78 research outputs found
The objective of the study is to reveal the types of errors made by students in transforming direct to indirect speech in the form of statements. Furthermore, it attempts to find out the kind of errors that the students do most. To achieve the objectives of the study, the writer conducted a field research in which a test of grammar was administered. Then she did the library research in order to find some books and references that were related to error analysis and grammar. The subjects of the study were the second grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Peusangan. There were 295 students from which 34 students were taken as the sample. With the intention of drawing representative sample, simple random sampling was applied. The data were in the form of students’ scores on the tests. The data shows that the students made errors on the selection of appropriate tenses, pronouns, and adverb of time. The most errors they made were in changing pronoun. In line with the result of the research, the writer suggested that to improve the students’ ability in transforming direct to indirect speech, students have to learn more about pronoun, tenses, and adverb of time in turning direct to indirect speech. Additionally, it is essential to the teacher to know that choosing the appropriate pronoun is still hard for the students, so that they have to find a new way to improve it
Banda Aceh City is in the special condition caused by the tsunami in which some children do not only lose their parents but also siblings, become victims, lose their residence because they were also destroyed by the tsunami, so that they have to live in refugee camps. For these children, guardians are needed to take care of and be responsible for the continuity of the children’s lives in fulfilling their needs. Based on that situation, the problems which arise are, then: How does the implementation of the Custody Establishment for children victims of tsunami by the Sharia Court of Banda Aceh City? What are the obstacles faced in implementing the custody establishment referred to and what are the legal consequences? And what are the efforts made to overcome these obstacles? The data collection in this research is obtained through literature study and field research. The data obtained are analyzed using a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis method. The Custody Establishment is doen through Sharia Court decision based on the petitions which meet the specified requirements. In the implementation of post-tsunami custody establishment, the establishment was decided by a single judge because of the circumstances at the time, but after the situation is better, the judge is, then, the panel of judges. The legal consequences of the establishment are the responsibilities of the guardians to the children and the properties of the children under their custody. The efforts made are settling the custody petition that the court has got using existing facilities, and holding seminars or dialogues that discuss the need for rules regarding the supervision of children and the properties of the children who are under custody.Key words: Sharia Court of Banda Aceh, Victims of Tsunami, Custody Establishmen
Echinoidea (Phylum Echinodermata) is an aquatic biota that has economic value both economic and ecologic. Echinoidea has the characteristics of thorns which can be used as one of the characters in identification and classification. One of classify Echinoidea is to use the numerical-phenetic method. This method was groups each species according to the morphological similarities observed and account. This study aims to determine the types of Echinoidea and its important to grouping because it has important economic value in the fisheries sector and in conducting the data collection of Echinoidea biodiversity. This study used 7 species of Echinoidea namely Tripneustes sp., Euchinotrix sp., Euchinometra sp., Diadema sp., Stomopneustes sp., Heterocentrotus sp., and Colobocentrotus sp. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Analysis data used MVSV 3.1 application for similarity matrix (Simple Matching Coefficient and Jacard Coefficient) and dendogram. The results showed thorns as a characteristic in the classification of Echinoidea. Echinoidea classification shows two groups that have the highest value, namely Euchinotrix sp., And Diadema sp with 80% similarity value and Colobocentrotus sp with Echinometra, sp which is 76% (Simple Matching Coefficient). Whereas based on Jacard Coefficient the two groups have the same similarity value of 53%. Keywords: numeric-fenetic, echinoidea, similarityÂ
Using Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition to Teach Writing
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of the use of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) technique in teaching writing to the second grade students at a junior high school in Muara Batu, North Aceh. An experimental design was used in this study and the data was collected through tests as the instrument. Two classes of the second grade were taken as the sample for this study. The experimental class (EC) had 28 students and there were 30 students in the control class (CC). The findings showed that using CIRC technique positively affected the writing scores of the students. The students in EC got higher writing scores (x ̅ = 85.75) than those of the students in CC (x ̅ =72.267). Furthermore, students’ writing ability in both classes was different as indicated by the t-test. The result from t-test was 5.08. Whilst the result from t-table at the level of significance 5% (α = 0.05) was 2,012. Thus the t-test result is higher than t-table (5.08 2.00654). Thus, it can be concluded that the students who were taught through CIRC got better results in writing than those who were taught through the conventional individual writing activity method
ABSTRAKPeunayong merupakan salah satu kawasan heritage yang ada di kota Banda Aceh dan saat ini terus mengalami penurunan vitalitas. Sebagai Kota Madani, Banda Aceh diharapkan mampu menangani persoalan ini secara bijak dengan tetap berpegang pada nilai-nilai keislaman. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini ingin mengkaji bagaimana kondisi eksisting kawasan konservasi Peunayong ditinjau dalam penerapan konsep Kota Madani serta bagaimana upaya konservasinya dengan pendekatan teori konservasi Islam dari perspektif para ahli. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah penilitian kualitatif deskriptif dimana data diperoleh melalui observasi langsung ke lapangan, wawancara dengan para ahli dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi kawasan konservasi Peunayong masih sangat jauh dari indikator kota madani. Strategi konservasi berbasis semangat madani merupakan langkah yang tepat untuk mengatasi hal ini sehingga kawasan konservasi Peunayong dapat dilestarikan dengan baik tanpa mengabaikan konsep keislaman.Kata Kunci : Konservasi, Kota Madani, Pecinan, Isla
In line with information and communication technology development, foreign-language teachers should prepare more exciting ways to enhance students’ motivation in learning foreign language. One of the innovative media is Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) projector. Thus this article aims to find out and to describe students’ perception on Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) projector in learning English Foreign Language (EFL). This research conducted for the second year students of SMA Negeri 1 Bireuen in academic year 2018/2019 with total population 331 students and 90 of them were the sample. This was a qualitative descriptive research, and questionnaire was used as the instrument to obtain the data. Moreover, the simple calculation of descriptive statistics was used in analyzing the data, such as mean and percentage. The result revealed that the availability of Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) projector in EFL classroom built a more conducive and vivid learning atmosphere, so the students’ motivation was also improved
Prinsip Pelimpahan Kewenangan Kepada Ulil Amri dalam Penentuan Hukuman Ta’zir, Macamnya dan Tujuannya
Prinsip pelimpahan kewenangan juga dikenal dalam Hukum Islam yaitu pelimpahan kewenangan yang diberikan oleh Allah kepada manusia sebagai khalifah di bumi atau kepada ulil amri. Salah satu kewenangan itu adalah untuk penentuan hukuman ta’zir. Penguasa dapat menentukan bentuk hukuman yang menurutnya sesuai dengan kejahatan yang dilakukan dan bisa memberi efek jera, dengan memperhatikan keaadaan individu yang bersangkutan, ruang, waktu dan perkembangan yang ada. Bagaimanakah bentuk kewenangan yang diberikan, bagimanakah jarimah dan macam-macam ta’zir yang diberikan dan apakah tujuan penentuan Hukuman ta’zir tersebut, hal ini memerlukan kajian yang mendalam, agar tidak salah dipahami. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pelimpahan kewenangan kepada ulil amri dalam melakukan penentuan hukuman ta’zir, Apa saja kriteria sehingga suatu jarimah dapat dijatuhkan ta’zir, macam-macam ta’zir, serta menjelaskan tujuan penentuan hukuman ta’zir tersebut. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan dengan cara mentelaah bahan-bahan atau literatur yang ada berupa buku-buku, kitab-kitab, dan bahan yang berasal dari media lain yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan yang ada
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