23,627 research outputs found

    A Comment on Fundamental Strings in M(atrix) Theory

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    We present a solution of M(atrix) theory describing type IIA fundamental string. Our construction is based on the central charge of the longitudinal membrane (= fundamental string), the BPS saturation condition and the relation between M(atrix) theory and supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. The fundamental string corresponds to a photon in supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 11 pages + 2 uuencoded eps figures, LaTeX, errors corrected and arguments generalize

    String junctions on backgrounds with a positively charged orientifold plane

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    By means of the heterotic/type IIB duality, we study properties of junctions on backgrounds with a positively charged orientifold seven-plane and D-branes, which are expected to give seven dimensional Sp(r) gauge theories. We give a modified BPS condition for the junctions and show that it reproduces the adjoint representation of the Sp(r) group.Comment: 16 pages + 3 eps figures, LaTeX, a reference adde

    A nonstandard construction of direct limit group actions

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    Manevitz and Weinberger proved that the existence of faithful KK-Lipschitz Z/nZ\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}-actions implies the existence of faithful KK-Lipschitz Q/Z\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}-actions. The Q/Z\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}-actions were constructed from suitable actions of a sufficiently large hyperfinite cyclic group ∗Z/γ∗Z{}^{\ast}\mathbb{Z}/\gamma{}^{\ast}\mathbb{Z} in the sense of nonstandard analysis. In this paper, we modify their construction, and prove that the existence of Δ\varepsilon-faithful KK-Lipschitz GλG_{\lambda}-actions implies the existence of Δ\varepsilon-faithful KK-Lipschitz lim→⁡Gλ\varinjlim G_{\lambda}-actions. In a similar way, we generalise Manevitz and Weinberger's result to injective direct limits of torsion groups

    Branes in type 0/type II duality

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    We derive relations between type 0 and type II D-brane configurations under the T-duality suggested by Bergman and Gaberdiel and confirm that the massless fields on D-branes are identical to those on the dual D-brane configurations. Furthermore, we discuss dualities of type 0 and type II NS5-branes and find that the dual of an unwrapped type 0 NS5-brane is a Kaluza-Klein monopole with non-supersymmetric blow up modes.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, explanations added, typos correcte

    Supercurrents on Asymmetric Orbifolds

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    We study E8×E8E_8 \times E_8-heterotic string on asymmetric orbifolds associated with semi-simple simply-laced Lie algebras. Using the fact that E6E_6-model allows different twists, we present a new N=1 space-time supersymmetric model whose supercurrent appears from twisted sectors but not untwisted sector.Comment: 7 pages, Latex, KOBE-TH-93-0

    On String Junctions in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    We study junctions consisting of confining strings in N=1 supersymmetric large N gauge theories by means of the gauge/gravity correspondence. We realize these junctions as D-brane configurations in infrared geometries of the Klebanov-Strassler (KS) and the Maldacena-Nunez (MN) solutions. After discussing kinematics associated with the balance of tensions, we compute the energies of baryon vertices numerically. In the KS background, baryon vertices give negative contributions to the energies. The results for the MN background strongly suggest that the energies of baryon vertices exactly vanish, as in the case of supersymmetric (p,q)-string junctions. We find that brane configurations in the MN background have a property similar to the holomorphy of the M-theory realization of (p,q)-string junctions. With the help of this property, we analytically prove the vanishing of the energies of baryon vertices in the MN background.Comment: 33 pages, 16 figures, LaTeX2e; references added, typos correcte

    D-particle creation on an orientifold plane

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    We study the propagations of gravitational wave and D-particle on D6-brane and orientifold 6-plane backgrounds in the M-theory framework. In the case of orientifold plane, D-particle number is not conserved and gravitational wave can convert into D-particle. For the simplest case, we calculate its amplitude numerically.Comment: 10 pages + 3 eps figures, LaTeX, errors corrected and reference adde
