65 research outputs found

    A trajectory approach to two-state kinetics of single particles on sculpted energy landscapes

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    We study the trajectories of a single colloidal particle as it hops between two energy wells A and B, which are sculpted using adjacent optical traps by controlling their respective power levels and separation. Whereas the dynamical behaviors of such systems are often treated by master-equation methods that focus on particles as actors, we analyze them here instead using a trajectory-based variational method called Maximum Caliber, which utilizes a dynamical partition function. We show that the Caliber strategy accurately predicts the full dynamics that we observe in the experiments: from the observed averages, it predicts second and third moments and covariances, with no free parameters. The covariances are the dynamical equivalents of Maxwell-like equilibrium reciprocal relations and Onsager-like dynamical relations. In short, this work describes an experimental model system for exploring full trajectory distributions in one-particle two-state systems, and it validates the Caliber approach as a useful way to understand trajectory-based dynamical distribution functions in this system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Measuring Flux Distributions for Diffusion in the Small-Numbers Limit

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    For the classical diffusion of independent particles, Fick's law gives a well-known relationship between the average flux and the average concentration gradient. What has not yet been explored experimentally, however, is the dynamical distribution of diffusion rates in the limit of small particle numbers. Here, we measure the distribution of diffusional fluxes using a microfluidics device filled with a colloidal suspension of a small number of microspheres. Our experiments show that (1) the flux distribution is accurately described by a Gaussian function; (2) Fick's law, that the average flux is proportional to the particle gradient, holds even for particle gradients down to a single particle difference; (3) the variance in the flux is proportional to the sum of the particle numbers; and (4) there are backward flows, where particles flow up a concentration gradient, rather than down it. In addition, in recent years, two key theorems about nonequilibrium systems have been introduced:  Evans' fluctuation theorem for the distribution of entropies and Jarzynski's work theorem. Here, we introduce a new fluctuation theorem, for the fluxes, and we find that it is confirmed quantitatively by our experiments

    The effect of genome length on ejection forces in bacteriophage lambda

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    A variety of viruses tightly pack their genetic material into protein capsids that are barely large enough to enclose the genome. In particular, in bacteriophages, forces as high as 60 pN are encountered during packaging and ejection, produced by DNA bending elasticity and self-interactions. The high forces are believed to be important for the ejection process, though the extent of their involvement is not yet clear. As a result, there is a need for quantitative models and experiments that reveal the nature of the forces relevant to DNA ejection. Here we report measurements of the ejection forces for two different mutants of bacteriophage lambda, lambda b221cI26 and lambda cI60, which differ in genome length by ~30%. As expected for a force-driven ejection mechanism, the osmotic pressure at which DNA release is completely inhibited varies with the genome length: we find inhibition pressures of 15 atm and 25 atm, respectively, values that are in agreement with our theoretical calculations

    Broad-tailed force distributions and velocity ordering in a heterogeneous membrane model for collective cell migration

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    Correlated velocity patterns and associated large length-scale transmission of traction forces have been observed in collective live cell migration as a response to a "wound". We argue that a simple physical model of a force-driven heterogeneous elastic membrane sliding over a viscous substrate can qualitatively explain a few experimentally observed facts: (i) the growth of velocity ordering which spreads from the wound boundary to the interior, (ii) the exponential tails of the traction force distributions, and (iii) the swirling pattern of velocities in the interior of the tissue.Comment: 7 pages and 5 figure