30 research outputs found
Posterior distributions of random intercepts conditional on the data related to School 47 in the education dataset.
<p>Left panels assume independence across the two dimensions while right panels assume dependence. Top panels for the joint distribution of the random intercepts, middle panels for the joint distribution of random intercept in first dimension and random slope in the second dimension, bottom panels for the joint distribution of the random slopes.</p
Hierarchical cluster tree on malaria-related proteins.
<p>Hierarchical cluster tree on malaria-related proteins.</p
Variables present in the analyzed dataset.
<p>Variables present in the analyzed dataset.</p
Modeling of covariates on post-test achievement in language and arithmetic from [79].
<p>Modeling of covariates on post-test achievement in language and arithmetic from [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0159649#pone.0159649.ref079" target="_blank">79</a>].</p
Empirical analysis of the asymptotic distribution of the LR statistic <i>S</i> under <i>H</i><sub>0</sub>, using longitudinal data sets (200 replications) with size <i>N</i> β {50, 100, 150, 200, β¦, 2000} coming from <i>n</i> β {10, 20, 30, β¦, 400} subjects.
<p>An asymptotic distribution of <i>Ο</i><sup>2</sup>(4) is assumed and the type I error (at log10 scale) is ploted against the total number of observations of the data set that has served to compute the LR statistic <i>S</i>. The blue curve is obtained by applying the empirical Bartlett correction to <i>S</i> and the red curve is obtained without correction. The horizontal dashed lines represent the significance levels of 5% and 10%, respectively.</p
Empirical analysis of the power of the correlation test.
<p>AUC values of ROC curves with their confidence interval computed for different <i>Ο</i>, number of subjects (<i>n</i>) and observations (<i>N</i>). Left panel for <i>N</i> = 600, <i>n</i> = 50, 60, 100. Right panel for <i>N</i> = 3000, <i>n</i> = 50, 100, 300.</p
Results of the model with random intercepts only.
<p>Results of the model with random intercepts only.</p
Estimated fixed effects and residual standard deviations in the joint bivariate model fitted to school data.
<p>Estimated fixed effects and residual standard deviations in the joint bivariate model fitted to school data.</p
Comparative table of true values of parameters and estimates based on 1000 replications using true values of parameters.
<p>Comparative table of true values of parameters and estimates based on 1000 replications using true values of parameters.</p