212 research outputs found
Effects of leading-edge devices on the low-speed aerodynamic characteristics of a highly-swept arrow-wing
An investigation was conducted in the Texas A&M University 7 by 10 foot Low Speed Wind Tunnel to provide a direct comparison of the effect of several leading edge devices on the aerodynamic performance of a highly swept wing configuration. Analysis of the data indicates that for the configuration with undeflected leading edges, vortex separation first occurs on the outboard wing panel for angles of attack of approximately 2, and wing apex vorticies become apparent for alpha or = 4 deg. However, the occurrence of the leading edge vortex flow may be postponed with leading edge devices. Of the devices considered, the most promising were a simple leading edge deflection of 30 deg and a leading edge slat system. The trailing edge flap effectiveness was found to be essentially the same for the configuration employing either of these more promising leading edge devices. Analysis of the lateral directional data showed that for all of the concepts considered, deflecting leading edge downward in an attempt to postpone leading edge vortex flows, has the favorable effect of reducing the effective dihedral
An automated procedure for material parameter evaluation for viscoplastic constitutive models
An automated procedure is presented for evaluating the material parameters in Walker's exponential viscoplastic constitutive model for metals at elevated temperature. Both physical and numerical approximations are utilized to compute the constants for Inconel 718 at 1100 F. When intermediate results are carefully scrutinized and engineering judgement applied, parameters may be computed which yield stress output histories that are in agreement with experimental results. A qualitative assessment of the theta-plot method for predicting the limiting value of stress is also presented. The procedure may also be used as a basis to develop evaluation schemes for other viscoplastic constitutive theories of this type
An experimental comparison of several current viscoplastic constitutive models at elevated temperature
Four current viscoplastic models are compared experimentally for Inconel 718 at 593 C. This material system responds with apparent negative strain rate sensitivity, undergoes cyclic work softening, and is susceptible to low cycle fatigue. A series of tests were performed to create a data base from which to evaluate material constants. A method to evaluate the constants is developed which draws on common assumptions for this type of material, recent advances by other researchers, and iterative techniques. A complex history test, not used in calculating the constants, is then used to compare the predictive capabilities of the models. The combination of exponentially based inelastic strain rate equations and dynamic recovery is shown to model this material system with the greatest success. The method of constant calculation developed was successfully applied to the complex material response encountered. Backstress measuring tests were found to be invaluable and to warrant further development
On the thermodynamics of first-order phase transition smeared by frozen disorder
The simplified model of first-order transition in a media with frozen
long-range transition-temperature disorder is considered. It exhibits the
smearing of the transition due to appearance of the intermediate inhomogeneous
phase with thermodynamics described by the ground state of the short-range
random-field Ising model. Thus the model correctly reproduce the persistence of
first-order transition only in dimensions d > 2, which is found in more
realistic models. It also allows to estimate the behavior of thermodynamic
parameters near the boundaries of the inhomogeneous phase.Comment: 4 page
Monte Carlo Simulation of a Random-Field Ising Antiferromagnet
Phase transitions in the three-dimensional diluted Ising antiferromagnet in
an applied magnetic field are analyzed numerically. It is found that random
magnetic field in a system with spin concentration below a certain threshold
induces a crossover from second-order phase transition to first-order
transition to a new phase characterized by a spin-glass ground state and
metastable energy states at finite temperatures.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure
Classical XY Model in 1.99 Dimensions
We consider the classical XY model (O(2) nonlinear sigma-model) on a class of
lattices with the (fractal) dimensions 1<D<2. The Berezinskii's harmonic
approximation suggests that the model undergoes a phase transition in which the
low temperature phase is characterized by stretched exponential decay of
correlations. We prove an exponentially decaying upper bound for the two-point
correlation functions at non-zero temperatures, thus excluding the possibility
of such a phase transition.Comment: LaTeX 8 pages, no figure
Hysteresis, Avalanches, and Disorder Induced Critical Scaling: A Renormalization Group Approach
We study the zero temperature random field Ising model as a model for noise
and avalanches in hysteretic systems. Tuning the amount of disorder in the
system, we find an ordinary critical point with avalanches on all length
scales. Using a mapping to the pure Ising model, we Borel sum the
expansion to for the correlation length exponent. We sketch a
new method for directly calculating avalanche exponents, which we perform to
. Numerical exponents in 3, 4, and 5 dimensions are in good
agreement with the analytical predictions.Comment: 134 pages in REVTEX, plus 21 figures. The first two figures can be
obtained from the references quoted in their respective figure captions, the
remaining 19 figures are supplied separately in uuencoded forma
Anomalous Fluctuations of Directed Polymers in Random Media
A systematic analysis of large scale fluctuations in the low temperature
pinned phase of a directed polymer in a random potential is described. These
fluctuations come from rare regions with nearly degenerate ``ground states''.
The probability distribution of their sizes is found to have a power law tail.
The rare regions in the tail dominate much of the physics. The analysis
presented here takes advantage of the mapping to the noisy-Burgers' equation.
It complements a phenomenological description of glassy phases based on a
scaling picture of droplet excitations and a recent variational approach with
``broken replica symmetry''. It is argued that the power law distribution of
large thermally active excitations is a consequence of the continuous
statistical ``tilt'' symmetry of the directed polymer, the breaking of which
gives rise to the large active excitations in a manner analogous to the
appearance of Goldstone modes in pure systems with a broken continuous
symmetry.Comment: 59 pages including 8 figures ( REVTEX 3.0 )E-mail:
[email protected]
Ground state numerical study of the three-dimensional random field Ising model
The random field Ising model in three dimensions with Gaussian random fields
is studied at zero temperature for system sizes up to 60^3. For each
realization of the normalized random fields, the strength of the random field,
Delta and a uniform external, H is adjusted to find the finite-size critical
point. The finite-size critical point is identified as the point in the H-Delta
plane where three degenerate ground states have the largest discontinuities in
the magnetization. The discontinuities in the magnetization and bond energy
between these ground states are used to calculate the magnetization and
specific heat critical exponents and both exponents are found to be near zero.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures; new references and small changes to tex
Upper critical dimension, dynamic exponent and scaling functions in the mode-coupling theory for the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation
We study the mode-coupling approximation for the KPZ equation in the strong
coupling regime. By constructing an ansatz consistent with the asymptotic forms
of the correlation and response functions we determine the upper critical
dimension d_c=4, and the expansion z=2-(d-4)/4+O((4-d)^2) around d_c. We find
the exact z=3/2 value in d=1, and estimate the values 1.62, 1.78 for z, in
d=2,3. The result d_c=4 and the expansion around d_c are very robust and can be
derived just from a mild assumption on the relative scale on which the response
and correlation functions vary as z approaches 2.Comment: RevTex, 4 page
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