,seperti buah pisangAmbonCurup, yang merupakan buah eksotik dariBengkulu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengekstraksi dan mengkarakterisasi kitosan dari limbah perikanan, serta mengevaluasi daya penghambatan kitosan terhadap patogen pascapanenColletotrichum musae. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan meliputi: (1) ekstraksi kitosan, (2) karakterisasi kitosan, dan (3) uji daya penghambatan kitosan terhadap patogen secara in vitro. Parameter yang diamati adalah luas koloni, warna koloni, kerapatan dan ukuran konidia,serta berat kering miselium jamur patogen.Dari proses ekstraksi diperoleh kitosan dengan tekstur serpihan-tepung dengan warna putih hingga kecoklatan dan sedikit berbau amis, dengan tingkat keasaman kitosan berkisar 7,5–13. Derajat deasetilisasi kitosan berkisar dari 74,27–75,64% yang berarti semua jenis kitosan memiliki tingkat kemurnian yang hampir sama. Hasil uji in vitro menunjukkan bahwa jenis kitosan tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap luas dan warna koloni, kerapatan dan ukuran konidia, serta berat kering miselium jamur patogen. Namun perlakuan konsentrasi kitosan berpengaruh nyata terhadap semua parameter pengamatan tersebut. Pemberian kitosan pada konsentrasi 20mg/ml mampu menghambat luas koloni patogen hingga 81,20%; kerapatan konidia hingga 46,5%; ukuran konidia hingga 19,4%; dan berat kering miselium hingga 59,46%. Warna koloni juga tidak dipengaruhi oleh perlakuan kitosan