3,501 research outputs found

    Model Independent Extra-dimension signatures with ATLAS

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    The generic missing transverse energy signals at LHC for theories having large extra dimensions are discussed. Final states of jets plus missing energy and photons plus missing energy are simulated in the ATLAS detector. The discovery limit of LHC and the methods to determine the parameters of the underlying model are discussed.Comment: 29 page

    High-Mass Supersymmetry with High Energy Hadron Colliders

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    While it is natural for supersymmetric particles to be well within the mass range of the large hadron collider, it is possible that the sparticle masses could be very heavy. Signatures are examined at a very high energy hadron collider and an very high luminosity option for the Large Hadron Collider in such scenarios

    Study of stop and sbottom at LHC

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    In supersymmetric models a gluino can decay into tbχ~1±tb\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 through a stop or a sbottom. The decay chain produces an edge structure in the mtbm_{tb} distribution. Monte Carlo simulation studies show that the end point and the edge height would be measured at the CERN LHC by using a sideband subtraction technique. The stop and sbottom masses as well as their decay branching ratios are constrained by the measurement. We study interpretations of the measurement.Comment: 3 pages, 2 eps files, style files are included, talk at PASCOS'03, Mumbai, India, January 3-8, 200

    A Consistent Prescription for Combining Perturbative Calculations and Parton Showers in Case of Associated Z b anti-b Hadroproduction

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    This paper presents the method of combining parton shower formalism with perturbative calculations (matrix elements) in form of a Monte-Carlo algorithm for the process g g -> Z b anti-b,consistenlty including the heavy quark masses and overlap removal.Comment: accepted by JHEP, revised according to suggestions from JHEP refere

    On Time-Space Noncommutativity for Transition Processes and Noncommutative Symmetries

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    We explore the consequences of time-space noncommutativity in the quantum mechanics of atoms and molecules, focusing on the Moyal plane with just time-space noncommutativity ([x^μ,x^ν]=iθμν[\hat{x}_\mu ,\hat{x}_\nu]=i\theta_{\mu\nu}, \theta_{0i}\neqq 0, θij=0\theta_{ij}=0). Space rotations and parity are not automorphisms of this algebra and are not symmetries of quantum physics. Still, when there are spectral degeneracies of a time-independent Hamiltonian on a commutative space-time which are due to symmetries, they persist when \theta_{0i}\neqq 0; they do not depend at all on θ0i\theta_{0i}. They give no clue about rotation and parity violation when \theta_{0i}\neqq 0. The persistence of degeneracies for \theta_{0i}\neqq 0 can be understood in terms of invariance under deformed noncommutative ``rotations'' and ``parity''. They are not spatial rotations and reflection. We explain such deformed symmetries. We emphasize the significance of time-dependent perturbations (for example, due to time-dependent electromagnetic fields) to observe noncommutativity. The formalism for treating transition processes is illustrated by the example of nonrelativistic hydrogen atom interacting with quantized electromagnetic field. In the tree approximation, the 2s→1s+γ2s\to 1s +\gamma transition for hydrogen is zero in the commutative case. As an example, we show that it is zero in the same approximation for θ0i≠0\theta_{0i}\ne 0. The importance of the deformed rotational symmetry is commented upon further using the decay Z0→2γZ^0 \to 2\gamma as an example.Comment: 13 pages, revised version, references adde

    Measurements in Gauge Mediated SUSY Breaking Models at LHC

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    Characteristic examples are presented of scenarios of particle production and decay in supersymmetry models in which the supersymmetry breaking is transmitted to the observable world via gauge interactions. The cases are chosen to illustrate the main classes of LHC phenomenology that can arise in these models. A new technique is illustrated that allows the full reconstruction of supersymmetry events despite the presence of two unobserved particles. This technique enables superparticle masses to be measured directly rather than being inferred from kinematic distributions. It is demonstrated that the LHC is capable of making sufficient measurements so as to severely over-constrain the model and determine the parameters with great precisionComment: 45 pages, 35 Figure
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