1,127 research outputs found
Combining Text and Formula Queries in Math Information Retrieval: Evaluation of Query Results Merging Strategies
Specific to Math Information Retrieval is combining text with mathematical
formulae both in documents and in queries. Rigorous evaluation of query
expansion and merging strategies combining math and standard textual keyword
terms in a query are given. It is shown that techniques similar to those known
from textual query processing may be applied in math information retrieval as
well, and lead to a cutting edge performance. Striping and merging partial
results from subqueries is one technique that improves results measured by
information retrieval evaluation metrics like Bpref
EMI challenges in Japan’s internationalisation of Higher Education
This chapter presents a literature-based overview of the potential challenges faced by higher education (HE) stakeholders (universities, faculty members and students) in Japan after the introduction of the Top Global University Project (TGUP) at their institutions. Despite the expansion of EMI, some recent studies (Rose and McKinley, Japan’s English-medium instruction initiatives and the globalisation of higher education. Higher Education, 75(1), 111–129, 2018; Aizawa and Rose, An analysis of Japan’s English as medium of instruction initiatives within higher education: the gap between meso-level policy and micro-level practice. Higher Education, 77(6), 1125–1142, 2019) have revealed that the TGUP is interpreted inconsistently. Substantial differences have been found in the understanding of different HE stakeholders when disseminated from the macro (government), meso (institution) to micro (classroom) level. To discuss potential implementation challenges, the chapter introduces recent Japanese government policy driving EMI at universities (i.e. TGUP), the implications for language planning, and how the policy is being put into practice at these universities at the different levels of policy
Strong parity mixing in the FFLO superconductivity in systems with coexisting spin and charge fluctuations
We study the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state of spin
fluctuation mediated pairing, and focus on the effect of coexisting charge
fluctuations. We find that (i) consecutive transitions from singlet pairing to
FFLO and further to triplet pairing can generally take place upon
increasing the magnetic field when strong charge fluctuations coexist with spin
fluctuations, and (ii) the enhancement of the charge fluctuations lead to a
significant increase of the parity mixing in the FFLO state, where the
triplet/singlet component ratio in the gap function can be close to unity.
We propose that such consecutive pairing state transition and strong parity
mixing in the FFLO state may take place in a quasi-one-dimensional organic
superconductor (TMTSF).Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev. Let
Spectral analysis and an area-preserving extension of a piecewise linear intermittent map
We investigate spectral properties of a 1-dimensional piecewise linear
intermittent map, which has not only a marginal fixed point but also a singular
structure suppressing injections of the orbits into neighborhoods of the
marginal fixed point. We explicitly derive generalized eigenvalues and
eigenfunctions of the Frobenius--Perron operator of the map for classes of
observables and piecewise constant initial densities, and it is found that the
Frobenius--Perron operator has two simple real eigenvalues 1 and , and a continuous spectrum on the real line . From these
spectral properties, we also found that this system exhibits power law decay of
correlations. This analytical result is found to be in a good agreement with
numerical simulations. Moreover, the system can be extended to an
area-preserving invertible map defined on the unit square. This extended system
is similar to the baker transformation, but does not satisfy hyperbolicity. A
relation between this area-preserving map and a billiard system is also
discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure
Laughlin states on the Poincare half-plane and its quantum group symmetry
We find the Laughlin states of the electrons on the Poincare half-plane in
different representations. In each case we show that there exist a quantum
group symmetry such that the Laughlin states are a representation of
it. We calculate the corresponding filling factor by using the plasma analogy
of the FQHE.Comment: 9 pages,Late
Quantum group symmetry of the Quantum Hall effect on the non-flat surfaces
After showing that the magnetic translation operators are not the symmetries
of the QHE on non-flat surfaces , we show that there exist another set of
operators which leads to the quantum group symmetries for some of these
surfaces . As a first example we show that the symmetry of the QHE on
sphere leads to algebra in the equator . We explain this result by a
contraction of . Secondly , with the help of the symmetry operators of
QHE on the Pioncare upper half plane , we will show that the ground state wave
functions form a representation of the algebra .Comment: 8 pages,latex,no figur
Patterns in the Fermion Mixing Matrix, a bottom-up approach
We first obtain the most general and compact parametrization of the unitary
transformation diagonalizing any 3 by 3 hermitian matrix H, as a function of
its elements and eigenvalues. We then study a special class of fermion mass
matrices, defined by the requirement that all of the diagonalizing unitary
matrices (in the up, down, charged lepton and neutrino sectors) contain at
least one mixing angle much smaller than the other two. Our new parametrization
allows us to quickly extract information on the patterns and predictions
emerging from this scheme. In particular we find that the phase difference
between two elements of the two mass matrices (of the sector in question)
controls the generic size of one of the observable fermion mixing angles: i.e.
just fixing that particular phase difference will "predict" the generic value
of one of the mixing angles, irrespective of the value of anything else.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures, references added, to appear in PR
Hybrid Textures of Neutrinos
We present numerical and comprehensive analyses of the sixty hybrid textures
of neutrinos, which have an equality of matrix elements and one zero. These
textures are possibly derived from the discrete symmetry. Only six textures
among sixty ones are excluded by the present experimental data. Since there are
many textures which give similar predictions, the textures are classified based
on the numerical results. The neutrinoless double beta decay is also examined
in these textures. Our results suggest that there remain still rich structures
of the neutrino mass matrix in the phenomenological point of view.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures; analytical discussions added, table and
reference adde
Isomorphisms between Quantum Group Covariant q-Oscillator Systems Defined for q and 1/q
It is shown that there exists an isomorphism between q-oscillator systems
covariant under and . By the isomorphism, the
defining relations of covariant q-oscillator system are
transmuted into those of . It is also shown that the similar
isomorphism exists for the system of q-oscillators covariant under the quantum
supergroup . Furthermore the cases of q-deformed Lie
(super)algebras constructed from covariant q-oscillator systems are considered.
The isomorphisms between q-deformed Lie (super)algebras can not obtained by the
direct generalization of the one for covariant q-oscillator systems.Comment: LaTeX 13pages, RCNP-07
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