155 research outputs found

    A partial differential equation for pseudocontact shift

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    It is demonstrated that pseudocontact shift (PCS), viewed as a scalar or a tensor field in three dimensions, obeys an elliptic partial differential equation with a source term that depends on the Hessian of the unpaired electron probability density. The equation enables straightforward PCS prediction and analysis in systems with delocalized unpaired electrons, particularly for the nuclei located in their immediate vicinity. It is also shown that the probability density of the unpaired electron may be extracted, using a regularization procedure, from PCS data

    Pseudocontact shifts from mobile spin labels

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    This paper presents a detailed analysis of the pseudocontact shift (PCS) field induced by a mobile spin label that is viewed as a probability density distribution with an associated effective magnetic susceptibility anisotropy. It is demonstrated that non-spherically symmetric density can lead to significant deviations from the commonly used point dipole approximation for the PCS. Analytical and numerical solutions are presented for the general partial differential equation that describes the non-point case. It is also demonstrated that it is possible, with some reasonable approximations, to reconstruct paramagnetic centre probability distributions from the experimental PCS data

    A standard format and a graphical user interface for spin system specification

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    We introduce a simple and general XML format for spin system description that is the result of extensive consultations within Magnetic Resonance community and unifies under one roof all major existing spin interaction specification conventions. The format is human-readable, easy to edit and easy to parse using standard XML libraries. We also describe a graphical user interface that was designed to facilitate construction and visualization of complicated spin systems. The interface is capable of generating input files for several popular spin dynamics simulation packages.Comment: Submitted for publicatio

    Feedback control optimisation of ESR experiments

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    Numerically optimised microwave pulses are used to increase excitation efficiency and modulation depth in electron spin resonance experiments performed on a spectrometer equipped with an arbitrary waveform generator. The optimisation procedure is sample-specific and reminiscent of the magnet shimming process used in the early days of nuclear magnetic resonance -- an objective function (for example, echo integral in a spin echo experiment) is defined and optimised numerically as a function of the pulse waveform vector using noise-resilient gradient-free methods. We found that the resulting shaped microwave pulses achieve higher excitation bandwidth and better echo modulation depth than the pulse shapes used as the initial guess. Although the method is theoretically less sophisticated than simulation based quantum optimal control techniques, it has the advantage of being free of the linear response approximation; rapid electron spin relaxation also means that the optimisation takes only a few seconds. This makes the procedure fast, convenient, and easy to use. An important application of this method is at the final stage of the implementation of theoretically designed pulse shapes: compensation of pulse distortions introduced by the instrument. The performance is illustrated using spin echo and out-of-phase electron spin echo envelope modulation experiments. Interface code between Bruker SpinJet arbitrary waveform generator and Matlab is included in versions 2.2 and later of the Spinach library

    Parallel density matrix propagation in spin dynamics simulations

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    Several methods for density matrix propagation in distributed computing environments, such as clusters and graphics processing units, are proposed and evaluated. It is demonstrated that the large communication overhead associated with each propagation step (two-sided multiplication of the density matrix by an exponential propagator and its conjugate) may be avoided and the simulation recast in a form that requires virtually no inter-thread communication. Good scaling is demonstrated on a 128-core (16 nodes, 8 cores each) cluster.Comment: Submitted for publicatio

    Exact NMR simulation of protein-size spin systems using tensor train formalism

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    We introduce a new method, based on alternating optimization, for compact representation of spin Hamiltonians and solution of linear systems of algebraic equations in the tensor train format. We demonstrate the method's utility by simulating, without approximations, a 15N NMR spectrum of ubiquitin—a protein containing several hundred interacting nuclear spins. Existing simulation algorithms for the spin system and the NMR experiment in question either require significant approximations or scale exponentially with the spin system size. We compare the proposed method to the Spinach package that uses heuristic restricted state space techniques to achieve polynomial complexity scaling. When the spin system topology is close to a linear chain (e.g., for the backbone of a protein), the tensor train representation is more compact and can be computed faster than the sparse representation using restricted state spaces

    Auxiliary matrix formalism for interaction representation transformations, optimal control and spin relaxation theories

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    Auxiliary matrix exponential method is used to derive simple and numerically efficient general expressions for the following, historically rather cumbersome and hard to compute, theoretical methods: (1) average Hamiltonian theory following interaction representation transformations; (2) Bloch-Redfield-Wangsness theory of nuclear and electron relaxation; (3) gradient ascent pulse engineering version of quantum optimal control theory. In the context of spin dynamics, the auxiliary matrix exponential method is more efficient than methods based on matrix factorizations and also exhibits more favourable complexity scaling with the dimension of the Hamiltonian matrix
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