7 research outputs found
Abstract; Hypoactive autism children were indicated by slow motoric activity so that it caused the children difficult to move. The children tended passive and they did not have any interest to do movement activity and preferred alone when they looked their friends playing. To help hypoactive autism children in enhancing movement activity ability it required a game which attracted the children’s interest to move i.e. through playing game.The purpose of this research was to analyze movement activity ability before and after giving intervention using playing ball (passing and shooting), with time allocation 10 times meeting and 8 times intervention. This research used quantitative approach with the one group pretest posttest design. The subjects were 5 hypoactive autism children. For data analysis this research used statistic non parametric formula of sign test kind and the method of data collection applied observation and test.From the research result which was then analyzed by using sign test formula, it was obtained that the value of Z counting 1,78 while the value of Z table with critic value 5% one side test was obtained 1,64 so that Z counting 1,78 was greater than Z table1,64 it meant that null hypothesis (Ho) was refused and work hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. In this way it could be concluded that playing ball influenced toward movement activity ability of hypoactive autism children in SLB Autis Mutiara Hati Sidoarjo.Keywords : playing ball, movement activit
Abstract; Hypoactive autism children were indicated by slow motoric activity so that it caused the children difficult to move. The children tended passive and they did not have any interest to do movement activity and preferred alone when they looked their friends playing. To help hypoactive autism children in enhancing movement activity ability it required a game which attracted the children’s interest to move i.e. through playing game.The purpose of this research was to analyze movement activity ability before and after giving intervention using playing ball (passing and shooting), with time allocation 10 times meeting and 8 times intervention. This research used quantitative approach with the one group pretest posttest design. The subjects were 5 hypoactive autism children. For data analysis this research used statistic non parametric formula of sign test kind and the method of data collection applied observation and test.From the research result which was then analyzed by using sign test formula, it was obtained that the value of Z counting 1,78 while the value of Z table with critic value 5% one side test was obtained 1,64 so that Z counting 1,78 was greater than Z table1,64 it meant that null hypothesis (Ho) was refused and work hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. In this way it could be concluded that playing ball influenced toward movement activity ability of hypoactive autism children in SLB Autis Mutiara Hati Sidoarjo.Keywords : playing ball, movement activit
Hypoactive autism children were indicated by slow motoric activity so that it caused the children difficult to move. The children tended passive and they did not have any interest to do movement activity and preferred alone when they looked their friends playing. To help hypoactive autism children in enhancing movement activity ability it required a game which attracted the children’s interest to move i.e. through playing game.
The purpose of this research was to analyze movement activity ability before and after giving intervention using playing ball (passing and shooting), with time allocation 10 times meeting and 8 times intervention. This research used quantitative approach with the one group pretest posttest design. The subjects were 5 hypoactive autism children. For data analysis this research used statistic non parametric formula of sign test kind and the method of data collection applied observation and test.
From the research result which was then analyzed by using sign test formula, it was obtained that the value of Z counting 1,78 while the value of Z table with critic value 5% one side test was obtained 1,64 so that Z counting 1,78 was greater than Z table1,64 it meant that null hypothesis (Ho) was refused and work hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. In this way it could be concluded that playing ball influenced toward movement activity ability of hypoactive autism childre
Social Emotional Development Program through an Integrative Holistic Approach for Early Autistic Children in Inclusive Kindergarten
Not every child successfully passes the task of social emotional development at an early age so that various obstacles can occur, especially in children with autism. To overcome this problem, a program is needed to help achieve the task of developing the social emotional development of autistic children through an integrative holistic approach. The purpose is to produce a prototype of social emotional development program through an integrative holistic approach that meets valid, practical and effective criteria. Program development in this study uses the Thiagarajan‘s Four-D development model. The result is a prototype program in the form of a book and accompanied by implementation guidelines. The results show that the prototype is valid, feasible, and effective.. Thus, it can be concluded that a social emotional development program through integrative holistic approach is proper to be used
Down syndrome merupakan kelainan kromosomal genetik karena terjadi penambahan kromosom pada kromosom 21, dan adanya gangguan pembelahan kromosom yang disebut non–disjungsi. Kondisi Down Syndrome berdampak pada gangguan perkembangan bahasa. Riset terbaru tahun 2018 menunjukkan data kecacatan sejak lahir anak usia 24 hingga 59 bulan sebanyak 0, 41 persen. Berdasarkan hasil studi pendahuluan, terdapat lima anak downsyndrom dan hanya tiga orang yang memenuhi kriteria permasalahan pada penelitian ini. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui deskripsi kemampuan bahasa anak Down syndrome usia 3 tahun dalam mempersiapkan layanan terapi wicara. Desain dalam penelitian ini yaitu kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif. Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi dan tes. Subjek penelitian ini adalah anak Down Syndrome yang berjumlah tiga orang. Data penelitian ini di analisis secara kuantitatif menggunakan tes kemudian hasilnya dipersentasekan, sedangkan data kualitatifnya dalam bentuk deskirpsi dan narasi dari hasil persentase data kuantitatif. Dari hasil penelitian berdasarkan kuisioner pragmatic ceklist didapatkan respon “tidak ada” sebanyak 40 item, “menggunakan gesture” sebanyak 5 item. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan deskripsi perkembangan kemampuan bahasa pada anak Down syndrome yaitu untuk sindrom bahasa ditemukan kemampuan pre linguistik, bahasa reseptif dan bahasa ekspresif yang tidak setara dengan usia kronologis
Peningkatan Pengetahuan Intervensi Dini (Early Intervention) Bahasa Bicara Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Model Layanan Akomodatif
Modalawal pola penanganan untuk anak berkebutuhan khusus karena memerlukan persiapan yang berbeda dengan anak normal pada umumnya. Melalui deteksi dini dan intervensi dini bahasa bicara anak-anak keberadaan tentang pola perkembangan yang berbeda dan mengarah pada kebutuhan khusus dapat diketahui serta diberikan intervensi dini (earlyintervention) bahasa bicara. Untuk itu perlu di berikan pelatihan bagi guru-guru SLB Muhammadiyah Pauh IX Padang tentang teknik mengidentifikasi dan cara memberikan layanan yang akomodatif terhadapanak berkebutuhan khusus yang menggalami gangguan bahasa bicara.