43 research outputs found


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    Proses penyambungan (welding) cerobong pada industri manufaktur menengah kebawah memiliki kesulitan karena banyaknya variasi ukuran dari cerobong. Target waktu penyelesaian sulit dicapai karena keterbatasan alat bantu (Fixture) yang dimilikinya. Maka dari itu, perlu dirancang alat bantu yang dapat meringankan kendala yang terjadi namun dengan biaya yang terjangkau. Perancangan alat bantu ini dilakukan melalui penerapan metode VDI 2222 dengan bantuan teknologi CAD/CAM. Proses perancangan menghasilkan beberapa alternatif rancangan. Rancangan terpilih dimodelkan dan divalidasi dengan menggunakan software Solidworks. Parameter yang mempengaruhi fungsi fixture diantaranya adalah defleksi, beban puntir dan titik berat. Hasil analisis defleksi dari beban maksimum adalah 2,406 mm, sedangkan beban puntir yang terjadi adalah 119 N atau kurang lebih 12 kg beban yang diterima operator. Titik berat fixture berada pada jarak 1492,3 mm dari roda belakang dengan jarak antar roda 1600 mm, sehingga aman dari kemungkinan terjungkal. Selain dari aspek konstruksi, kecepatan merupakan faktor penting yang mempengaruhi proses produksi. Berdasarkan hasil perbandingan dengan alat yang ada di salah satu perusahaan di Bandung, diperoleh estimasi waktu 269 menit lebih cepat untuk proses penyambungan 4 cerobong dengan panjang 1500 mm dan diameter 900 mm. Berdasar pada hasil kajian konstruksi dan analisis, dapat disimpulkan bahwa welding fixture bisa digunakan untuk penyambungan cerobong untuk perusahaan manufaktur menengah ke bawah

    A study on Cold-formed Steel Frame Connection: A review

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    This paper is aimed to review the current researches on Cold-formed steel (CFS) structures, particularly for screw connections, welded connections, bolted connections and adhesive connections. Connection presents as a major parameter of the important elements for CFS framing system in order to attain its structural stability. The performance of different CFS connections is well-discussed in order to capture the behaviour of each type of connection. Based on the review assessment, the results highlighted that all types of connections except adhesive connections have shown the proper behaviour that can trigger the change of any design codes. Otherwise, adhesive connection is given several advantages that leads a novelty in the construction technology. Hence it still has some gaps of knowledge that are needed to be filled with comprehensive future researches

    Technical Assessment Dampak Peledakan pada Bangunan Industri (Studi Kasus Dampak Ledakan Jalan Toll Terhadap Struktur Eksisting)

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    This paper illustrates the process of blast loading on the structure that is occurring from the work package of Toll Road Construction. The study provides some illustrations including the example of industrial building that is exposed to this load. The aim is to give a technical assessment of the blast loading on the area of the construction. The study is analytically assessed by a numerical modelling created in SAP2000 compared to evaluation of a pressure time history analysis. The result confirms as the initial evaluation that is considering as the behavior after explosion effect. Three different load categories classified by the charge mass of TNT, 10 kg, 100 kg and 1000kg are illustrated to accommodate findings and give a recommendation, to undatestand the structural behaviours. As a result, the structure is not collapsing even if the source of the explosion is near. The mass of 1000 kg is considered to destroy some structural elements and it needs to be taken caution for the further analysis

    Evaluasi Kapasitas Struktur: Sistem Struktur Pelat dengan balok dan alternative struktur Flat Slab dengan Drop Panel

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    Struktur beton bertulang dengan flat slab umumnya menjadi populer di sistem konstruksi bangunan untuk metode cor di tempat. Metode ini didukung oleh kolom tanpa menggunakan balok atau dengan penebalan area kolom. Konsep ini memberikan beberapa manfaat dalam konstruksi yaitu, kemudahan dalam konstruksi, fleksibilitas arsitektur dan mengurangi item pekerjaan. Akan tetapi, efektifitas struktur tersebut didukung dengan rendahnya kapasitas dalam menahan pengaruh beban gempa dan besarnya efek dari punching shear. Dalam penelitian ini, dua jenis sistem struktur akan dianalisayang, yaitu pelat dengan balok dalok dan flat slab dengan drop panel. Studi kasus diambil pada bangunan empat lantai, perpustakaan IAIN Madura, dengan bentang panel 6 m dan 7.2 m yang masing-masing menggunakan dimensi drop panel 2 m dan 1.5 m, akan dimodelkan ulang secara numerik menggunakan konsep rangka ekuivalen dan metode desain langsung menggunakan ETABS 2018. Pelatmenggunakan balok juga dianalisa sebagai pembanding dan evaluasi. Tujuan yang diusulkan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai kinerja flat slab dan drop panel agar mendapatkan efektivitas parameter bangunan yang sesuai standar


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    The cylinder head and crankcase cover are components of an engine produced by a manufacturing company in Tangerang. Companies need to make improvements to the production process of these components in order to compete with their competitors. The improvement of the production process is done by improving the machining process stages and re-designing the engine product fixture. Actually the company already has a fixture for the engine machining process, but the fixture cannot be used to produce engine components because it still does not function properly. The problem that occurs is the deviation of the dimensions of machining results and the ineffectiveness of the machining process thereby reducing work productivity. Therefore, it is necessary to design a new fixture that is able to answer both of these problems. Fixture design through the application of the VDI 2222 method combined with the design method according to the Handbook of Jig Fixture has resulted in a fixture design and estimated new machining process time for engine components. The fixture design is then analyzed and validated using engineering software to ensure the fixture's rigidity of the clamping force, machining force, and deflection that occur during the machining process which can have an impact on dimensional deviations. Based on the results of the study conducted, a fixture design for machining cylinder head and crankcase cover products has been produced with fixture dimensions of 450 x 459 x 1125 with a weight of 190 kg. The time needed to complete the cylinder head product is 308.67 seconds and the crankcase cover is 224.19 seconds. The maximum clamping force required is 0.36 kN. Deflection that occurs in the clamping rod is 0.0048 mm, the fixture frame is 0.029 mm and the product deformation is 0.06 mm. The fixture design is expected to be able to solve the problems that exist in the company today.Cylinder head dan cover crankcase adalah komponen dari sebuah engine yang diproduksi oleh sebuah perusahaan manufaktur di Tanggerang. Perusahaan perlu melakukan perbaikan pada proses produksi komponen-komponen tersebut agar dapat bersaing dengan kompetitor mereka. Perbaikan proses produksi dilakukan dengan cara memperbaiki tahapan proses pemesinan dan perancangan ulang fixture produk engine tersebut. Sebenarnya perusahaan sudah memiliki fixture untuk proses pemesinan engine tersebut, namun fixture belum bisa digunakan untuk memproduksi komponen engine karena masih belum berfungsi secara baik. Permasalahan yang terjadi adalah adanya penyimpangan dimensi hasil pemesinan dan kurang efektifnya proses pemesinan sehingga mengurangi produktivitas kerja. Maka dari itu, perlu dirancang fixture baru yang mampu menjawab kedua permasalahan tersebut. Perancangan fixture melalui penerapan metode VDI 2222 yang dikombinasikan dengan metode perancangan menurut Handbook of Jig Fixture telah menghasilkan rancangan fixture dan estimasi waktu proses pemesinan baru untuk komponen engine. Rancangan fixture selanjutnya dianalisis dan divalidasi mengunakan software rekayasa untuk memastikan kemampuan rigiditas fixture terhadap gaya pencekaman, gaya pemesinan, serta defleksi yang terjadi saat proses pemesinan yang dapat berdampak pada penyimpangan dimensi. Berdasar pada hasil kajian yang dilakukan, maka telah dihasilkan rancangan fixture untuk pemesinan produk cylinder head dan cover crankcase dengan dimensi fixture 450 x 459 x 1125 dengan berat 190 kg. Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan produk cylinder head sebesar 308,67 detik dan cover crankcase sebesar 224,19 detik. Gaya pencekaman maksimum yang dibutuhkan sebesar 0,36 kN. Defleksi yang terjadi pada batang pencekam sebesar 0,0048 mm, pada rangka fixture sebesar 0,029 mm dan deformasi pada produk sebesar 0,06 mm. Rancangan fixture diharapkan telah mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan yang ada di perusahaan saat ini

    The correlation between Mastering Idioms and Students’ translating ability: A Correlational Study in the Eighth Semester of PBI Students at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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    Since the translations’ main objective is “meaning”, it is very important to study about theory of meaning. Idiom is one of translation methods which reproduce hidden messages to distort the nuances of meaning. Thus, it can be seen that translation plays very important role in idiom. Translation study provides theories, approaches or methods in understanding ‘meaning’ that is very useful in idiom. Therefore, the researcher is interested in researching about the correlation between idiom and translation. In this research, the researcher only focuses on idiom mastery and translating ability. The purposes of this research are to know the students’ idiom mastery, the students’ translating ability and the correlation between mastering idioms and students’ ability in translating. This paper is intended to be descriptive quantitative research. The researcher applied tests to find the scores of students’ idiom mastery and students’ ability in translating. Then, the researcher applied correlation formula to prove the significant correlation between mastering idiom and translating ability. The result of this research shows that score of students’ idiom mastery in the Eight Semester of English Education Department is good. It can be seen from the mean score that have gotten is 81.03. It lies between the score 79 – 82. In this research also showed that score of students’ translating ability is good. It was known from the mean score that have gotten is 82.10. It lies between the score 80 – 82. Based on testing the hypothesis, it was known that tcount is 2.73 while ttable is 1.70 on standard of signification 5% with degree of freedom is 28. It means that tcount > ttable. In other words, Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected. Then, the coefficient of determination is 21.16%. In conclusion, there is a significant correlation between students’ idiom mastery and students’ ability in translating. Then, based on the coefficient of determination, it shows that variable X (students’ idiom mastery) influences 21.16% of variable Y (students’ ability in translating)


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    Welding process of chimney on medium-size manufacturing industries encounters some problems because of the large variations in the size of the chimney. Target of completion time is difficult to achieve due to tool (Fixture) limitation. Therefore, it is necessary to design a tool that can reduce the obstacles at an affordable cost. The design of this tool is done through the application of the VDI 2222 method with the help of CAD / CAM technology. Several alternative designs have been produced through the design process. Selected design was modeled and validated using Solidworks software. Some of the parameters that affect the function of the fixture includes deflection, torsional load and center of gravity. The results of the analysis of deflection at maximum load is 2.406 mm, while the twisting loads that occur is 119 N or approximately equivalent to 12 kg of weight received by the operator. Center of gravity of the fixture is 1,492.3 mm from the rear wheels with 1,600 mm wheels distance, so it is safe from the possibility of tumbling. Apart from the aspect of construction, speed is the other important factor affecting the production process. Based on the results from the comparisons with an existing tool used in one company in Bandung, the estimated of the new design has a 269 minute faster for 4 chimney welding process with 1,500 mm long with a diameter of 900 mm. Based on the construction and analysis study, it can be concluded that the welding fixture can be used for connecting the chimney, especially small and medium sized manufacturing companies

    Assessing the Tensile Capacity of Cold-Formed Steel Connections using Self-Drilling Screws and Adhesive Materials

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    This paper presents a review of the proposed design for assessing the tensile capacity of a simply truss framing system of cold-formed steel. A series of connection tests were made to investigate the capacity of connections by its deformation and load caring capacity. Furthermore, Screw connections were compared to adhesive connections. Those were created of 1 screw to 3 installed screw using 8 mm screw. On the other hand, 50%, 75% and 100% percentage of adhesive, i.e., A3M and ASK were also added to be evaluated. As a result, the experimental condition was carried out for developing a model to predict the performance capacity of each specimen. The test specimens are a single lap C connection with one end fixed by a grip, and the other end is tensioned. Each specimen was subjected to the load maximum capacity and the load deformation behaviour. The adhesive material was made of the total area of screw connection which is controlled by the volume of its area. Further, the comparison connection was considered for the analysis of the connection capacity, which was estimated from the specimen’s maximum load and the load-deformation behaviour. This research is also considered to face the problem of significant fracture mechanism and used as a further alternative solution. As a result, both adhesive materials could easily displace screw connection. ASK has a lower strength capacity than A3M but implied a better fracture mechanism. It was offered nearly similar behaviour and was suggested to evaluate the behaviour of screw-adhesive connection in advance

    Investigation of Corrosion Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Structures with Varying Supplementary Cementitious Materials in Marine Infrastructure

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    The degradation of concrete strength may occur due to extreme environmental factors such as sea or coastal areas. Those factors can decrease the durability level of concrete structure signified by the corrosion of reinforced concrete structure. The use of fly ash as a concrete mixture is expected to minimize corrosion in concrete structures. Since fly ash has small particles, it can fill small voids in concrete and minimize corrosive substances. The investigation parameters in this study employed two types of corrosion acceleration test modelling using a 15x15x15cm cube tested object with a concrete quality of 40 MPa. Meanwhile, fly ash involves classes F and C within the level of 20% as well as applied corrosion prediction by 10% and 20%. The addition of fly ash to the concrete mixture can reduce the mass loss of reinforced concrete. The maximum mass loss on a normal test object with a corrosion prediction of 20% was obtained at 18.22%, while a 20% corrosion prediction obtained the smallest value for the SCMFA-C test object at 17.04%. The 20% corrosion prediction obtained the largest distribution of 0.355 mm on the normal test object and the smallest distribution of 0.299 mm occurred on the SCMFA-F test object. Thus, the addition of fly ash to the concrete mixture can reduce the distribution of corrosion and mass loss in reinforced concrete