88,111 research outputs found
One-dimensional Kac model of dense amorphous hard spheres
We introduce a new model of hard spheres under confinement for the study of
the glass and jamming transitions. The model is an one-dimensional chain of the
-dimensional boxes each of which contains the same number of hard spheres,
and the particles in the boxes of the ends of the chain are quenched at their
equilibrium positions. We focus on the infinite dimensional limit () of the model and analytically compute the glass transition densities
using the replica liquid theory. From the chain length dependence of the
transition densities, we extract the characteristic length scales at the glass
transition. The divergence of the lengths are characterized by the two
exponents, for the dynamical transition and for the ideal glass
transition, which are consistent with those of the -spin mean-field spin
glass model. We also show that the model is useful for the study of the growing
length scale at the jamming transition.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
Three Dimensional Topological Field Theory induced from Generalized Complex Structure
We construct a three-dimensional topological sigma model which is induced
from a generalized complex structure on a target generalized complex manifold.
This model is constructed from maps from a three-dimensional manifold to an
arbitrary generalized complex manifold . The theory is invariant under the
diffeomorphism on the world volume and the -transformation on the
generalized complex structure. Moreover the model is manifestly invariant under
the mirror symmetry. We derive from this model the Zucchini's two dimensional
topological sigma model with a generalized complex structure as a boundary
action on . As a special case, we obtain three dimensional
realization of a WZ-Poisson manifold.Comment: 18 page
Couplings between a collection of BF models and a set of three-form gauge fields
Consistent interactions that can be added to a free, Abelian gauge theory
comprising a collection of BF models and a set of three-form gauge fields are
constructed from the deformation of the solution to the master equation based
on specific cohomological techniques. Under the hypotheses of smooth, local, PT
invariant, Lorentz covariant, and Poincare invariant interactions, supplemented
with the requirement on the preservation of the number of derivatives on each
field with respect to the free theory, we obtain that the deformation procedure
modifies the Lagrangian action, the gauge transformations as well as the
accompanying algebra.Comment: 17 page
Dressed Quark Propagator at Finite Temperature in the Schwinger-Dyson approach with the Rainbow Approximation - exact numerical solutions and their physical implication
The Schwinger-Dyson equation for the quark in the rainbow approximation at
finite temperature (T) is solved numerically without introducing any ansatz for
the dressed quark propagator. The dymanical quark mass-function and the
wave-function renormalization are found to have non-trivial dependence on
three-momentum, Matsubara-frequency and temperature. The critical temperature
of the chiral phase transition (T_c) and the T-dependence of the quark
condensate are highly affected by the wave-function renormalization. We found
that T_c \simeq 155 MeV which is consistent with the result of the finite
temperature lattice QCD simulation. It is also found that the system is not a
gas of free quarks but a highly interacting system of quarks and gluons even in
the chirally symmetric phase.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, LaTe
How to Solve Quantum Nonlinear Abelian Gauge Theory in Two Dimension in the Heisenberg Picture
The new method based on the operator formalism proposed by Abe and Nakanishi
is applied to the quantum nonlinear abelian gauge theory in two dimension. The
soluble models in this method are extended to wider class of quantum field
theories. We obtain the exact solution in the canonical-quantization operator
formalism in the Heisenberg picture. So this analysis might shed some light on
the analysis of gravitational theory and non-polynomial field theories.Comment: LaTeX, 12 pages, to be published in IJMP
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