10 research outputs found

    Studi Kesesuaian Perairan Untuk Ekowisata Diving Dan Snorkeling Di Perairan Pulau Keramat, Kebupaten Sumbawa Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    Keramat Island is an uninhabited island and one of the favored tourism area in Sumbawa which has considerable potential as a tourist area with beautiful and unspoiled natural scenery, away from the activities surrounding communities, with a white sandy expanse full of flora and fauna and the pollution level is very small.The research was conducted in the waters of Keramat Island, Sumbawa district on September - November 2011 with the aim to determine the potential that exists in the waters of Keramat Island and assess the suitability of Keramat Island waters as diving and snorkeling ecotourism.The method used in this research is descriptive exploratory method. The analysis used in this study is an analysis of the water suitability, that is by comparing the characteristics and quality of the waters with the land USAge requirements for certain tourist activities.Results of the study showed that the Keramat Island waters has a good potential for Diving and Snorkeling with the potential for the highest live coral reefs 84.15% and the lowest 38%, 5-11 Life form coral and various fish species are 40-127 species. The greater the percentage of coral reefs in the waters, the greater the species of fish and coral life form. Diving suitability of Keramat Island waters is in the S1 category (very appropriate) with IKW at Station 1-6 ranged between 90-100% and the snorkeling suitability of Keramat Island waters is in the S1 category (very appropriate) with IKW at Station 7-12 of 100%

    Kajian Kesesuaian Dan Daya Dukung Wilayah Pesisir Pantai Bandengan Jepara, Sebagai Upaya Optimalisasi Pengembangan Kegiatan Wisata Bahari

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    Bandengan Beach is quite famous and become mainstay Jepara Regency until be destination is quite popular, not only for Jepara people but also majority Central Java People. Nowadays, tourism activities in Bandengan Beach very limited recreation, enjoy to the landscape beach, and swimming. While still many potential area not yet be used maximum. This Study intend to assign suitable location for development marine tourism activity, know extents area development and capacity unit area that intended of tourism activity water sports. The Research results represent that tourism activities in Bandengan Beach Jepara Regency potential to be developed tourism especially water sports. Suitable location is 200 m from the shoreline towards middle sea at depth of > 5 meters. This area has a category S1 (very suitable) with values IKW 87.50 %. Tourism activities that can be developed among others, Flying Fish and Rolling Donuts in addition to existing tourist activities in advance Jet Ski and Banana Boat. The area that can be used is 74.000 m2 around 7.4 hectares and has a capacity of maximum expected around 148 person Jetski and 148 person Banana Boat tourist effective daily

    Kajian Kerentanan Pantai Di Pesisir Kabupaten Rembang Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Kabupaten Rembang merupakan wilayah yang secara langsung menerima dampak dari aktivitas erosi akibat arus dan gelombang. Erosi memiliki sifat merusak yang dapat menganggu keseimbangan ekosistem dan dapat merusak infrastruktur yang telah dibangun pada daerah tersebut dan daerah sekitarnya. Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh mangrove terhadap tingkat kerentanan pantai dan untuk memetakan Indeks Kerentanan Pantai berdasarkan pada lima variabel yang digunakan yaitu: tipologi pantai, geomorfologi pantai, vegetasi mangrove, kemiringan pantai dan penggunaan lahan pesisir. Terdapat empat kelas kerentanan pantai di Kabupaten Rembang yaitu rendah, sedang, tinggi dan sangat tinggi. Pengaruh Mangrove untuk Kecamatan Kaliori tidak terlalu tampak, sedangkan di Kecamatan Rembang terjadi Perubahan nilai kerentanan pantai dari tingkat kerentanan rendah menjadi tingkat kerentanan sedang

    Studi Kesesuaian Wisata Untuk Wisata Rekreasi Pantai Dan Mutu Air Laut Di Pantai Empu Rancak Kabupaten Jepara

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    Pemanfaatan sumberdaya pesisir dan laut di Kabupaten Jepara dapat berupa pengembangan wisata pantai dalam hal ini di wilayah Pantai Empu Rancak. Salah satu bentuk wisata pantai adalah kegiatan rekreasi pantai. Namun, dalam melakukan upaya pengembangan wisata di Pantai Empu Rancak perlu diadakan identifikasi dan pendekatan permasalahan terlebih dulu. Hal yang paling mendasar dan menjadi tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah dengan melakukan studi mengenai tingkat kesesuaian untuk kegiatan rekreasi pantai dan tingkat pencemaran yang terjadi di Pantai Empu Rancak. Penelitian dilakukan dengan observasi lapangan (pengumpulan data primer dan data sekunder) selama 1 bulan pada bulan September 2013 sampai bulan Oktober 2013 di Pantai Empu Rancak Kabupaten Jepara, yang terbagi dalam enam titik lokasi sampling dari bagian selatan hingga ke bagian utara pantai. Pengumpulan data primer terdiri dari data fisika dan kimia perairan serta parameter kesesuaian wisata rekreasi pantai, seperti tipe pantai, lebar pantai, kemiringan pantai, kecerahan perairan, kecepatan arus, kedalaman perairan, material dasar perairan, penutupan lahan pantai, keberadaan biota berbahaya dan ketersediaan air tawar. Metode yang digunakan untuk analisis hasil penelitian adalah metode deskriptif dengan bantuan analisis Indeks Kesesuaian Wisata (IKW) dan Indeks Mutu Lingkungan Perairan ( IMLP ). Berdasarkan hasil yang didapat dari perhitungan Indeks kesesuaian wisata untuk kegiatan rekreasi pantai adalah sebagian besar diatas 80%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa wisata rekreasi pantai di Pantai Empu Rancak Kabupaten Jepara tergolong dalam kategori Sangat Sesuai (S1) untuk kegiatan rekreasi pantai. Sedangkan untuk mutu air laut hasil yang didapat kategori sedan

    Studi Kesesuaian Dan Daya Dukung Kawasan Untuk Rekreasi Pantai Di Pantai Panjang Kota Bengkulu

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    Resort in the Panjang Beach area. One form of the beach tourism is the beach recreation activities. However, in its efforts to the development of tourism in Panjang Beach needed to be identified and approaches the problems first. The most fundamental and the goal of this research is to conduct a study on the level of suitability and carrying capacity of the Panjang Beach coast primarily for recreational activities. Research carried out by field observations (collecting primary data and secondary data) for 2 months in July 2012 until August 2012 at the Panjang Beach city of Bengkulu, which is divided into seven-point sampling locations from the south up to the north shore. Collecting primary data consist of physics and chemistry sea water data and suitability parameters of beach recreation, such as type of beach, width of the beach, slope of the beach, brightness of sea water, current velocity, water depth, water base material, beach land cover, presence of harmful organism and availability of fresh water. The method used to analyze the results of the research is descriptive method with the help of Tourism Suitability Index analysis and the carrying capacity of Regions that generate value and suitability of the tourist carrying capacity. Based on the results obtained from the calculation of tourism suitability index for coastal recreation activities are mostly above 80%. This indicates that the coastal areas of Bengkulu City, Panjang Beach classified in the category of Highly Suitable (S1) for coastal recreation activities. While the value Capability Area of the Panjang Beach approximately 42.045 people per day


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan sosial ekonomi khususnya tingkat pendidikan, modal, biaya, keuntungan dan analisa kelayakan usaha tambak bandeng tradisional berdasarkan kelompok padat penebaran nener di desa Surodadi Kecamatan sayung, Demak, dan dilaksanakan bulan Juli 1997 - Januari 1998. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus dan pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara stratified radom sampling. Data yang diperoleh dianalisa secara ekonomi dengan kriteria discounted. Dari hash analisa menunjukan bahwa 98,13 % penduduk Desa Surodadi masih berpendidikan rendah yakni tidak sekolah, belum tamat SD, tidak tamat SD dan belum tamat SD. Sementara rata-rata pendapatan dan keuntungan tertinggi sebesar Rp 12.319.000,- dan Rp 5.761.947,- adalah dari kelompok padat penebaran > 7000 ekor/ha. Hal ini sejalan dengan hasil analisa kelayakan usaha dimana kelompok padat penebaran > 7000 ekor/ha merupakan jenis usaha yang layak untuk dipili

    Characteristics of Population Growth and Mortality of Windu Shrimp (Penaeus Monodon) in the Juata Water of Tarakan City, Indonesia

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    HighlightThe sex ratio of tiger prawns in the waters of female groceries is 1.08 times higher than that of males.The growth characteristic of male and female tiger prawns is negative allometry, but the male and female body shapes are fat.Fishing mortality, capture mortality, exploitation rate, female tiger prawns are higher than males, but total mortality and natural mortality male tiger prawns are higher than females.The male infinitive growth is longer than the female.AbstractThe windu shrimp (Penaeus monodon) is an economically important fishery species in the waters of Tarakan. The shrimp is highly demanded for frozen seafood industry that makes its market price range attractive from Rp. 50,000 (USD 3.37) to Rp. 70,000 (USD 4.72)/kg. This can cause the species to be potentially exploited. However, due to lack of data, the exploitation status of the windu shrimp is unknown. Hence, the present study was carried out to determine the absolute growth, mortality, and exploitation level of the windu shrimp in Juata waters of Tarakan. Sampling of the shrimp using experimental trawling net was conducted four times between June and August 2020 in the waters of Tarakan. Morphometric data of the windu shrimps including sex, total length, carapace length, and total weight were recorded and analyzed. The results showed that the sex ratio of male and female tiger prawns was 1:1.08. The maximum growth of male and female shrimps was estimated at 26.875 and 21.435 cm respectively. The size of the male shrimps caught during the sampling ranged between 8.7 and 22.5 cm, and was estimated to be at 13 to 67 days old respectively. Maximum growth of male shrimp was estimated at 26.875 cm that could be achieved within 411 days. The size of female shrimp caught during the sampling ranged from 9.8 to 19.3 cm with an estimated age of 21 to 87 days respectively. The maximum growth for female shrimp was estimated at 21.435 cm, and achievable within 377 days. The mortality of male and female shrimps was not significantly different at 110.3% and 110.1% respectively. The fishing mortality for male and female shrimps was recorded at 19% and 22.5% respectively. The level of exploitation of male and female shrimps was slightly different at 17.2% and 20.5%, respectively. Finally, the natural mortality for male and female shrimps was at 91.3% and 87.5%, respectively

    Analysis Model of Giant Prawns Population (Macrobrachium Rosenbergii) in Estuary Edge of Sembakung Waters, Nunukan, Indonesia

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    HighlightThe sex ratio of giant prawns in the waters of fe- male groceries is 3 times higher than that of males.The growth characteristic of male and female giant prawns is negative allometry, but the male and female body shapes are fat.Total mortality, capture mortality, catch rate, male prawns are higher than females.The male infinitive growth is longer than the female,but the female's growth rate is Faster than male.AbstractGiant prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) is a crustacean class that has the larg- est size and its habitat in Sembakung waters included brackish water (estuarine) with a salinity variable of 6.5+0.5 ppt and a temperature variable of 28.5+0.5OC and a variable pH of 6 (acidic). The objective of this research was to analyze the growth and mortality model of giant prawns (M. rosenbergii) that was taken from the catch of fisherman in the estuary, Sembakung sub-district, Nunukan Regency, Indonesia. The study was conducted for 3 months from November 2019 to Janu- ary 2020. The sampling was by using a survey method with purposive judgment sampling based on a catch of 14 fishermen who used the bottom fish pot from Sembakung waters, Nunukan Regency (Indonesia). The data collection included data of sex, total length, and the total weight of giant prawns. While analysis was employed for growth pattern, condition index, Von Bertalanffy growth, and mor- tality. The results obtain the sex ratio of male and female giant prawns 1:3.67. The growth pattern of male and female giant prawns were allometric negative. The growth of the von Bertalanffy model for infinitive growth of male giant prawns were 21.219 cm and female were 18.42 cm, respectively the mortality from giant prawns obtain total male mortality is 2,257, catch mortality is 1.92 and natural mortality is 33.75% with an exploitation rate of 0.85 (85%). The total female mor- tality is 1.528, catch mortality is 120.1% and natural mortality is 32.69% with an exploitation rate of 0.786 (78.6%)