2,735 research outputs found
Modification of White Method for Quantitative Evaluation of 5hydroxymethylfurfural in Honey
Communication in Physical Sciences 2020, 5(1): 34-41
Authors: F. G. Okibe, G.A. Shallangwa, I. Usman
Received 10 March 2020/Accepted 01 April 2020
The White method for determination of 5hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) content in honey was successfully modified using Perchloric acid (HClO4) as replacement for zinc acetate (Zn (CH3CO2)2·2H2O) and potassium ferrocyanide (K4Fe (CN) 6·3H2O) to serve as Deproteinizing agent, and Sodium bisulphite (NaHSO3) was replaced with sodium pyrosulphite (Na2S2O5) for the chromophore removal of 5-HMF at 284 nm. The proposed method was validated by evaluation of parameters such as linearity, precisions (reproducibility and intermediate), accuracy, and limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), ruggedness and robustness. The correlation coefficients for the calibration curves were 0.9994 and 0.9923. The method is in agreement with Beers- Lamberts law at the concentration range of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 mg/kg. The values of reproducibility and intermediate precision in honey samples were 2.65, 2.67, 3.03, 4.73, and 1.90 % respectively. The recoveries for the analyses were between 81.4 % and 104.6 %, LOD and LOQ were 0.12 and 0.36 mg/kg at 284 nm and 0.06 and 0.17 mg/kg at 336 nm respectively. The ruggedness of the method was 1.23 and 1.00 %, and the robustness were 0.64 and 0.42 %. The results obtained suggest that Perchloric acid and sodium pyrosulphite can successfully replace zinc acetate, potassium ferrocyanide and Sodium bisulphite which are scarce and expensive reagents. The Modified method is suitable for routine determination of 5-HMF in honey samples
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Hubungan Paritas, Anemia, And Usia terhadap Kejadian Ketuban Pecah Dini di RSUD Raden Mattaher Kota Jambi 2017
Komplikasi yang timbul akibat Ketuban Pecah Dini yaitu dapat terjadi infeksi maternal ataupun neonatal, persalinan prematur, hipoksia karena kompresi tali pusat, deformitas janin meningkatnya insiden seksiosesarea, atau gagalnya persalinan normal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah diketahuinya hubungan paritas,anemia, dan usia terhadap kejadian ketuban pecah dini di RSUD Raden Mattaher Jambi Tahun 2016. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriftif dengan desain case control dengan menggunakanpendekatan “Retrospective”. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan tanggal 23-24 Agustus 2016. Populasi adalahsejumlah ibu yang mengalami Ketuban Pecah Dini di RSUD Raden Mattaher Kota Jambi tahun 2015.Dengan jumlah ibu bersalin 301 ibu bersalin, dengan jumlah populasi sebanyak 93 orang. Sampel dalampenelitian ini adalah sebanyak 93 orang yang diambil dengan teknik Total Sampling. Analisis yangdigunakan adalah univariat dan bivariat.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 96 responden sebagian besar memiliki paritas tidak berisikoyaitu sebanyak 50 responden (52,1%), responden tidak mengalami anemia yaitu sebanyak 77 responden(80,2%), dan responden memiliki usia tidak berisiko sebanyak 77 responden (83,3%). Hasil analisisterdapat hubungan paritas ibu dengan kejadian ketuban pecah dini pada ibu hamil di RSUD RadenMattaher Jambi Tahun 2016 dengan nilai p-value 0,025. Terdapat hubungan anemia dengan kejadianketuban pecah dini di RSUD Raden Mattaher Jambi Tahun 2016 dengan nilai p 0,040. Terdapathubungan usia ibu dengan kejadian ketuban pecah dini di RSUD Radan Mattaher Jambi Tahun 2016dengan nilai p-value 0,003.Maka dari itu bagi petugas melakukan peningkatan upaya preventif dengan pelayanan pencegahan komplikasi pada kehamilan ibu pada saat pelayanan antenatal care
Effect of Environmental Parameters to Purse Seine Catches in Bali Strait
This study was conducted in the Bali strait held from 2 to 16 April 2014 aimed to study the effect of environmental parameters on purse seine catches in the Bali strait such as temperature, salinity, current speed, depth, and pH , and the type of fish caught in the waters of the Bali strait. The method used in this research is the method of experimental fishing that by measuring and observing directly the environmental parameters in which it operates Purse Seine. The data collected in this study were: temperature, salinity, current speed, depth, and pH, and the type of fish caught. The catch and the measurement of these parameters are collected and then tabulated into a table and analyzed.The observation of environmental parameters during the study is the temperature range between 26-280 C, salinity ranges between 30-33 0/00, currents ranging from 0.3 to 0.5 m/s, water depths ranging from 64-78 m , and the pH of the water ranges from 7 - 8. The type of fish that were caught at Bali Strait is Sarden (Sardinella lemuru), mackerel scad (Decapterus mackarellus), and swordfish (Euthynnuss affinis)
Studi Kualitas Air untuk Kesehatan Ikan dalam Budidaya Perikanan pada Aliran Sungai Kampar Kiri
This research is done on October 2010 at Kampar Kiri river stream area,Riau Province. The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of goldmines without license activity to water quality and fish health. The method used issurvey method by measuring environmental factors of territorial water. Theconcideration that used namely the estimation to the source of contamination andwaste burden accepted by territorial water of development of aquaculture. Asreference, here include water quality of Kampar River completely as RiauGovernor Decree no 23 in 2003 (that guidances on PP 82/2001), about allotmentand permanent quality of water at Kampar River, Riau Province. Meanwhile, thefish area sampled from pond and cage that existed in every development area.From this research is known that generally each the quality of river water for fishhealth in aquaculture is still in tolerance level. The result of measurement waterquality is the fulfill permanent quality of first class water except some ofparameters in development aquaculture area in distric, like Kampar kiri River andhall fish breeding (BBI) Teso. Mophologically, fish health that watched is still beoptimal
Pengaruh Kreativitas Dan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Bahasa Arab Di Ma Ddi Al-badar
This article is the result of the research which discuss about: 1). The influence of creativity toward students\u27 Arabic achievement, 2). The influence of learning mo-tivation toward students\u27 Arabic achievement, 3. The influence of creativity and learning motivation toward students\u27 Arabic achievement at MA Al-Badar DDI Parepare. This research used quantitative approach with correlational design. The population of the research was all the students at MA Al-Badar DDI Parepare which consist of 112 with 55 samples. The instrument of research was question-naire. Data were analysed by descriptive statistics and inferential statistic. The re-sult of the research shows that 1) creativity has pocitive influence toward stu-dents\u27 learning achievement in Arabic language; 2) motivation has positive influ-ence toward leaning achievement at arabic language; 3) creativity together with motivation influence positively toward students achievement in Arabic language at MA Al-Badar DDI Parepare
Perintisan Ushul Fiqh dan Kategorisasinya
Kebolehan berijtihad yang dilakukan para sahabat atas petunjuk Rasulullah melalui beberapa riwayat, menunjukkan bahwa metodologi penetapan hukum Islam tersebut telah tumbuh sejak masa Rasulullah, dan hal ini dilakukan juga oleh para sahabat yang sangat memahami benar bagaimana Rasulullah menetapkan suatu keputusan hukum yang diajukan pada beliau. Akan tetapi metodologi ini tidak tersusun selayaknya susunan suatu ilmu. Kedekatan para sahabat dengan Rasulullah sangat memungkinkan mudahnya para sahabat dalam berijtihad, sehingga metodologi bukanlah suatu keharusan pada masa tersebut. Walaupun sebenarnya dalam tataran praktisnya metodologi ini telah dipraktekkan pada masa sahabat.Dengan meluasnya wilayah kekuasaan Islam ke belahan dunia Barat dan Timur, dari daratan Spanyol sampai perbatasan Cina, dan berkembangnya berbagai bidang ilmu pada masa Tabi\u27in, tidak hanya berdampak pada beragamnya persoalan hukum yang terjadi di masing-masing wilayah tersebut, tapi juga sering terjadi perbedaan antara ulama disetiap wilayah dalam memutuskan persoalan hukum yang dihadapinya, walaupun persoalan hukum yang dihadapi ulama saat itu memiliki kesamaan kasus. Atas dasar ini lahirlah beberapa aliran dalam menetapkan metodologi hukum Islam, yang dijadikan acuan masing-masing kelompoknya. Terdapat aliran Jumhur ulama ushul fiqh yang membangun metodenya secara teoritis, tanpa terpengaruh pada masalah furu\u27. Aliran Fuqaha yang justru banyak dipengaruhi oleh masalah furu\u27 dalam mazhab mereka, dan terdapat pula aliran yang mengkompromikan keduanya
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