646 research outputs found

    Interesting Eigenvectors of the Fourier Transform

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    It is well known that a function can be decomposed uniquely into the sum of an odd and an even function. This notion can be extended to the unique decomposition into the sum of four functions – two of which are even and two odd. These four functions are eigenvectors of the Fourier Transform with four different eigenvalues. That is, the Fourier transformof each of the four components is simply that component multiplied by the corresponding eigenvalue. Some eigenvectors of the discrete Fourier transform of particular interest find application in coding, communication and imaging. Some of the underlying mathematics goes back to the times of Carl Friedrich Gauss

    The cylindrical Fourier transform

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    In this paper we devise a so-called cylindrical Fourier transform within the Clifford analysis context. The idea is the following: for a fixed vector in the image space the level surfaces of the traditional Fourier kernel are planes perpendicular to that fixed vector. For this Fourier kernel we now substitute a new Clifford-Fourier kernel such that, again for a fixed vector in the image space, its phase is constant on co-axial cylinders w.r.t. that fixed vector. The point is that when restricting to dimension two this new cylindrical Fourier transform coincides with the earlier introduced Clifford-Fourier transform.We are now faced with the following situation: in dimension greater than two we have a first Clifford-Fourier transform with elegant properties but no kernel in closed form, and a second cylindrical one with a kernel in closed form but more complicated calculation formulae. In dimension two both transforms coincide. The paper concludes with the calculation of the cylindrical Fourier spectrum of an L2-basis consisting of generalized Clifford-Hermite functions

    On the construction of local fields in the bulk of AdS_5 and other spaces

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    In the Poincare patch of Minkovski AdS_5 we explicitly construct local bulk fields from the boundary operators, to leading order in 1/N. We also construct the Green's function implicitly defined by this procedure. We generalize the construction of local fields for near horizon geometries of Dp branes. We try to expand the procedure to the interacting case, with partial success.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    Cooperative spectrum sensing with secondary user selection for cognitive radio networks over Nakagami-m fading channels

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    This paper investigates cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) in cognitive wireless radio networks (CWRNs). A practical system is considered where all channels experience Nakagami-mm fading and suffer from background noise. The realisation of the CSS can follow two approaches where the final spectrum decision is based on either only the global decision at fusion centre (FC) or both decisions from the FC and secondary user (SU). By deriving closed-form expressions and bounds of missed detection probability (MDP) and false alarm probability (FAP), we are able to not only demonstrate the impacts of the mm-parameter on the sensing performance but also evaluate and compare the effectiveness of the two CSS schemes with respect to various fading parameters and the number of SUs. It is interestingly noticed that a smaller number of SUs could be selected to achieve the lower bound of the MDP rather using all the available SUs while still maintaining a low FAP. As a second contribution, we propose a secondary user selection algorithm for the CSS to find the optimised number of SUs for lower complexity and reduced power consumption. Finally, numerical results are provided to demonstrate the findings

    Infinite slabs and other weird plane symmetric space-times with constant positive density

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    We present the exact solution of Einstein's equation corresponding to a static and plane symmetric distribution of matter with constant positive density located below z=0z=0. This solution depends essentially on two constants: the density ρ\rho and a parameter Îș\kappa. We show that this space-time finishes down below at an inner singularity at finite depth. We match this solution to the vacuum one and compute the external gravitational field in terms of slab's parameters. Depending on the value of Îș\kappa, these slabs can be attractive, repulsive or neutral. In the first case, the space-time also finishes up above at another singularity. In the other cases, they turn out to be semi-infinite and asymptotically flat when z→∞z\to\infty. We also find solutions consisting of joining an attractive slab and a repulsive one, and two neutral ones. We also discuss how to assemble a "gravitational capacitor" by inserting a slice of vacuum between two such slabs.Comment: 8 page

    On rolling, tunneling and decaying in some large N vector models

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    Various aspects of time-dependent processes are studied within the large N approximation of O(N) vector models in three dimensions. These include the rolling of fields, the tunneling and decay of vacua. We present an exact solution for the quantum conformal case and find a solution for more general potentials when the total change of the value of the field is small. Characteristic times are found to be shorter when the time dependence of the field is taken into account in constructing the exact large N effective potentials. We show that the different approximations yield the same answers in the regions of the overlap of the validity. A numerical solution of this potential reveals a tunneling in which the bubble that separates the true vacuum from the false one is thick

    Exact String Solutions in 2+1-Dimensional De Sitter Spacetime

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    Exact and explicit string solutions in de Sitter spacetime are found. (Here, the string equations reduce to a sinh-Gordon model). A new feature without flat spacetime analogy appears: starting with a single world-sheet, several (here two) strings emerge. One string is stable and the other (unstable) grows as the universe grows. Their invariant size and energy either grow as the expansion factor or tend to constant. Moreover, strings can expand (contract) for large (small) universe radius with a different rate than the universe.Comment: 11 pages, Phyzzx macropackage used, PAR-LPTHE 92/32. Revised version with a new understanding of the previous result

    D-brane interactions in type IIB plane-wave background

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    The cylinder diagrams that determine the static interactions between pairs of Dp-branes in the type IIB plane wave background are evaluated. The resulting expressions are elegant generalizations of the flat-space formulae that depend on the value of the Ramond-Ramond flux of the background in a non-trivial manner. The closed-string and open-string descriptions consistently transform into each other under a modular transformation only when each of the interacting D-branes separately preserves half the supersymmetries. These results are derived for configurations of euclidean signature D(p+1)-instantons but also generalize to lorentzian signature Dp-branes.Comment: 24 pages, Normalisation of boundary states correcte

    Completeness of the Coulomb scattering wave functions

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    Completeness of the eigenfunctions of a self-adjoint Hamiltonian, which is the basic ingredient of quantum mechanics, plays an important role in nuclear reaction and nuclear structure theory. However, until now, there was no a formal proof of the completeness of the eigenfunctions of the two-body Hamiltonian with the Coulomb interaction. Here we present the first formal proof of the completeness of the two-body Coulomb scattering wave functions for repulsive unscreened Coulomb potential. To prove the completeness we use the Newton's method [R. Newton, J. Math Phys., 1, 319 (1960)]. The proof allows us to claim that the eigenfunctions of the two-body Hamiltonian with the potential given by the sum of the repulsive Coulomb plus short-range (nuclear) potentials also form a complete set. It also allows one to extend the Berggren's approach of modification of the complete set of the eigenfunctions by including the resonances for charged particles. We also demonstrate that the resonant Gamow functions with the Coulomb tail can be regularized using Zel'dovich's regularization method.Comment: 12 pages and 1 figur
