35 research outputs found
Studi Evaluasi Perencanaan Perkerasan Jalan Kampung Baru-Pa'kebuan (STA.00+000 – 10+000) Kecamatan Krayan Nunukan Kalimantan Utara
Keadaan jalan pada suatu daerah merupakan suatu ukuran akan keberhasilan pembangunan pada daerah tersebut, bersamaan dengan itu banyak terjadi di pemerintah daerah yang jauh dari pengawasan khususnya daerah perbatasan, menggunakan perencanaan jalan hanya mengambil data dari tahun sebelumnya, maka disini penulis mencoba mengangkat salah satu kegiatan yang ada di suatu daerah, apakah perencanaan kegiatan disana memenuhi persyaratan pembangunan jalan menggunakan metode yang berlaku di Indonesia melalui Departemen Pekerjaan Umum.Metode yang digunakan dalam penyusunan studi ini adalah dengan Metode Analisa Komponen. Adapun langkah-langkah untuk menentukan Tebal Lapis Struktur Perkerasan Jalan tersebut adalah Jalur Rencana, Umur Rencana (UR), Indeks Permukaan (IP), Lalu lintas Harian Rata-rata (LHR), Angka Ekivalen (E), Lintas Ekivalen Permulaan (LEP), Lintas Ekivalen Akhir (LEA), Lintas Ekivalen Tengah (LET), Lintas Ekivalen Rencana (LER), Daya Dukung Tanah (DDT), Faktor Regional (FR), dan Indeks Tebal Perkerasan (ITP). Sedangkan untuk analisa drainasenya sendiri dilakukan dengan mengolah data curah hujan dan menganalisa hidrologi dengan tahapan Pengujian Konsistensi, Perhitungan Hujan dengan Metode Poligon Thiessen, Analisa Dengan Metode Log Person Type III, Analisa Uji Frekwensi, Analisa Debit Rancangan dan Dimensi Saluran.Dari hasil perhitungan Tebal Lapis Perkerasan Jalan dengan tebal lapis permukaan D1 = 5 cm menggunakan Lapen, tebal lapis pondasi atas D2 = 20 cm menggunakan batu pecah kelas A, tebal lapis pondasi bawah D3 = 25 cm menggunakan sirtu kelas B dengan umur rencana 10 tahun,sedangkan konstruksi jalan lama dengan tebal lapis permukaan 5 cm tebal lapis pondasi atas 20 cm dan tebal lapis pondasi bawah 30 cm. Untuk analisa hidrologi dengan pengolahan data curah hujan dari dua buah stasiun penakar hujan yaitu Stasiun Krayan dan Stasiun Krayan Sealatan sehingga diperoleh nilai untuk luas penampang saluran A = 1,1057 m2, keliling aliran air pada salaran P = 2,5595 m, kecepatan aliran air dalam saluran V = 1,9346 m/detik dan debit saluran Q = 2,1391 m3/detik, dimana saluran yang direncanakan adalah salauran dengan bentuk trapesium
Tracing Bugis ethnicity through the existence of yellow-crested cockatoo in Masakambing Island, Indonesia
Masakambing Island has administratively located in the District of Masalembu, Sumenep Regency, East Java province, Indonesia. This island is an endemic habitat for the yellow-crested cockatoo sub-species abbotti (Cacatua sulphurea abbotti). This research aims to discover the history of the people inhabiting Masakambing island and traces of Bugis culture through the existence of the yellow-crested cockatoo. The study was conducted using a qualitative method with an ethnographic design. The study results show that the origin people who inhabited this island were from the Bugis ethnic group. The local name Beka' reflects how the yellow-crested cockatoo is very close to Bugis culture on Masakambing island. Besides, the Bugis ethnic who inhabit Sulawesi island is familiar with the yellow-crested cockatoo, sub-species sulphurea, and djampea. The existence of yellow-crested cockatoos on Masakambing island still triggers questions because the location of Masakambing island is outside the Wallace line, which is not common to find families of parrots such as yellow-crested cockatoos
Meru Betiri National Park was one of the national parks in Indonesia which has the main function as a biodiversity conservation area. An area covering an area of 66,068.55 hectares is under threat from deforestation with the loss of forest cover covering an area of 3,382 hectares or 6.5% of the area, one of which is caused by illegal logging activities. Taking into account this condition, the Meru Betiri National Park Office is taking a preemptive approach through economic empowerment for the households of ex-illegal loggers. The aim of this research is to determine: 1) Household income of ex-illegal loggers, (2) differences in household income of ex-illegal loggers based on their type of income. The location of this research is Sanenrejo Village and Andongrejo Village, Tempurejo District, Jember Regency with 71 respondents from households of ex-illegal loggers. For the first objective of this research, quantitative descriptive analysis was used and for the second objective, the independent sample t test was used. According to the findings of this research, the average household income of ex-illegal loggers is IDR 2,384,823 per month. The household income of ex-illegal loggers from the agricultural and non-agricultural sectors has significant differences. This shows that non-agricultural income sources for ex-illegal loggers households have greater opportunities to be developed while still paying attention to non-agricultural sector income sources
Tracing Bugis ethnicity through the existence of yellow-crested cockatoo in Masakambing Island, Indonesia
Masakambing Island has administratively located in the District of Masalembu, Sumenep Regency, East Java province, Indonesia. This island is an endemic habitat for the yellow-crested cockatoo sub-species abbotti (Cacatua sulphurea abbotti). This research aims to discover the history of the people inhabiting Masakambing island and traces of Bugis culture through the existence of the yellow-crested cockatoo. The study was conducted using a qualitative method with an ethnographic design. The study results show that the origin people who inhabited this island were from the Bugis ethnic group. The local name Beka' reflects how the yellow-crested cockatoo is very close to Bugis culture on Masakambing island. Besides, the Bugis ethnic who inhabit Sulawesi island is familiar with the yellow-crested cockatoo, sub-species sulphurea, and djampea. The existence of yellow-crested cockatoos on Masakambing island still triggers questions because the location of Masakambing island is outside the Wallace line, which is not common to find families of parrots such as yellow-crested cockatoos
Pengaruh Ekowisata Terhadap Peningkatan Pendapatan Masyarakat Lokal Pantai Taman Kili Kili Kabupaten Trenggalek
Pariwisata selayaknya mampu berkontribusi pada perekonomian terutama pada masyarakat lokal sekitar destinasi wisata. Demikian juga ekowisata Pantai Taman Kili Kili yang berstatus Kawasan Ekosistem Esensial (KEE) dengan ekowisata sebagai penunjang eksistensi kawasan. Pengembangan ekowisata seharusnya memberikan dampak positif bagi masyarakat lokal. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan karateristik masyarakat lokal sekitar Pantai Taman Kili Kili dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berpeluang mempengaruhi peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat lokal. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan analisis deskriptif dan analisis jalur. Populasi penelitian adalah masyarakat sekitar ekowisata Pantai Taman Kili Kili dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 50. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pekerjaan yang mendominasi masyarakat ekowisata Pantai Taman Kili Kili adalah petani sawah dan petambak yang tidak berkaitan dengan kegiatan ekowisata dengan pendapatan antara Rp1.600.000 – Rp3.000.000; akomodasi dan penyediaan sarana prasarana ekowisata berpotensi memiliki pengaruh langsung terhadap pendapatan masyarakat. Sedangkan lokasi berkaitan dengan jumlah kunjungan namun berpengaruh tidak langsung terhadap pendapatan masyarakat sekitar. Homestay yang diperuntukkan bagi pengunjung dengan memanfaatkan rumah warga dirasa akan berkontribusi pendapatan masyarakat. Selain itu perlu ada atraksi pendukung seperti jelajah desa yang memiliki potensi atraksi tinggi.Kata kunci : masyarakat, ekowisata, pendapatan, trenggale
PENGEMBANGAN KELEMBAGAAN PEMASARAN GARAM RAKYAT (Studi Kasus di Desa Lembung, Kecamatan Galis, Kabupaten Pamekasan)
This research has aimed to (1) determine institutional and marketing channel; (2) marketing margins and farmer's share, and (3)market integration in the salt marketing. The research is conducted in the village of Lembung, Galis sub-district, Pamekasan regency. Analysis methods of this research are descriptive analysis, marketing analysis, and analysis of market integration. The result of this research shows institution has traditional marketing with 2 marketing channels. They are long channel (through wholesalers) and short channel (without going through wholesalers). If we get information from total margin and amount of farmer’s share, second channel is more efficient than first channel, because total margin of second channel is less than first channel and has more farmer’s share. The value of Integration Market Connection shows salt quality grade 1 and salt quality grade 3 have lower levels of market integration, with IMC value are respectively 1.599, 1.589 (IMC>1). Salt quality grade 2 has a high level of market integration because the value of IMC are -2.383 (IMC<1). Keywords: Development, Marketing, Sal
This research mainly aims to analyze the eligibility of the salt business level, the efficiency techniques level, and the economic efficiency from salt folk production factors. Methods of analysis used are eligibility business method with R/C ratio and analysis of production efficiency with the function of Stochastic Frontier Cobb-Douglas production with frontier program 4.1c and Return to scale test. The result shows that the salt folk business stand on good position or in other word. However, that production factor of salt folk does not efficiencies yet until need to add some input in order to reach whole of efficiency
Perceptions of Masalembu Island Communites on Importance and Threat Values of Small Island Resources
Small islands have the nature of remoteness and vulnerability and commonly occupied by multi-ethnic communities that cause differences in the way they perceive natural resources. This study aimed to find out the communities perceptions on the importance and threat values of resources. This study was conducted through a survey method in Masalembu island, Sumenep Regency, East Java, Indonesia. The data were analyzed using descriptive frequency analysis method. The study shows the resources perceived very important are the sea, mosques and 4 resources with the same score (schools, madrasah, public health centers, and markets). Meanwhile, the top 3 resources that highly threatened are the sea, breakwater, and sand mining. There exists a paradox for marine resources because they are perceived very important and contrastively very threatened at the same time. Comprehensive regulations, programs, and policies are needed in the development related to the sea. In this case, social development, education, health, and economic cannot be ignored. Rehabilitation of mangrove vegetation should be encouraged in ex-mining and abrasion areas, taking roles asbreakwateras well as a means to increase the wealth of marine and coastal resources
The Role of Social Capital on Salt Small holder Society of Madura Indonesia in Land Certification Ownership
Salt land as most important unit on salt production needs legal certainty in the form of certificate..