485 research outputs found

    The search for ideal hernia repair; mesh materials and types

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    AbstractHernia surgery continues to draw the attention of surgeons, patients, and the industry. This strong interest has driven the establishment of professional medical societies with the sole purpose of furthering the understanding of hernias and hernia repair. In the more than 100 years of development, industry has played a major role in advancing the technology to perfect the performance of hernia repair with the hope of establishing the "best" technique and its associated technology. However, with the development of newer prosthetics and approaches to hernia repair, many surgeons do not fully understand the properties of the available prosthetics. The goal of this review is to highlight the different types of meshes in an effort to clarify to surgeons what types of materials are available to them and how to select an appropriate one for a given case

    Pengaruh Ukuran Koperasi, Jenis Koperasi Serta Pengalaman Kepengurusan Manajemen terhadap Kualitas Sistem Pengendalian Intern pada Koperasi di Kabupaten Tabanan

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    Cooperatives are a different organization with other businesses, such as BUMN and BUMD or government organizations. The uniqueness of cooperatives is that cooperatives are business units that have multiple identities in which each cooperative member is the owner and user of cooperative services. In order to be able to compete with other financial institutions, the cooperative must be able to determine a policy and strategy that must be developed and improved. One policy that can be taken to assist the development of cooperatives is the effectiveness of management control systems. Internal control is an activity that is influenced by the organization, coordinated methods and provisions to maintain organizational wealth, check accuracy, and reliability of accounting data, to improve business efficiency and encourage compliance with company regulations. The cooperative internal control system is influenced by several factors, namely the size of the cooperative, the type of cooperative, and the management experience of management. This study has the purpose of 1) whether the size of the cooperative influences the quality of the internal control system in cooperatives in Tabanan Regency. 2) whether the type of cooperative influences the quality of the internal control system in cooperatives in Tabanan Regency. 3) whether the management experience affects the quality of the internal control system in cooperatives in Tabanan Regency. This study uses primary data in the form of answers to questionnaires from supervisors and directors of cooperatives in Tabanan district. The sampling technique in this study is purposive sampling technique so that the sample in this study amounted to 35 cooperatives. The analysis technique used to answer the hypothesis is multiple linear regression. The results of the study show that 1) the size of the cooperative has a positive effect on the quality of the internal control system. 2) types of cooperatives have a positive effect on the quality of the internal control system. 3) management management experience has a positive effect on the quality of the internal control system

    Prediction of Upper Body Strength By Using Grip Strength Test in Division II American College Football Players’ Grip Strength

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate if the grip strength could be used to predict upper body strength of college football players through comparing dominant grip strength and upper body strength of col­lege football players. Forty-one Division II National Col­legiate Athletic Association football players (24 defen­sive players and 17 offensive players) participated in the present study. A grip strength dynamometer was used to measure grip strength of football players and the one-repetition maximum (1RM) bench press was used to measure participants’ upper body strength. Each play­er had undergone a minimum of eight weeks of heavy resistance training during the winter off-season con­ditioning program prior to measurement. None of the participants had a serious pre-existing injury that could hinder their performance throughout the study, and participants in the study had the ability to understand and perform bench press and grip strength tests. The Pearson product-moment coefficients of correlation and a simple regression were computed to determine relationship between 1RM bench press and grip strength. One-way analyses of variance (ANOVA) were conducted to test the differences in upper body and grip strength among offensive and defensive college football players and their player positions by using their relative strength. Notably, strength scores were divided by body weights to express bench press and grip strength relative to weight. The results of this study showed that grip strength test did not predict the upper body strength of college foot­ball players when we used the 1RM bench press strength test as a standard test to measure upper body strength of players (ÎČ = .248, p = .118)

    Social Performance vs. Financial Performance: CSR disclosures as an indicator of Social Performance

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    In recent decades, it is gaining more and more dominance in both academic and business life that the company exists for and has responsibilities toward a wider group of stakeholders and it must have some objectives other than profitability. To achieve sustainable development and growth, the companies must assume more duties, which is called the term “corporate social responsibility (CSR).” In the literature, it is questioned whether CSR activities benefit the company or not; whether there is any relationship exists between CSR activities and the company’s financial performance and the direction of the relationship. We aimedto explore that whether there is any effect corporate social performance (CSP) on financial performance and position and vice versa. We performed content analysis through annual reports and derived a social score composed of the items included in disclosure guidelines and some criteria used in CSR ratings. We also used several financial position and financial performance indicators. In order to explore the relationship between CSP and financial indicators, we run panel data regressions. We found significant results for some of the indicators, where some of the indicators gave insignificant results. The reporting of CSR activities is in very low levels. The conscious toward CSR and sustainability must be promoted and the companies must assume more active roles. The reporting of those activities is also important

    Channel Model of Molecular Communication via Diffusion in a Vessel-like Environment Considering a Partially Covering Receiver

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    By considering potential health problems that a fully covering receiver may cause in vessel-like environments, the implementation of a partially covering receiver is needed. To this end, distribution of hitting location of messenger molecules (MM) is analyzed within the context of molecular communication via diffusion with the aim of channel modeling. The distribution of these MMs for a fully covering receiver is analyzed in two parts: angular and radial dimensions. For the angular distribution analysis, the receiver is divided into 180 slices to analyze the mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation of these slices. For the axial distance distribution analysis, Kolmogorov- Smirnov test is applied for different significance levels. Also, two different implementations of the reflection from the vessel surface (i.e., rollback and elastic reflection) are compared and mathematical representation of elastic reflection is given. The results show that MMs have tendency to spread uniformly beyond a certain ratio of the distance to the vessel radius. By utilizing the uniformity, we propose a channel model for the partially covering receiver in vessel-like environments and validate the proposed model by simulations

    Physical and physiological characteristics of baseball trained adolescents

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    The aim of the study is to contrast the physical characteristics of 13-16 years old baseball trained adolescents with the same age sedentary adolescents. Baseball trained adolescents (n=10), who were trained approximately 45 ± 10.67 month, and inactive adolescents (n=14) participated in this research voluntarily. Sit and reach flexibility test, 10-20-30 meter sprint test, active and squat jump tests, hand grip strength test, Wingate anaerobic power test were used to evaluate the physical characteristics of baseball trained adolescents and sedentary adolescents. As a result of the research there is no significant difference between the sedentary adolescents’ and baseball trained adolescents’ age, height, body mass, BMI, body fat percentage and sit-reach flexibility test values. There is a significant difference between the sedentary adolescents’ and baseball trained adolescents’ active and squat jump test, 10-20-30 meter sprint test, left and right hand grip strength test values (p≀0.05). Baseball play trained adolescents’ active and squat jump test, 10-20-30 meter sprint test, left and right hand grip strength test values were found statistically higher than values of sedentary adolescents. Baseball trained adolescents’ absolute peak power and absolute average power were determined higher than sedentary adolescents but no difference was found between the relative peak power, relative average power

    Voxel-based simulation approach for molecular communications via diffusion

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    © . This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Molecular communications via diffusion (MCvD) systems are easily simulated for micro-scale topologies and applications. On the other hand, due to the high path loss, there is a need for the emission of a very large number of molecules to have a detectable signal for the macro-scale topologies. Therefore, the simulation of macro-scale MCvD systems or applications has its own challenges. In this work, a voxel-based simulator for MCvD is proposed and analyzed. The proposed simulator is able to consider a very large amount of molecules since it does not track every molecule, instead it simulates the aggregate behavior. We assess the correctness of such a simulation approach through comparative studies with a particle-based (i.e., per-molecule) simulation. We present the effect of voxel side-length on the modeling accuracy and devise a framework for selecting the optimal voxel side-length for high-accuracy simulations.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    Comparison of Division II College Offensive and Defensive Football Players’ Upper Body Strength Across One Repetition Maximum Test and The NFL‐225 Test

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of predicting actual one repetition maximum (1RM) bench press strength from the National Football League (NFL) 225-test in college football players. Forty-one Division II college football players participated in this study. Participants’ upper body strength scores were expressed relative to body weight and results were compared across both tests. Mayhew et al. equation was used to predict 1RM. A repeated measures ANOVA and one-way ANOVA was used to compare the groups. The present study found that the Mayhew equation overestimated relative upper body strength of college football players, while high degree of reliability was found between the actual 1RM and the NFL-225 tests [Wilks λ =0.43, F (1,40) = 53.07, p =0.000, Eta-squared =0.57] and the correlation between these two tests was very high (r =0.94, p\u3c0.001). The present study also found that defensive players were stronger than offensive players when scores were expressed relative to body weight. The finding of this study indicates that the NFL-225 test’s applicability may not be identical for all college players. This study elucidates some of the difficulties associated with predicting 1RM. However, while it is difficult to predict 1RM, testing using sub-maximal loads are far less time consuming especially when they involve a large number of athletes. The results of this study should facilitate coaches in choosing the most appropriate strength testing procedure for their programs

    Effects of cage systems and feeding time on the morphological structure of female genital organs in pharaoh quails (Coturnix coturnix pharaoh)

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different cage systems and feeding time on female genital organs in 40 pharaoh quails (Coturnix coturnix pharaoh). The birds were randomly divided into 4 treatment groups (2 levels of feeding time × 2-cage system) consisting of 10 quails per treatment. Quails were trained on feeding time (0900 to 1700, or continuous - full day), cage (multiple-bird cage or colony cage) conditions. Body mass, ovary and oviduct mass and their ratio to body mass and oviduct length was measured. Number of follicles was calculated and classified as small, medium and large, based on their diameter. The cage system did not significantly affect reproductive organs, but this was not the case for oviduct length (P<0.01). Feeding time also did not significantly affect follicle numbers, except medium follicle numbers (P<0.05). The medium number of follicles in the full day feeding was more than that of the 0900 to 1700 feeding. Total numbers of follicles in multiple-bird cage were higher than those of colony cage birds

    Effect of receiver shape and volume on the Alzheimer disease for molecular communication via diffusion

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    The work of I. Isik and M. E. Tagluk was supported by the Inonu University Project of Scientific Research Unit (BAP) under the project number FBA-2018-1013. The authors thank HP Turkey section for providing a powerful computer for computational tasks in this study. The work of H.B. Yilmaz is supported by the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) under grant no. 118C274. The work of I. Demirkol was supported by the Spanish Government, MINECO, through project RYC-2013-13029Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
