3,602 research outputs found

    Implementation and Performance of the tau trigger in the ATLAS experiment

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    Triggering on hadronic taus at the LHC is a difficult task due to the high rate and occupancy of the events. On the other hand, the tau trigger increases the discovery potential of ATLAS in many physics channels, among others the Standard Model or SuperSymmetric Higgs (charged or neutrals) production. In order to cope with the rate and optimize the efficiency on important physics channels, the results of the current simulation studies indicate that the ATLAS tau trigger should be used either with relatively high transverse momentum thresholds alone, or with more relaxed threshold requirements in combination with other triggers, like the missing transverse energy trigger or a leptonic or jet trigger. In this contribution we describe the ATLAS tau trigger, and we present some of the current results from the simulation studies, focusing both on early physics and on physics at high luminosity

    Determination of the Michel Parameters rho, xi, and delta in tau-Lepton Decays with tau --> rho nu Tags

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    Using the ARGUS detector at the e+ee^+ e^- storage ring DORIS II, we have measured the Michel parameters ρ\rho, ξ\xi, and ξδ\xi\delta for τ±l±ννˉ\tau^{\pm}\to l^{\pm} \nu\bar\nu decays in τ\tau-pair events produced at center of mass energies in the region of the Υ\Upsilon resonances. Using τρν\tau^\mp \to \rho^\mp \nu as spin analyzing tags, we find ρe=0.68±0.04±0.08\rho_{e}=0.68\pm 0.04 \pm 0.08, ξe=1.12±0.20±0.09\xi_{e}= 1.12 \pm 0.20 \pm 0.09, ξδe=0.57±0.14±0.07\xi\delta_{e}= 0.57 \pm 0.14 \pm 0.07, ρμ=0.69±0.06±0.08\rho_{\mu}= 0.69 \pm 0.06 \pm 0.08, ξμ=1.25±0.27±0.14\xi_{\mu}= 1.25 \pm 0.27 \pm 0.14 and ξδμ=0.72±0.18±0.10\xi\delta_{\mu}= 0.72 \pm 0.18 \pm 0.10. In addition, we report the combined ARGUS results on ρ\rho, ξ\xi, and ξδ\xi\delta using this work und previous measurements.Comment: 10 pages, well formatted postscript can be found at http://pktw06.phy.tu-dresden.de/iktp/pub/desy97-194.p

    The Discovery Potential of a Super B Factory

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    The Proceedings of the 2003 SLAC Workshops on flavor physics with a high luminosity asymmetric e+e- collider. The sensitivity of flavor physics to physics beyond the Standard Model is addressed in detail, in the context of the improvement of experimental measurements and theoretical calculations.Comment: 476 pages. Printed copies may be obtained by request to [email protected] . arXiv admin note: v2 appears to be identical to v

    Open and Hidden Charm Production in 920 GeV Proton-Nucleus Collisions

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    The HERA-B collaboration has studied the production of charmonium and open charm states in collisions of 920 GeV protons with wire targets of different materials. The acceptance of the HERA-B spectrometer covers negative values of xF up to xF=-0.3 and a broad range in transverse momentum from 0.0 to 4.8 GeV/c. The studies presented in this paper include J/psi differential distributions and the suppression of J/psi production in nuclear media. Furthermore, production cross sections and cross section ratios for open charm mesons are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 9 figures, to be published in the proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Hyperons, Charm & Beauty Hadrons (BEACH04), Chicago, IL, June 27 - July 3, 200

    Search for the Flavor-Changing Neutral Current Decay D0μ+μD^0 \to \mu^+\mu^- with the HERA-B Detector

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    We report on a search for the flavor-changing neutral current decay D0μ+μD^0 \to \mu^+\mu^- using 50×10650 \times 10^6 events recorded with a dimuon trigger in interactions of 920 GeV protons with nuclei by the HERA-B experiment. We find no evidence for such decays and set a 90% confidence level upper limit on the branching fraction Br(D0μ+μ)<2.0×106Br(D^0 \to \mu^+\mu^-) <2.0 \times 10^{-6}.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures (of which 1 double), paper to be submitted to Physics Letters

    Inclusive V0V^0 Production Cross Sections from 920 GeV Fixed Target Proton-Nucleus Collisions

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    Inclusive differential cross sections dσpA/dxFd\sigma_{pA}/dx_F and dσpA/dpt2d\sigma_{pA}/dp_t^2 for the production of \kzeros, \lambdazero, and \antilambda particles are measured at HERA in proton-induced reactions on C, Al, Ti, and W targets. The incident beam energy is 920 GeV, corresponding to s=41.6\sqrt {s} = 41.6 GeV in the proton-nucleon system. The ratios of differential cross sections \rklpa and \rllpa are measured to be 6.2±0.56.2\pm 0.5 and 0.66±0.070.66\pm 0.07, respectively, for \xf 0.06\approx-0.06. No significant dependence upon the target material is observed. Within errors, the slopes of the transverse momentum distributions dσpA/dpt2d\sigma_{pA}/dp_t^2 also show no significant dependence upon the target material. The dependence of the extrapolated total cross sections σpA\sigma_{pA} on the atomic mass AA of the target material is discussed, and the deduced cross sections per nucleon σpN\sigma_{pN} are compared with results obtained at other energies.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, 5 table

    Measurement of the production of a W boson in association with a charm quark in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector