498 research outputs found
Sub-Critical Closed String Field Theory in D Less Than 26
We construct the second quantized action for sub-critical closed string field
theory with zero cosmological constant in dimensions ,
generalizing the non-polynomial closed string field theory action proposed by
the author and the Kyoto and MIT groups for . The proof of gauge
invariance is considerably complicated by the presence of the Liouville field
and the non-polynomial nature of the action. However, we explicitly show
that the polyhedral vertex functions obey BRST invariance to all orders. By
point splitting methods, we calculate the anomaly contribution due to the
Liouville field, and show in detail that it cancels only if , in both the bosonized and unbosonized polyhedral vertex functions. We
also show explicitly that the four point function generated by this action
reproduces the shifted Shapiro-Virasoro amplitude found from matrix
models and Liouville theory in two dimensions. LATEX file.Comment: 28 pages, CCNY-HEP-93-
A Gravity Dual of the Chiral Anomaly
We study effects associated with the chiral anomaly for a cascading
gauge theory using gauge/gravity duality. In the gravity
dual the anomaly is a classical feature of the supergravity solution, and the
breaking of the U(1) R-symmetry down to proceeds via the Higgs
mechanism.Comment: 15 pages, derivation of vector mass corrected, main conclusions
unchanged, a sign convention changed in section
Goldstone Bosons and Global Strings in a Warped Resolved Conifold
A warped resolved conifold background of type IIB theory, constructed in
hep-th/0701064, is dual to the supersymmetric gauge theory
with a vacuum expectation value (VEV) for one of the bifundamental chiral
superfields. This VEV breaks both the superconformal invariance and the
baryonic symmetry. The absolute value of the VEV controls the resolution
parameter of the conifold. In this paper we study the phase of the VEV, which
corresponds to the Goldstone boson of the broken symmetry. We explicitly
construct the linearized perturbation of the 4-form R-R potential that contains
the Goldstone boson. On general grounds, the theory should contain global
strings which create a monodromy of the pseudoscalar Goldstone boson field. We
identify these strings with the -branes wrapping the two-cycle at the tip
of the warped resolved conifold.Comment: 15 pages, no figure
A matrix model black hole: act II
In this paper we discuss the connection between the deformed matrix model and
two dimensional black holes in the light of the new developements involving
fermionic type 0A-string theory. We argue that many of the old results can be
carried over to this new setting and that the original claims about the
deformed matrix model are essentially correct. We show the agreement between
correlation functions calculated using continuum and matrix model techniques.
We also explain how detailed properties of the space time metric of the
extremal black hole of type 0A are reflected in the deformed matrix model.Comment: 17 pages, version 2: minor typos correcte
Perturbative Search for Fixed Lines in Large N Gauge Theories
The logarithmic running of marginal double-trace operators is a general
feature of 4-d field theories containing scalar fields in the adjoint or
bifundamental representation. Such operators provide leading contributions in
the large N limit; therefore, the leading terms in their beta functions must
vanish for a theory to be large N conformal. We calculate the one-loop beta
functions in orbifolds of the N=4 SYM theory by a discrete subgroup Gamma of
the SU(4) R-symmetry, which are dual to string theory on AdS_5 x S^5/Gamma. We
present a general strategy for determining whether there is a fixed line
passing through the origin of the coupling constant space. Then we study in
detail some classes of non-supersymmetric orbifold theories, and emphasize the
importance of decoupling the U(1) factors. Among our examples, which include
orbifolds acting freely on the S^5, we do not find any large N
non-supersymmetric theories with fixed lines passing through the origin.
Connection of these results with closed string tachyon condensation in AdS_5 x
S^5/Gamma is discussed.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figures, latex v2: Clarifications and reference adde
String Tensions and Three Dimensional Confining Gauge Theories
In the context of gauge/gravity duality, we try to understand better the
proposed duality between the fractional D2-brane supergravity solutions of
(Nucl. Phys. B 606 (2001) 18, hep-th/0101096) and a confining 2+1 dimensional
gauge theory. Based on the similarities between this fractional D2-brane
solution and D3-brane supergravity solutions with more firmly established gauge
theory duals, we conjecture that a confining q-string in the 2+1 dimensional
gauge theory is dual to a wrapped D4-brane. In particular, the D4-brane looks
like a string in the gauge theory directions but wraps a S**3 in S**4 in the
transverse geometry. For one of the supergravity solutions, we find a near
quadratic scaling law for the tension: . Based on the tension,
we conjecture that the gauge theory dual is SU(N) far in the infrared. We also
conjecture that a quadratic or near quadratic scaling is a generic feature of
confining 2+1 dimensional SU(N) gauge theories.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure
Collective Field Description of Matrix Cosmologies
We study the Das-Jevicki collective field description of arbitrary classical
solutions in the c=1 matrix model, which are believed to describe nontrivial
spacetime backgrounds in 2d string theory. Our analysis naturally includes the
case of a Fermi droplet cosmology: a finite size droplet of Fermi fluid, made
up of a finite number of eigenvalues. We analyze properties of the coordinates
in which the metric in the collective field theory is trivial, and comment on
the form of the interaction terms in these coordinates.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure. v2: Typos corrected, JHEP styl
A Simple Model of Low-scale Direct Gauge Mediation
We construct a calculable model of low-energy direct gauge mediation making
use of the metastable supersymmetry breaking vacua recently discovered by
Intriligator, Seiberg and Shih. The standard model gauge group is a subgroup of
the global symmetries of the SUSY breaking sector and messengers play an
essential role in dynamical SUSY breaking: they are composites of a confining
gauge theory, and the holomorphic scalar messenger mass appears as a
consequence of the confining dynamics. The SUSY breaking scale is around 100
TeV nevertheless the model is calculable. The minimal non-renormalizable
coupling of the Higgs to the DSB sector leads in a simple way to a mu-term,
while the B-term arises at two-loop order resulting in a moderately large tan
beta. A novel feature of this class of models is that some particles from the
dynamical SUSY breaking sector may be accessible at the LHC.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures. References adde
Comments on the four-dimensional effective theory for warped compactification
We derive four-dimensional effective theories for warped compactification of
the ten-dimensional IIB supergravity and the eleven-dimensional Horava-Witten
model. We show that these effective theories allow a much wider class of
solutions than the original higher-dimensional theories. In particular, the
effective theories have cosmological solutions in which the size of the
internal space decreases with the cosmic expansion in the Einstein frame. This
type of compactifying solutions are not allowed in the original
higher-dimensional theories. This result indicates that the effective
four-dimensional theories should be used with caution, if one regards the
higher-dimensional theories more fundamental.Comment: 21 pages, no figure. Minor errors are correcte
Intersecting M-branes as Four-Dimensional Black Holes
We present two 1/8 supersymmetric intersecting p-brane solutions of
11-dimensional supergravity which upon compactification to four dimensions
reduce to extremal dyonic black holes with finite area of horizon. The first
solution is a configuration of three intersecting 5-branes with an extra
momentum flow along the common string. The second describes a system of two
2-branes and two 5-branes. Related (by compactification and T-duality) solution
of type IIB theory corresponds to a completely symmetric configuration of four
intersecting 3-branes. We suggest methods for counting the BPS degeneracy of
three intersecting 5-branes which, in the macroscopic limit, reproduce the
Bekenstein-Hawking entropy.Comment: 15 pages, harvmac; a reference added (the version to appear in
Nulcear Physics B
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