6 research outputs found


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    Bacteria isolated from ad environment contaminated with heavy metals are very potential as heavy metal bioremediation agents called indigenous bacteria. The purpose of this study was to isolate and identify indigenic bacteria that have the potential as Pb bioremediation agents in agar liquid waste and to analyze the ability of indigenic bacteria in reducing Pb. The research design used Completely Randomized Design (RAL) two factorial with variation of bacteria and eight days of treatment. Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA with Duncan's advanced test. The results showed that there were eight isolates resulting from the isolation of agar liquid waste. The isolates of liquid waste indigen bacteria so that the most potential in reducing Pb were isolated H, E and F. The three isolates were able to reduce Pb in sterile agar liquid waste by 82.6%, 81.3% and 79.3% for eight days of treatment. The identification results using Microbact TM GNB 12A / B / E, 24 Identification Kits showed that H bacterial isolates were Bacillus alvei, E isolates were Bacillus pumilus species and F isolates were Bacillus lichenformis specie


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    White mussel (Corbula faba) is one of the fishery products belonging to the shellfish group. White mussel can be used as processed food. White mussel petis is a processed food that comes from the utilization of leftover boiled white clams mixed with granulated sugar and brown sugar and then boiled until thickened. This study aimed to analyze total plate count bacteria in the home industry for making white mussel paste in Sungikulon village, Pohjentrek, Pasuruan. This study used the total plate count method pouring technique. Analysis total plate count carried out at the Surabaya Health Laboratory Center, by testing six samples of white mussel petis and three repetitions, test data total plate count white mussel petis will be compared with SNI 2718.1:2013 to determine the quality of the sample.The results of this study indicate that the two samples do not meet the SNI 2718.1: 2013 standard, namely the SK1 sample is 82 x 103 and the SK6 sample is 22.9 x 103.. There are four samples whose values ​​are lower than SNI 2718.1: 2013, namely the SK4 sample of 0.01 x 103. SK2 sample of 0.05 x 103. Sample SK3 is 0,11 x 103 and SK5 sample is 0.42 x 103. This means that the quality of the four samples is good

    Bioremediasi Pb Oleh Bakteri Indigen Limbah Cair Agar

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    Bacteria isolated from ad environment contaminated with heavy metals are very potential as heavy metal bioremediation agents called indigenous bacteria. The purpose of this study was to isolate and identify indigenic bacteria that have the potential as Pb bioremediation agents in agar liquid waste and to analyze the ability of indigenic bacteria in reducing Pb. The research design used Completely Randomized Design (RAL) two factorial with variation of bacteria and eight days of treatment. Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA with Duncan's advanced test. The results showed that there were eight isolates resulting from the isolation of agar liquid waste. The isolates of liquid waste indigen bacteria so that the most potential in reducing Pb were isolated H, E and F. The three isolates were able to reduce Pb in sterile agar liquid waste by 82.6%, 81.3% and 79.3% for eight days of treatment. The identification results using Microbact TM GNB 12A / B / E, 24 Identification Kits showed that H bacterial isolates were Bacillus alvei, E isolates were Bacillus pumilus species and F isolates were Bacillus lichenformis specie

    Analisis Angka Lempeng Total Ikan Terasak (Escualosa thoracata) Asin Kering Industri Rumah Tangga di Kecamatan Lekok Kabupaten Pasuruan

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    Ikan terasak banyak diolah oleh warga pesisir sebagai ikan asin. Pengolahan ikan terasak dengan cara pengasinan ini dapat menambah penurunan kadar air dan menghambat pertumbuhan mikroba. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Angka Lempeng Total (ALT) ikan terasak (Escualosa thoracata) asin kering industri rumah tangga di kecamatan Lekok kabupaten Pasuruan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Balai Besar Laboratorium Kesehatan Surabya, desa Wates, desa Jatirejo dan desa Tambak Lekok. Objek yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah ikan tersasak asin kering industri rumah tangga di Kecamatan Lekok. Hasil penelitian yaitu Angka lempeng total Ikan terasak (Escualosa thoracata) asin kering industri rumah tangga di kecamatan Lekok kabupaten Pasuruan yaitu 4 sampel memenuhi standard SNI 8273:2016 tentang ikan asin kering yaitu home industri I desa Tambak Lekok (0,27×105=27000), home industri II Tambak Lekok (0,78×105=78000), home industri II Wates(0,15×105=15000), dan home industri II Jatirejo (0,06×105=6000). Dua sampel yang tidak memenuhi standard SNI 8273:2016 tentang ikan asin kering yaitu home industri I Wates (1,2×105=120000) dan home industri I Jatirejo(3,6×105=360000)

    Karakteristik Kimia Dan Sensori Produk Ikan Terasak (Escualosa Thoracata) Asin Pada Industri Rumah Tangga Di Kecamatan Lekok Kabupaten Pasuruan

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    Tasted fish are small fish that live in the ocean. Tasted fish is managed as a food that is often favored by the community, namely salted tasted fish. Salted fish is a type of food that is very popular with the community. In addition to having a good taste, this food also has a high protein and calcium content so that it can meet the nutritional needs of the community. This study aims to determine the chemical characteristics of salted tasted fish products (Escualosa thoracata) in Lekok District, Pasuruan Regency, and to determine the results of sensory characteristics of salted tasted fish products (Escualosa thoracata) in Lekok District, Pasuruan Regency. The method of data collection in this study was by observing the observed parameters, namely water content, ash content, salt content, and sensory. This research was conducted at the Food Engineering Laboratory, Yudharta University Pasuruan, Food Chemistry & Microbiology Laboratory, Yudharta Pasuruan University and Nutrition Laboratory, Health Nutrition Department, Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University, Surabaya. This research was conducted from April to June 2022. The results of this study are that the chemical characteristics have met the standard of SNI 8273: 2016 except for chemical characteristics (salt content) several home industries have not met the standard of SNI 8273: 2016 Sensory characteristics have met the standard of SNI 8273: 2016 except for sensory characteristics (Textures) that do not meet the standard of SNI 8273: 201