7,752 research outputs found
Charge ordering in doped manganese oxides: lattice dynamics and magnetic structure
Based on the Hamiltonian of small polarons with the strong nearest neighbor
repulsion, we have investigated the charge ordering phenomena observed in
half-doped manganites R_{1/2}A_{1/2}MnO_3. We have explored possible
consequences of the charge ordering phase in the half-doped manganites. First,
we have studied the renormalization of the sound velocity around ,
considering the acoustic phonons coupled to the electrons participating in the
charge ordering. Second, we have found a new antiferromagnetic phase induced by
the charge ordering, and discussed its role in connection with the specific
CE-type antiferromagnetic structure observed in half-doped manganites.Comment: 5 pages, 2 Postscript figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. B - Rapid
Comm. (01Jun97
Solving time-dependent two-dimensional eddy current problems
Results of transient eddy current calculations are reported. For simplicity, a two-dimensional transverse magnetic field which is incident on an infinitely long conductor is considered. The conductor is assumed to be a good but not perfect conductor. The resulting problem is an interface initial boundary value problem with the boundary of the conductor being the interface. A finite difference method is used to march the solution explicitly in time. The method is shown. Treatment of appropriate radiation conditions is given special consideration. Results are validated with approximate analytic solutions. Two stringent test cases of high and low frequency incident waves are considered to validate the results
Layer-switching cost and optimality in information spreading on multiplex networks
We study a model of information spreading on multiplex networks, in which
agents interact through multiple interaction channels (layers), say online vs.\
offline communication layers, subject to layer-switching cost for transmissions
across different interaction layers. The model is characterized by the
layer-wise path-dependent transmissibility over a contact, that is dynamically
determined dependently on both incoming and outgoing transmission layers. We
formulate an analytical framework to deal with such path-dependent
transmissibility and demonstrate the nontrivial interplay between the
multiplexity and spreading dynamics, including optimality. It is shown that the
epidemic threshold and prevalence respond to the layer-switching cost
non-monotonically and that the optimal conditions can change in abrupt
non-analytic ways, depending also on the densities of network layers and the
type of seed infections. Our results elucidate the essential role of
multiplexity that its explicit consideration should be crucial for realistic
modeling and prediction of spreading phenomena on multiplex social networks in
an era of ever-diversifying social interaction layers.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure
Electron and phonon band-structure calculations for the antipolar SrPtP antiperovskite superconductor: Evidence of low-energy two-dimensional phonons
SrPt3P has recently been reported to exhibit superconductivity with Tc = 8.4
K. To explore its superconducting mechanism, we have performed electron and
phonon band calculations based on the density functional theory, and found that
the superconductivity in SrPt3P is well described by the strong coupling
phonon-mediated mechanism. We have demonstrated that superconducting charge
carriers come from pd\pi-hybridized bands between Pt and P ions, which couple
to low energy (~ 5 meV) phonon modes confined on the ab in-plane. These
in-plane phonon modes, which do not break antipolar nature of SrPt3P, enhance
both the electron-phonon coupling constant \lambda and the critical temperature
Tc. There is no hint of a specific phonon softening feature in the phonon
dispersion, and the effect of the spin-orbit coupling on the superconductivity
is found to be negligible.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl
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Sedentary Behaviour and Life Expectancy in the USA: A Cause-Deleted Life Table Analysis
Objectives: To determine the impact of sitting and television viewing on life expectancy in the USA. Design: Prevalence-based cause-deleted life table analysis. Setting: Summary RRs of all-cause mortality associated with sitting and television viewing were obtained from a meta-analysis of available prospective cohort studies. Prevalences of sitting and television viewing were obtained from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Primary outcome measure: Life expectancy at birth. Results: The estimated gains in life expectancy in the US population were 2.00 years for reducing excessive sitting to <3 h/day and a gain of 1.38 years from reducing excessive television viewing to <2 h/day. The lower and upper limits from a sensitivity analysis that involved simultaneously varying the estimates of RR (using the upper and lower bounds of the 95% CI) and the prevalence of television viewing (±20%) were 1.39 and 2.69 years for sitting and 0.48 and 2.51 years for television viewing, respectively. Conclusion: Reducing sedentary behaviours such as sitting and television viewing may have the potential to increase life expectancy in the USA
Density functional calculations of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of the hydrocarbon K3picene superconductor near the metal-insulator transition
We have investigated the electronic structures and magnetic properties of of
K3picene, which is a first hydrocarbon superconductor with high transition
temperature T_c=18K. We have shown that the metal-insulator transition (MIT) is
driven in K3picene by 5% volume enhancement with a formation of local magnetic
moment. Active bands for superconductivity near the Fermi level E_F are found
to have hybridized character of LUMO and LUMO+1 picene molecular orbitals.
Fermi surfaces of K3picene manifest neither prominent nesting feature nor
marked two-dimensional behavior. By estimating the ratio of the Coulomb
interaction U and the band width W of the active bands near E_F, U/W, we have
demonstrated that K3picene is located in the vicinity of the Mott transition.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
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