8,091 research outputs found
Quantum Dynamics of a Bulk-Boundary System
The quantum dynamics of a bulk-boundary theory is closely examined by the use
of the background field method. As an example we take the Mirabelli-Peskin
model, which is composed of 5D super Yang-Mills (bulk) and 4D Wess-Zumino
(boundary). Singular interaction terms play an important role of canceling the
divergences coming from the KK-mode sum. Some new regularization of the
momentum integral is proposed. An interesting background configuration of
scalar fields is found. It is a localized solution of the field equation. In
this process of the vacuum search, we present a new treatment of the vacuum
with respect to the extra coordinate. The "supersymmetric" effective potential
is obtained at the 1-loop full (w.r.t. the coupling) level. This is the
bulk-boundary generalization of the Coleman-Weinberg's case. Renormalization
group analysis is done where the correct 4d result is reproduced. The Casimir
energy is calculated and is compared with the case of the Kaluza-Klein model.Comment: 57 pages,10 figures, final version
CP-Violation in Kaluza-Klein and Randall-Sundrum Theories
The Kaluza-Klein theory and Randall-Sundrum theory are examined
comparatively, with focus on the five dimensional (Dirac) fermion and the
dimensional reduction to four dimensions. They are treated in the Cartan
formalism. The chiral property, localization, anomaly phenomena are examined.
The electric and magnetic dipole moment terms naturally appear. The order
estimation of the couplings is done. This is a possible origin of the
CP-violation.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of the Fifth KEK Topical Conference
-Frontiers in Flavor Physics
Casimir Energy of the Universe and the Dark Energy Problem
We regard the Casimir energy of the universe as the main contribution to the
cosmological constant. Using 5 dimensional models of the universe, the flat
model and the warped one, we calculate Casimir energy. Introducing the new
regularization, called {\it sphere lattice regularization}, we solve the
divergence problem. The regularization utilizes the closed-string
configuration. We consider 4 different approaches: 1) restriction of the
integral region (Randall-Schwartz), 2) method of 1) using the minimal area
surfaces, 3) introducing the weight function, 4) {\it generalized
path-integral}. We claim the 5 dimensional field theories are quantized
properly and all divergences are renormalized. At present, it is explicitly
demonstrated in the numerical way, not in the analytical way. The
renormalization-group function (\be-function) is explicitly obtained. The
renormalization-group flow of the cosmological constant is concretely obtained.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, Proceedings of DSU2011(2011.9.26-30,Beijin
Weak Field Expansion of Gravity: Graphs, Matrices and Topology
We present some approaches to the perturbative analysis of the classical and
quantum gravity. First we introduce a graphical representation for a global
SO(n) tensor (\pl)^d h_\ab, which generally appears in the weak field
expansion around the flat space: g_\mn=\del_\mn+h_\mn. Making use of this
representation, we explain 1) Generating function of graphs (Feynman diagram
approach), 2) Adjacency matrix (Matrix approach), 3) Graphical classification
in terms of "topology indices" (Topology approach), 4) The Young tableau
(Symmetric group approach). We systematically construct the global SO(n)
invariants. How to show the independence and completeness of those invariants
is the main theme. We explain it taking simple examples of \pl\pl h-, {and}
(\pl\pl h)^2- invariants in the text. The results are applied to the analysis
of the independence of general invariants and (the leading order of) the Weyl
anomalies of scalar-gravity theories in "diverse" dimensions (2,4,6,8,10
dimensions).Comment: 41pages, 26 figures, Latex, epsf.st
Casimir Energy of 5D Electro-Magnetism and Sphere Lattice Regularization
Casimir energy is calculated in the 5D warped system. It is compared with the
flat one. The position/ momentum propagator is exploited. A new regularization,
called {\it sphere lattice regularization}, is introduced. It is a direct
realization of the geometrical interpretation of the renormalization group. The
regularized configuration is closed-string like. We do {\it not} take the
KK-expansion approach. Instead the P/M propagator is exploited, combined with
the heat-kernel method. All expressions are closed-form (not KK-expanded form).
Rigorous quantities are only treated (non-perturbative treatment). The properly
regularized form of Casimir energy, is expressed in the closed form. We
numerically evaluate its \La(4D UV-cutoff), \om(5D bulk curvature,
warpedness parameter) and (extra space IR parameter) dependence.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of WS "Prog. String th. and
QFT"(Osaka City Univ., 07.12.7-10
New Approach to Cosmological Fluctuation using the Background Field Method and CMB Power Spectrum
A new field theory formulation is presented for the analysis of the CMB power
spectrum distribution in the cosmology. The background-field formalism is fully
used. Stimulated by the recent idea of the {\it emergent} gravity, the
gravitational (metric) field g_\mn is not taken as the quantum-field, but as
the background field. The statistical fluctuation effect of the metric field is
taken into account by the path (hyper-surface)-integral over the space-time.
Using a simple scalar model on the curved (dS) space-time, we explain the
above things with the following additional points: 1) Clear separate treatment
of the classical effect, the statistical effect and the quantum effect; 2) The
cosmological fluctuation comes not from the 'quantum' gravity but from the
unkown 'microscopic' movement; 3) IR parameter () is introduced for the
time axis as the periodicity. Time reversal(Z)-symmetry is introduced in
order to treat the problem separately with respect to the Z parity. This
procedure much helps both UV and IR regularization to work well.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Presentation at
APPC12(Makuhari,Chiba,Japan,2013.7.14-19), JPS Conference Proceedings (in
Brane-Anti-Brane Solution and SUSY Effective Potential in Five Dimensional Mirabelli-Peskin Model
A localized configuration is found in the 5D bulk-boundary theory on an
orbifold model of Mirabelli-Peskin. A bulk scalar and the extra
(fifth) component of the bulk vector constitute the configuration. \Ncal=1
SUSY is preserved. The effective potential of the SUSY theory is obtained using
the background field method. The vacuum is treated in a general way by allowing
its dependence on the extra coordinate. Taking into account the {\it
supersymmetric boundary condition}, the 1-loop full potential is obtained. The
scalar-loop contribution to the Casimir energy is also obtained. Especially we
find a {\it new} type which depends on the brane configuration parameters
besides the periodicity parameter.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, Some points are improve
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