65 research outputs found
Magnetic phase diagram of the S=1/2 triangular layered compound NaNiO2: a single crystal study
Using magnetic torque measurement on a NaNiO2 single crystal, we have
established the magnetic phase diagram of this triangular compound. It presents
5 different phases depending on the temperature (4 K - 300 K) and magnetic
field (0 - 22 T) revealing several spin reorientations coupled to different
magnetic anisotropies
Hall plateaus at magic angles in bismuth beyond the quantum limit
We present a study of the angular dependence of the resistivity tensor up to
35 T in elemental bismuth complemented by torque magnetometry measurements in a
similar configuration. For at least two particular field orientations a few
degrees off the trigonal axis, the Hall resistivity was found to become
field-independent within experimental resolution in a finite field window
corresponding to a field which is roughly three times the frequency of quantum
oscillations. The Hall plateaus rapidly vanish as the field is tilted off
theses magic angles. We identify two distinct particularities of these specific
orientations, which may play a role in the emergence of the Hall plateaus.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
Incomplete devil's staircase in the magnetization curve of SrCu2(BO3)2
We report on NMR and torque measurements on the frustrated
quasi-two-dimensional spin-dimer system SrCu2(BO3)2 in magnetic fields up to 34
T that reveal a sequence of magnetization plateaus at 1/8, 2/15, 1/6, and 1/4
of the saturation and two incommensurate phases below and above the 1/6
plateau. The magnetic structures determined by NMR involve a stripe order of
triplets in all plateaus, suggesting that the incommensurate phases originate
from proliferation of domain walls. We propose that the magnetization process
of SrCu2(BO3)2 is best described as an incomplete devil's staircase.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures (main: 12 pages, 4 figures/supplemental material:
9 pages, 5 figures
Fermi surface of the chiral topological semimetal CoSi
We report a study of the Fermi surface of the chiral semimetal CoSi and its
relationship to a network of multifold topological crossing points,Weyl points,
and topological nodal planes in the electronic band structure. Combining
quantum oscillations in the Hall resistivity, magnetization, and torque
magnetization with ab initio electronic structure calculations, we identify two
groups of Fermi-surface sheets, one centered at the R point and the other
centered at the point. The presence of topological nodal planes at the
Brillouin zone boundary enforces topological protectorates on the Fermi-surface
sheets centered at the R point. In addition, Weyl points exist close to the
Fermi-surface sheets centered at the R and the points. In contrast,
topological crossing points at the R point and the point, which have
been advertised to feature exceptionally large Chern numbers, are located at a
larger distance to the Fermi level. Representing a unique example in which the
multitude of topological band crossings has been shown to form a complex
network, our observations in CoSi highlight the need for detailed numerical
calculations of the Berry curvature at the Fermi level, regardless of the
putative existence and the possible character of topological band crossings in
the band structure
Field-temperature phase diagram and entropy landscape of CeAuSb2
We report a field-temperature phase diagram and an entropy map for the heavy-fermion compound CeAuSb2. CeAuSb2 orders antiferromagnetically below TN=6.6 K and has two metamagnetic transitions, at 2.8 and 5.6 T. The locations of the critical end points of the metamagnetic transitions, which may play a strong role in the putative quantum criticality of CeAuSb2 and related compounds, are identified. The entropy map reveals an apparent entropy balance with Fermi-liquid behavior, implying that above the NĂ©el transition the Ce moments are incorporated into the Fermi liquid. High-field data showing that the magnetic behavior is remarkably anisotropic are also reported
Specific heat of MgB_2 after irradiation
We studied the effect of disorder on the superconducting properties of
polycrystalline MgB_2 by specific-heat measurements. In the pristine state,
these measurements give a bulk confirmation of the presence of two
superconducting gaps with 2 Delta 0 / k_B T_c = 1.3 and 3.9 with nearly equal
weights. The scattering introduced by irradiation suppresses T_c and tends to
average the two gaps although less than predicted by theory. We also found that
by a suitable irradiation process by fast neutrons, a substantial bulk increase
of dH_{c2}/dT at T_c can be obtained without sacrificing more than a few
degrees in T_c. The upper critical field of the sample after irradiation
exceeds 28 T at T goes to 0 K.Comment: 11 pages text, 6 figures, accepted by Journal of Physics: Condensed
Transport anomalies across the quantum limit in semimetallic BiSb
We report on a study of electronic transport in semi-metallic
BiSb. At zero field, the system is a very dilute Fermi liquid
displaying a T resistivity with an enhanced prefactor. Quantum
oscillations in resistivity as well as in Hall, Nernst and Seebeck responses of
the system are detectable and their period quantifies the shrinking of the
Fermi surface with antimony doping. For a field along the trigonal axis, the
quantum limit was found to occur at a field as low as 3T. An ultraquantum
anomaly at twice this field was detected in both charge transport and Nernst
response. Its origin appears to lie beyond the one-particle picture and linked
to unidentified many-body effects.Comment: 5 pages inculding 4 figure
Field-induced compensation of magnetic exchange as the origin of superconductivity above \texorpdfstring{40\,T}{40~T} in \texorpdfstring{\UTe}{UTe2}
The potential spin-triplet heavy-fermion superconductor \UTe exhibits
signatures of multiple distinct superconducting phases. For field aligned along
the axis, a metamagnetic transition occurs at \HmT. It
is associated with magnetic fluctuations that may be beneficial for the
field-enhanced superconductivity surviving up to \Hm. Once the field is tilted
away from the towards the axis, a reentrant superconducting phase
emerges just above \Hm. In order to better understand this remarkably
field-resistant superconducting phase, we conducted magnetic-torque and
magnetotransport measurements in pulsed magnetic fields. We determine the
record-breaking upper critical field of \HcT and its
evolution with angle. Furthermore, the normal-state Hall effect experiences a
drastic suppression indicative of a reduced band polarization above \Hm in the
angular range around caused by a partial compensation between the
applied field and an exchange field. This promotes the Jaccarino-Peter effect
as a possible mechanism for the reentrant superconductivity above \Hm.Comment: Main text: 27 pages, 4 figure, supplement: 10 pages, 5 figure
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