1,695 research outputs found
Abstract— A work of architecture in the
design process can not be separated from consideration of
aspects of Design Guide (Design Guide Lines Aspect) ,
which covers the functional aspects, contextual aspects,
performance aspects, technical aspects, cost aspects, and
aesthetic aspects (image), which together interact,
interelasi, and interdependence. Particularly in Indonesia,
which is the tropics, is the contextual aspect didak
consideration can be avoided, so that the building as a work
of architecture able to efficiently utilize the potential of a
tropical climate, on the other hand could also counteract the
negative influence of the tropical climate. At this time, the
energy crisis is the growing issues around the world,
considering 40% of energy absorbed by the field of
Bright sky as a source of natural light, is a
potential source of tropical should be used efficiently, while
the sun should be in the amulet through the technique of
shadowing system, because the negative effects of this
radiation is a source of heat in the room. In an effort to save
energy by using light and sunlight to counteract the facade
design is very dependent on the orientation of the building
face. In the design process, the response to the character of
the building footprint will have an impact also on the
orientation of the building face, which is an important
consideration from funsional aspects, performance, and
aesthetics. Therefore, not all buildings have the opportunity
to advance the building orientation to the path of the sun
profitable circulation.
In a less favorable orientation (more inclined
toward the east or west) facade exposed resulting radiation
exposure to the sun, this radiation due to the amount of heat
gain (heat gain) to enter the building through the openings
(light hole) will be effective (significant), and to overcome
required no small amount of energy. To avoid this element
of deterrence is needed sun (sun shading devices) on the
display of the building, especially to be able to overshadow
the opening for the skylight.
The problem will arise when the
consideration of the use of light appears as a natural
lighting. This is because, the application of shadowing
system of deterrence elements sunlight in architectural
design will reduce the effective light-hole as a source of
natural lighting. This contradiction is very interesting to
find a solution, how far the efficiency of sunlight deterrent
element, but at the same time able to keep the hole as the
effective light source in an optimal natural lighting. In this
case also made possible the breakthrough technology that
sun-stress element is once again able to replace the sky
light as a source of natural light.
Existence of counter-productive systems and
the use of light imagery in natural light in architectural
design in the context of this is the insight that energyefficient
architecture is one of the typology-oriented
architecture of global environmental conservation.
Keywords : system shadowing, natural light, energy
efficient architecture
Indonesia yang merupakan negara yang
terletak daidaerah tropis dengan iklim tropis basah, dapat
dikatakan penggunaan energi BBM dan listrik lebih rendah
dibanding negara di kawasan sub-tropis yang dapat
mencapai 60 persen dari total konsumsi energi. Kondisi ini
dikarenakan di negara sub-tropis pada musim dingin
membutuhkan energi untuk pemanas ruang bagi semua
lapisan masyarakat, sedangkan di Indonesia untuk
mengatasi udara yang panas diatasi dengan penggunaan
pendingin ruang (AC) yang hanya digunakan pada sejumlah
kecil bangunan terutama di daerah perkotaan. Walaupun
tindak antisipasi lebih lanjut, pada akhirnya akan
memberikan kontribusi penurunan konsumsi energi secara
nasional yang signifikan.
Bangunan merupakan penyaring faktor
alamiah penyebab ketidaknyamanan, seperti hantaran panas
akibat paparan radiasi matahari, dan dapat pula sebagai
penangkap cahaya alami sebagai potensi tropis untuk
penerangan siang hari. Penghematan energi melalui rancang
bangun dimaksudkan pada upaya penghematan listrik, baik
untuk pendingin udara (AC) maupun penerangan buatan di
siang hari. Dengan arti kata lain, strategi perancangan akan
mampu memodifikasi iklim luar yang tidak nyaman
menjadi iklim ruang yang nyaman dengan konsumsi energi
yang rendah. Para arsitek Barat sudah memulai langkahlangkah
strategi perancangan bangunan hemat energi sejak
terjadinya keisis energi dunia sekitar tahun 1973, ironinya
di Indonesia belum terasa adanya ”greget” kalangan arsitek
Indonesia secara konsisten menuju upaya bangunan hemat
Market orientation and value creation in improving business performance of the fertilizer industry in Indonesia
Purpose: This research aims at examining the effect of market orientation and value creation on business performance of the fertilizer industry in Indonesia. Approach/Methodology/Design: This research used observation using time horizon with cross section one shot in year 2018. Unit of analysis in this research is organic fertilizer company or inorganic with company’s management as the observation unit. The survey was conducted to 35 fertilizer companies in Indonesia. Verification analysis was used to measure quantitative data and hypothesis testing by using PLS (Partial Least Square). Findings: The findings showed that market orientation and value creation had a significant influence in improving business performance in the fertilizer industry in Indonesia. In addition, value creation had a greater role than market orientation in improving business performance.. Practical Implications: The result of this research is expected to give implication for business actor of fertilizer industry in Indonesia as an effort to improve its business performance by increasing value creation supported by increasing market orientation. Originality/Value: The result of this research is expected to give implication for business actor of fertilizer industry in Indonesia as an effort to improve its business performance by increasing value creation supported by increasing market orientation.peer-reviewe
Using the theory of the role of international organizations, this research explains how the role of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Thailand handles cases of Trafficking in Person (TIP) on the Thailand-Myanmar border in 2022. First, the role of the instrument, IOM Thailand helps the Thai government through the The Promise II program which helps Prospective migrant workers from Myanmar receive appropriate qualifications. Second, the role of the arena, IOM Thailand supports international forums discussing human trafficking crimes through the Bali Process forum, Coordinated Mekong Ministerial Initiative Against Trafficking (Commit Process). Third, the role of independent actors, IOM Thailand implements the 4P strategy to handle the crime of human trafficking. The results of this research show that IOM Thailand has fulfilled the criteria for its role as an international organization in handling human trafficking cases.
Keywords: IOM Thailand; Trafficking in Persons (TIP); Thailand-Myanmar; The Promise II.
Menggunakan teori peran organisasi internasional, penelitian ini menjelaskan bagaimana peran International Organization for Migration (IOM) Thailand menangani kasus Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang (TPPO) di perbatasan Thailand-Myanmar tahun 2022. Pertama, peran instrument, IOM Thailand membantu pemerintah Thailand melalui program The Promise II yang membantu para calon pekerja migran asal Myanmar mendapat kualifikasi layak . Kedua, peran arena, IOM Thailand mendukung forum internasional membahas kejahatan perdagangan manusia melalui forum Bali Procces, Coordinated Mekong Ministerial Initiative Againts Trafficking (Commit Process),. Ketiga, peran independent actor, IOM Thailand menerapkan strategi 4P menangani Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan IOM Thailand sudah memenuhi kriteria peran sebagai organisasi internasional dalam menangani kasus Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang.
Kata Kunci: IOM Thailand; Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang (TPPO); Thailand-Myanmar; The Promise II.
Isolasi dan Identifikasi Senyawa Fenolik dari Kulit Akar Tumbuhan Artocarpus Dadah Miq 63-74
Artocarpus plant  dadah  Miq.  is one of the species of Artocarpus of the Moraceae family that belongs to a rare plant in nature. This plant is known as the main source of phenolic derivative compound that is flavone compound  in  or  tri-oxygenated and terisoprenilasi in C-3 position ,  and also known as the main source of phenolic compound derived flavonoids, aryl-benzofuran, stilbenoid and xanthane flavonoida, which have biological activity as promoters antitumor, antibacterial, antifungal, antiimflamatori, antikanker and others. This study aimed to isolate and identify the phenolic compounds contained in plant  A .  dadah obtained from the village of Purwoasri, North Metro District, Metro City, Lampung Province. Research stages include collection and sample preparation and extraction, isolation, and purification of compounds using KCV method, flash chromatography  , KKG, and TLC, while the identification of compounds is performed using ultraviolet-visible (UV-VIS) and infrared (IR) spectroscopy. In the present study, three compounds were isolated, one of which was estimated to be flavonoid compounds based on UV-VIS and IR spectra data which also had high activity against murine leukemia P-388 cells with IC 50  3.1 μg / mL. Based on the IR spectral data for the other two compounds there is a -OH uptake in the region of 3200-3500 cm -1, C = C aromatic uptake in the area of 1600-1400 cm -1 , so it is estimated that both compounds are phenolic group compounds.Tumbuhan Artocarpus dadah Miq.merupakan salah satu spesies Artocarpus dari famili Moraceae yang termasuk tumbuhan langka di alam. Tumbuhan ini dikenal sebagai sumber utama senyawa turunan fenolik yaitu senyawa flavon di atau tri-oksigenasi dan terisoprenilasi pada posisi C-3, dan juga dikenal sebagai sumber utama senyawa fenolik turunan flavonoid, aril-benzofuran, stilbenoid dan santon turunan flavonoida, yang memiliki aktivitas biologi sebagai promotor antitumor, antibakteri, antifungal, antiimflamatori, antikanker dan lain-lain.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi dan mengidentifikasi senyawa fenolik yang terkandung dalam tumbuhan A. dadah yang diperoleh dari desa Purwoasri, Kecamatan Metro Utara, Kota Metro, Provinsi Lampung.Tahapan penelitian yang dilakukan meliputi pengumpulan dan persiapan sampel kemudian ekstraksi, isolasi, dan pemurnian senyawa menggunakan metode KCV, kromatografi flash, KKG, dan KLT, sedangkan identifikasi senyawa dilakukan menggunakan spektroskopi ultraungu-tampak (UV-VIS) dan inframerah (IR). Pada penelitian ini telah berhasil diisolasi tiga senyawa, yang salah satunya diperkirakan senyawa flavonoid berdasarkan data spektrum UV-VIS dan IR yang juga memiliki aktivitas tinggi terhadap sel murine leukemia P-388 dengan IC50 3,1 μg/mL. Berdasarkan data spektrum IR untuk dua senyawa yang lain terdapat serapan –OH pada daerah 3200-3500 cm-1, serapan C=C aromatik di daerah 1600-1400 cm-1, sehingga diperkirakan kedua senyawa tersebut merupakan senyawa golongan fenolik
Steroid Hormones and Endocrine Disruptors: Recent Advances in Receptor–Mediated Actions
It has been accepted that receptor-mediated action of steroid hormones depends on
both the receptor and the hormonal level. The mechanism of transcription by steroid
receptors is mediated by cofactors, which function as co-activators or co-repressors,
while their non-genomic actions depend on receptors localized to the cell membrane.
Recently, a number of environmental chemicals, which are now termed as endocrine
disruptors, have been identified, and their unwanted effects on our lives have become
serious problems all over the world. Their adverse effects on endocrine systems in
animals, mostly estrogenic or anti-estrogenic, have resulted in reproductive malfunction
and developmental disorders. Although aryl hydrocarbons exhibit estrogenic or anti-
estrogenic activity through specific interaction with aryl hydrocarbon receptors, other
chemicals seem to interact directly with estrogen receptors, α and β forms. In this
paper, we surveyed the most recent understanding of endocrine disruptors from the
viewpoint of steroid receptor systems. We suggest two potential mechanisms of action
for endocrine disruptors. Endocrine distruptors i) directly associate with steroid
receptor systems and/or ii) associate with the growth factor or the neurotransmitter
receptor systems, and then upregulate the mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling
cascades, leading to the ligand-independent activation of steroid receptor systems. Using
these steroid receptor-dependent mechanisms, it appears that endocrine disruptors
disorder our endocrine systems. We have proposed future suggestions to further
understand endocrine disruptors from the viewpoint of steroid receptor systems.
Key words: endocrine disruptors; receptor-mediated actions; steroid hormone
Steroid Hormones and Endocrine Disruptors: Recent Advances in Receptor–Mediated Actions
It has been accepted that receptor-mediated action of steroid hormones depends on
both the receptor and the hormonal level. The mechanism of transcription by steroid
receptors is mediated by cofactors, which function as co-activators or co-repressors,
while their non-genomic actions depend on receptors localized to the cell membrane.
Recently, a number of environmental chemicals, which are now termed as endocrine
disruptors, have been identified, and their unwanted effects on our lives have become
serious problems all over the world. Their adverse effects on endocrine systems in
animals, mostly estrogenic or anti-estrogenic, have resulted in reproductive malfunction
and developmental disorders. Although aryl hydrocarbons exhibit estrogenic or anti-
estrogenic activity through specific interaction with aryl hydrocarbon receptors, other
chemicals seem to interact directly with estrogen receptors, α and β forms. In this
paper, we surveyed the most recent understanding of endocrine disruptors from the
viewpoint of steroid receptor systems. We suggest two potential mechanisms of action
for endocrine disruptors. Endocrine distruptors i) directly associate with steroid
receptor systems and/or ii) associate with the growth factor or the neurotransmitter
receptor systems, and then upregulate the mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling
cascades, leading to the ligand-independent activation of steroid receptor systems. Using
these steroid receptor-dependent mechanisms, it appears that endocrine disruptors
disorder our endocrine systems. We have proposed future suggestions to further
understand endocrine disruptors from the viewpoint of steroid receptor systems.
Key words: endocrine disruptors; receptor-mediated actions; steroid hormone
Uji Kualitatif Dan Kuantitatif Golongan Senyawa Organik Dari Kulit Dan Kayu Batang Tumbuhan Artocarpus Dadah Miq
Sekarang ini kimia tumbuhan atau yang dikenal dengan fitokimia telah berkembang menjadi suatu disiplin ilmu tersendiri, yang berada di antara kimia organik bahan alam dan biokimia tumbuhan, serta mempunyai kaitan erat dengan keduanya. Bidang perhatian fitokimia adalah aneka ragam senyawa organik yang dibentuk dan ditimbun oleh tumbuhan, yaitu mengenai struktur kimiannya, biosintesisnya, Perubahan serta metabolismenya, penyebarannya secara alamiah, dan fungsi biologinya. Penentuan secara kualitatif dapat memberikan informasi keberadaan senyawa atau golongan senyawa tertentu, dan kuantitatif memungkinkan kita membedakan mana komponen utama dan mana komponen tambahan dalam campuran. Tumbuhan A. dadah Miq. merupakan salah satu spesies dari Artocarpus. Uji yang dilakukan secara kualitatif meliputi uji tanin, saponin, flavonoid, steroid, terpenoid, dan kardiak glikosida. Uji kuantitatif meliputi uji fenol total, alkaloid, tanin, dan flavonoid. Dari uji yang telah dilakukan, sampel kulit batang positif mengandung senyawa tanin, saponin, flavonoid, terpenoid, alkaloid, dan kardiakglikosida. Sedangkan sampel kayu batang positif mengandung senyawa tanin, saponin, flavonoid, steroid, terpenoid, dan alkaloid. Sedangkan uji yang dilakukan secara kuantitatif meliputi uji fenol total, tanin, alkaloid, dan uji flavonoid. Dari uji ini, kandungan dalam kulit batang sebesar 0.0529 % untuk fenol total, 27,7176 % tanin, 9,455 % flavonoid, dan 2,756 % alkaloid. Sedangkan dalam kayu batang sebesar 0,5555 % fenol total, 0,8987 % tanin, 3,312 % flavonoid, dan 0,694 % alkaloid
Penelitian dengan judul Kesesuain Antara Desain Interior Toko dengan Desain
Interior Rumah Pusaka Terhadap Karakter Kampung Batik Laweyan. Target
inovasi yang diharapkan adalah identifikasi karakter dan potensi kampung sebagai
upaya menciptakan alternatif desain toko cinderamata di Kampung Batik
Laweyan sebagai Kampung bernilai pusaka sekaligus sebagai destinasi wisata.
Strategi penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Rumusan
masalah penelitian: (1) Bagaimana pola organisasi dan sirkulasi ruang rumah
pusaka saudagar batik Laweyan dengan toko cinderamata tersebut? (2)
Bagaimana persepsi visual (bentuk, material, mebel, aksesoris, dan lain-lain) dan
karakter, serta kesan visual yang dibentuk oleh desain interior toko cinderamata
yang ada saat ini di Laweyan? Tujuan penelitian ini, (1) mengetahui dan
memahami kebutuhan pola organisasi ruang rumah pusaka saudagar batik
Laweyan dengan toko cinderamata, (2) mengetahui dan memahami persepsi
visual (bentuk, material, mebel, aksesoris, dan lain-lain) dan karakter, serta kesan
visual yang dibentuk oleh desain interior toko cinderamata yang ada saat ini di
Laweyan. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, analisis
dokumen, studi literatur, dan kemudian penyusunan simpulan serta disampaikan
solusi alternativ desain. Hasil penelitian yaitu: pagar atau benteng di bagian depan
rumah berubah jadi toko dan disewakan ke orang lain tidak mempengaruhi pola
sirkulasi pemilik rumah. Rumah warisan saudagar batik kelompok kedua yang
berfungsi sebagai rumah tinggal, rumah produksi batik, dan toko memanfaatkan
ruang yang ada dengan fungsi yang berbeda. Pola organisasi dan sirkulasi ruang
menjadi bagian penting dari aktivitas rumah dan tidak berubah. Persepsi visual
belum megedepankan fungsi toko terbagi untuk tata display, area penyimpanan,
dan aktual jual beli. Impresi visual (atau kesan) belum membuat konsumen
merasakan, mengingat, dan menikmati.
Kata Kunci: Desain interior, toko, persepsi dan impresi visual, Laweya
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