18 research outputs found


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    The construction of European Monetary Union has raised several questions about the existence of a common business cycle, a European one. The lack of cyclical synchronization would complicate the monetary and fiscal policies in the Union, being a negativeEuropean business cycle, correlation, synchronization of business cycles


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    The structural changes that have occurred over the last decades in the highly developed countries have had direct repercussions on the ways of participating to the global labor division. The principle of labor division will be renewed. It will evolve fro

    Agritourism, one of the main factors in sustainable rural development in NE region

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    The paper describes the steps in projection of agri-tourism activity and presents several issues and opportunities that show the importance of agri-tourism activity as source of improvement the income of agricultural households. The aim of the paper is to present a general overview of the tourism in NE Region area regarding the tourist development, to show how the physical and economic-geographical factors were blended, to emphasize the geographical landscape evolution as a result of the interaction of the genetic factors, to highlight the positive and negative action of the human and tourism on the natural frame and to propose measures for systematization of the territory from the NE Region. The paper has a strongly pronounced conceptual, methodological character, contains arguments in favour of development of tourism; it has practical information for experts, for travelling companies and for development of positive image of Romania in the world; it contains a number of conclusions and recommendations for the development of tourism in NE region of Romania as a component part of European tourism. The main aim is to have tourism marketing alternatives in tourism activity regarding the objectives, targets and marketing mix programs. In this paper we started from the premise that national and international tourism is a real chance of recovery sustainable economic growth, development of market economy in Romania and the achievement of EU integration program. We gave priority to special study of tourism development in this region of the country, transcending traditional boundaries, considering that our integration trends have increased chances when ordered border barriers are overcome. From the perspective of rural tourism and agri-tourism, NE region is of particular interest as it combines cultural and landscape qualities to be valued and protected. Thez are considered strategic points aimed at creating more attractions scattered in the region to attract tourists sensitive to culture and to promote the area properly. The strategy of tourism development, developed by us in the paper, aimed at maintaining a number of tourists allowed social and environmental limits, the creation of attractive tours covering entire area, an adequate promotion of the area. This paper attempts to highlight the region's agri- potential components of NE, in the current national and international context, when we became more and more aware that tourism should be turning the rural heritage of the Romanian village - mountain and sub-mountainous, unaltered and located in an unpolluted environment. Steps taken by our analysis shows that the level of detail can be in the multitude of economic and agricultural activities to ensure optimum exploitation of the potential

    Dynamics and optimal size projection of agricultural structures for NE region after EU integration

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    The analysis of agricultural structures and projection optimal size is a necessity in rural areas of prime importance for the Romanian agriculture, both as a theoretical issue and practical implications of this phenomenon, regarding the current state of agriculture in the NE region and increased plots properties. The problem of determining optimal land structures is present in Romania, even after seventh land reform, when instead of merged land mass; it was sprayed, under the concept of constitution and reconstitution of the property in about 48 million parcels. In addition, it appears that households made (according to Law 18/1991, from 0.5 to 10 ha on average 2.5 ha) is unsustainable. Creating viable farms with medium size, after model and methods from Western European countries, in Romania is more difficult because there was the "tradition" that every land reform have mission to destroy accumulation of land, as happened particularly in land reform in 1945 (which destroyed large and medium reservoirs farms), land reform for cooperatives from 1949 to 1962 (which destroyed reservoirs farms) and finally the land reform of 1990 to 1991 (which destroyed the collections made in the agricultural cooperatives and inter-cooperative associations)

    Impactul mutatiilor tehnologice contemporane asupra specializarii internationale

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    Global economy has been marked by ever more dynamic changes in the volume and structure of international economic flows and of world economy in general. Due to these changes, only the countries that successfully adjust to the modern international specialisation framework are particularly favoured. The development of new technologies involves an essential change of the principle of division of labour not only within companies, between them but also among national economies. This principle has been shifting from a technically- and output-based logic to one primarily focusing on competence and knowledge.international specialisation, economic flows, globalisation


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    We establish that the European Union is facing severe ecological problems, by analysing the ecological footprint of selected member states. Many of these problems are related to carbon and carbon equivalent emissions, some of which are generated by fossil fuel power plants. It is then shown that the European Union has potential in the solar power renewable energy sector. Finally, we calculate roughly how much land would be necessary in order to replace fossil fuel power plants, as well as nuclear plants, which are largely seen as environmentally dangerous. It is concluded that developing this alternative energy sector would help improve the ecological sustainability of the Union, by diminishing a significant part of its carbon footprint


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    The construction of European Monetary Union has raised several questions about the existence of a common business cycle, a European one. The lack of cyclical synchronization would complicate the monetary and fiscal policies in the Union, being a negativ

    The Current Economic Crisis And Its Implications On The World Economy

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    The evolution of the world economy is a sinuous one, periods of prosperity and economic growth alternating with decline and recessions. Despite the acceptance of this reality, the outbreak of eco-nomic crises as turning points in economic activity, always raise questions that have been given various answers. In recent decades the world economy experienced a series of severe financial and banking crisis, which through growing interdependences between countries had seriously put into dis-cussion the global stability. However, the current economic crisis is by far the most serious in the light of both its amplitude, but mainly by the negative effects on the world economy.Economic crisis, housing credit, monetary expansion, world economy.


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    The paper aims to analyze the new realities and trends related to the new polarity of the global economy, and thus the reconfiguration of global power centers, a process characterized by two simultaneous trends: the rise of new powers and the relative decline of traditional powers. At the beginning of 21st century, global power is suffering two major changes: on the one hand it manifests a transition from West to East, from Atlantic to the Asia-Pacific, and on the other hand, a diffusion from state to non-state actors. Current global economic power has a multipolar distribution, shared between the United States, European Union, Japan and BRICs, with no balance of power between these poles, opposed by the strong ambition of rising countries, China especially, China that rivals the traditional powers represented by the developed countries. The evolution of the main macroeconomic indicators given by the most important global organizations, shows a gradual transition towards a multipolar world. Therefore, the United States is and will remain for a long period of time the global economic leader. However, as China, India and Brazil are growing rapidly, and Russia is looking for lost status, the world is becoming multipolar


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    The article performs a comparative analysis between the European Union member states from Central and Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Romania) in terms of real economic convergence with the Euro area. Specifically, the paper emphasizes the assessment of the time required to catch up with the average level of GDP per capita in the euro area. To determine these developments, we use a system of chain indices, calculated based on the growth rate of the GDP per capita. Assuming that the average growth specific to the period 1999-2014 will continue in the future, the results illustrate that the shortest period of catching up belongs to Poland, while Croatia remains by far the most distant country from the euro area