1,265 research outputs found
Gauge/gravity correspondence in accelerating universe
We discuss time-dependent backgrounds of type IIB supergravity realizing
gravitation duals of gauge theories formulated in de Sitter space-time as a
tool of embedding de Sitter in a supergravity. We show that only the
gravitational duals to non-conformal gauge theories are sensitive to a specific
value of a Hubble parameter. We consider two nontrivial solutions of this type:
a gravity dual to six-dimensional (1,1) little string theory, and to a
four-dimensional cascading SU(N+M)xSU(N) supersymmetric gauge theory (related
to fractional D3-branes on a singular conifold according to Klebanov et al), in
accelerating universe. In both cases we argue that the IR singularity of the
geometry is regulated by the expansion of the gauge theory background
space-time.Comment: 13 pages, harvmac, v2: reference added, v3: D3,NS5 discussion
improved, PRD versio
A Non-supersymmetric Large N CFT from Type 0 String Theory
We show that type 0B theory has a classical AdS_5 x S^5 solution and argue
that it is stable at the string-theory level for small enough radius. The dual
4-d conformal field theory is the infrared limit of the theory on N electric
D3-branes coincident with N magnetic D3-branes. We explicitly construct this
SU(N) x SU(N) gauge theory with global SO(6) symmetry and verify that the
one-loop term in the beta function vanishes exactly, while the two-loop term
vanishes in the large N limit. We find that this theory is related by a certain
projection to the maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory suggesting its
large N conformal invariance to all orders in perturbation theory.Comment: 15 pages, harvmac. v2: references and a note on renormalization of
Yukawa and scalar couplings added; v3: a note on orbifold interpretation
added; the version to appear in JHE
Interaction of Discrete States in Two-Dimensional String Theory
We study the couplings of discrete states that appear in the string theory
embedded in two dimensions, and show that they are given by the structure
constants of the group of area preserving diffeomorphisms. We propose an
effective action for these states, which is itself invariant under this
infinite-dimensional group.Comment: 12 page
Evaporation of Schwarzschild Black Holes in Matrix Theory
Recently, in collaboration with Susskind, we proposed a model of
Schwarzschild black holes in Matrix theory. A large Schwarzschild black hole is
described by a metastable bound state of a large number of D0-branes which are
held together by a background, whose structure has so far been understood only
in 8 and 11 dimensions. The Hawking radiation proceeds by emission of small
clusters of D0-branes. We estimate the Hawking rate in the Matrix theory model
of Schwarzschild black holes and find agreement with the semiclassical rate up
to an undetermined numerical coefficient of order 1.Comment: 9 pages, harvma
Absorption by Threebranes and the AdS/CFT Correspondence
In the first part of this talk I discuss two somewhat different supergravity
approaches to calculating correlation functions in strongly coupled Yang-Mills
theory. The older approach relates two-point functions to cross-sections for
absorption of certain incident quanta by threebranes. In this approach the
normalization of operators corresponding to the incident particles is fixed
unambiguously by the D3-brane DBI action. By calculating absorption
cross-sections of all partial waves of the dilaton we find corresponding
two-point functions at strong `t Hooft coupling and show that they are
identical to the weak coupling results. The newer approach to correlation
functions relates them to boundary conditions in AdS space. Using this method
we show that for a certain range of negative mass-squared there are two
possible operator dimensions corresponding to a given scalar field in AdS, and
indicate how to calculate correlation functions for either of these choices. In
the second part of the talk I discuss an example of AdS/CFT duality which
arises in the context of type 0 string theory. The CFT on N coincident electric
and magnetic D3-branes is argued to be stable for sufficiently weak `t Hooft
coupling. It is suggested that its transition to instability at a critical
coupling is related to singularity of planar diagrams.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX; Talk at Strings '99, Potsdam, German
Entropy and Temperature of Black 3-Branes
We consider slightly non-extremal black 3-branes of type IIB supergravity and
show that their Bekenstein-Hawking entropy agrees, up to a mysterious factor,
with an entropy derived by counting non-BPS excitations of the Dirichlet
3-brane. These excitations are described in terms of the statistical mechanics
of a 3+1 dimensional gas of massless open string states. This is essentially
the classic problem of blackbody radiation. The blackbody temperature is
related to the temperature of the Hawking radiation. We also construct a
solution of type IIB supergravity describing a 3-brane with a finite density of
longitudinal momentum. For extremal momentum-carrying 3-branes the horizon area
vanishes. This is in agreement with the fact that the BPS entropy of the
momentum-carrying Dirichlet 3-branes is not an extensive quantity.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, minor revisions. v3: version that appeared in PR
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