87 research outputs found
Salinity Structure Within The Estuary Of Bintuni Bay, At The Southern Part Of Bird Head Of West Papua, Indonesia
Bintuni Bay is a semi-closed bay which a lot of big rivers flow into the bay and bring a huge amount of freshwater. This bay is not directly connected to the open sea but separated by the Berau Bay. The bay of Berau has wider bay mouth as well as deeper than Bintuni Bay, the deepest part more than 70 m located at the center part of bay. Tidal force generated offshore is able to push higher salinity water (HSW) mass further into the inner bay, otherwise the low salinity water (LSW) mass pushed out toward the head of the bay. In the area where LSW and HSW masses meet each other is found steep salinity gradient (salinity front). Two times field observations were conducted with lowered CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) sensor from the surface layer until one meter above seabed at 30 stations, either at the end of north-east monsoon (March 2013) or at south-east monsoon (July-August 2013). The HSW mass was dominant found at deeper layer and southern side of the bay, while the LSW mass occupied surface layer at the northern side of the bay
Basically, coastline changes include accretion (raised soil) and abrasion. This study aims to analyze coastline changes in the Indramayu Regency between 1989 and 2019, as well as the causing factors. The secondary data were obtained from Landsat 5 Satellite Imagery in 1989, 1999, 2009, and Landsat 8 in 2019. This analysis used BILKO method, which is a Landsat image analysis to separate land and sea areas. Then overlay method, which was used to delineate boundary. Spatial analysis showed coastline changes in the Indramayu regency of both accretion and abrasion. In the 1989-1999 period, there was an accretion of 319 ha, while there was an abrasion 1291 ha. Furthermore, in the 1999-2009 period, there was an accretion of 349 ha, and abrasion of 1125 ha. Also, in the 2009-2019 period, there was an accretion of 698 ha, and abrasion of 358 ha. Meanwhile, the factors that cause coastline changes are natural such as wind, waves, currents, as well as human factors such as the conversion of mangrove land to ponds and also planting activities. Therefore, efforts made by the government are making waves containment tool and planting mangrove vegetation.  
Layanan Prima menuju ”Quality Tourism” Bali
Increasingly competitive competition among tourist accommodation providers, encourage the star hotel management and villas in Kuta to provide special services to their guests. In fact, such kind of services will lead to a concept of tourism called ”quality tourism”. This paper is a qualitative research. Its data collection was done through document study, observation, and in-depth interviews with 11 informants, consisting of five villas’s star hotel liners, three hotel and villa’s guests, and three observers of Bali tourism business. The result of the study shows that the excellent services to the guests provided by villa and hotel management in Kuta is the implementation of the concept of sapta pesona, done at the stage of pre-arrival service, reception service, housekeeping service, and food & bevarage. The impact of this excellent services gives tourist loyalty and revisit, reinforces the positive image of Bali tourism, and supports the sustainability of accommodation services and tourism business. In general, the excellent services for hotel and villa guests in Kuta has supported the efforts to realize the quality tourism in Bali. Innovations to improve the quality of service for hotel and villa guests are needed according to the development and demands of the tourism market
Bali Governor stated that “Bali Clean” and “Green” All of us who live in Bali Should support that statement. So does the “SECRET GARDEN VILLAGE” in Luwus village. This business goes green. Let’s say green tourism. The Secret Garden Village is the first tourism education in Bali. The soft opening has been done last week on 1st May. This research is aimed to know the activities of the Secret Garden Village to apply green tourism, to know what kind of services does he offers to maintain sustainable tourism in Luwus Village in Tabanan Regency. Data of this research are obtained from informants who know well the object of this research such as Mr. Billy Hartono Salim, the owner of Secret Garden Village, Mr. Putugede Arista DityaPradana, The Operational Manager of Black Eye Coffee, Mr. Andra Martin, the Architech of building design. Further, data was analysed descriptively. The result of this research showed that the activities of Secret Garden Village in Luwus Village were Truly “Green Tourism”. The service there is so fantastic one. The building are unique made of wood, steel, and concrete (beton). The visitor are offering sightseeing in museum, to see traditional beauty tools which are belonged to our ancestors, after that, visiting the factory outlet.The Black Eye Coffee also displays the specific animal Luwak, which produces “Luwak Coffee” as a sample only. The visitor can enjoy the rice field view while enjoy western food (barbeque specialist food). Most of workers there are from local people to increase their economic value. Those activities could attract and satisfying the visitors because they could get a new and memorable experiences. In other words that the present of Secret Garden Village could expand job available for local people and prosperous happiness
The mangrove ecosystem in Subang Coastal is potentially effected due to oil spills. The oil spill in this area can be caused by an accident of petroleum exploitation. Therefore, it needs to anticipate and plan comprehensively for environmental protection from oil spills. Environmental sensitivity index (ESI) analysis can be used to classify the level of sensitivity of the mangrove ecosystem to the oil spill. This study aims to calculate the ESI for mangrove ecosystems in Subang coastal areas. ESI was formed by combining the Vulnerability Index (VI), Ecological Index (EI), and Socio-economic Index (SI). Secondary data was collected by study literature. The primary data was conducted from 13 locations. The parameters in VI are coastal slope, tidal type, tidal range, wave height, substrate type, and mangrove distance from the coastline. The parameters in EI are mangrove zonation, mangrove density mangrove diversity, age of mangrove, protected species, and mangrove conservation status. The parameter in SI consists of social and economic components. The result showed that the mangrove ecosystem of the Subang coastal area has a sensitivity status from moderate to sensitive. Among 13 locations, only three locations were classification sensitive to the oil spill. The locations were Tegal Tike, Anggaranu, and Tanjung. Although the study areas are dominated by the moderate sensitivity category, however, the protection of the mangrove ecosystem from oil spills should be prioritized.Ekosistem mangrove di daerah pesisir Subang berpotensi terdampak oleh tumpahan minyak. Tumpahan minyak di daerah tersebut bisa bersumber dari kecelakaan pada kegiatan eksploitasi minyak bumi. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan antisipasi dan rencana yang komprehensif untuk melindungi lingkungan dari tumpahan minyak. Indeks Kepekaan Lingkungan (IKL) dapat digunakan untuk mengklasifikasi tingkat kepekaan ekosistem mangrove terhadap tumpahan minyak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung IKL ekosistem mangrove di daerah pesisir Subang. IKL dibentuk dari gabungan Indeks Kerentanan (IK), Indeks Ekologi (IE) dan Indeks Sosial ekonomi (IS). Data sekunder diperoleh dengan cara studi literatur, sedangkan pengambilan data primer dilakukan di 13 lokasi pengamatan. Parameter IK terdiri dari kemiringan pantai, tipe pasang surut, rentang pasang surut, tinggi gelombang, tipe substrat dan jarak mangrove dari bibir pantai. Parameter IE terdiri dari zonasi mangrove, kepadatan mangrove, keragaman mangrove, umur mangrove, keberadaan spesies dilindungi dan status konservasi mangrove. Parameter IS terdiri dari komponen sosial dan komponen ekonomi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekosistem mangrove di pesisir Subang memiliki tingkat kepekaan dari cukup peka hingga peka. Dari 13 lokasi pengamatan, hanya 3 lokasi yang memiliki status peka terhadap tumpahan minyak. Daerah tersebut adalah Tegal Tike, Anggaranu, dan Tanjung. Walaupun tingkat kepekaan daerah pengamatan didominasi oleh kategori cukup peka, namun perlindungan ekosistem mangrove dari tumpahan minyak harus menjadi prioritas
Suhu permukaan laut merupakan parameter oseanografi yang penting di perairan lautan karena perubahan suhu air laut dapat mengubah ekosistem perairan. Perairan Teluk Lampung yang berasal dari Samudera Hindia dan Laut Jawa yang melewati Selat Sunda akan dipengaruhi oleh Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pola sebaran Suhu Permukaan Laut (SPL) antar-tahun secara spasial dan temporal dalam kurun waktu 9 tahun terakhir (2013-2021) serta menganalisis pengaruh fenomena IOD terhadap anomali SPL di Teluk Lampung. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode uji regresi, metode deskriptif dan statistik korelatif. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa nilai SST dari ekstraksi citra Landsat-8 dapat mewakili kondisi SPL in situ dengan uji regresi R2=0,6872. Fenomena IOD memengaruhi pola sebaran SPL perairan Teluk Lampung terlihat pada fase IOD positif (2015, 2018 dan 2019) atau fase IOD negatif (2013 dan 2016) menunjukkan adanya anomali Sea Surface Temperature (SST) perairan Teluk Lampung. Korelasi antara IOD dan SPL di Teluk Lampung memiliki dua hasil yaitu pada perairan terbuka (TL3, TL4, dan TL5) berkorelasi sedang (r>0,7) dan korelasi lemah (r<0,2) pada titik pengamatan TL1 dan TL6 yang merupakan titik dekat dengan daratan.Sea surface temperature is an important oceanographic attribute in ocean waters, that changes of sea water temperature can change aquatic ecosystems. Lampung Bay waters originating from the Indian Ocean and the Java Sea which pass through the Sunda Strait will be influenced by the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). This study aims to analyze spatial and temporal inter-annual Sea Surface Temperature (SST) distribution patterns in the last 9 years (2013-2021) and analyze the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) phenomenon that caused an anomaly of SST in Lampung Bay. The method used in this study is a regression validation method, descriptive method and correlative statistics. The results showed that the SST value of Landsat-8 image extraction can represent in situ SST conditions because R2=0.6872. The IOD phenomenon influences the Lampung Bay water’s SST distribution pattern. Positive IOD phase years (2015, 2018 and 2019) or negative IOD phases (2013 and 2016) shown SST of Lampung Bay waters has a different distribution pattern and anomalous values. But correlation between IOD and SST in Lampung Bay had two different result which in open water (TL3, TL4, and TL5) is mid-correlate (r>0.7) and weak correlation (r<0.2) at observation points TL1 and TL6 which are close to the mainland
Distribution and Growth Patterns of Crab (P. pelagicus) Based on Environmental Characteristics in Candi Waters, Pamekasan Regency, East Java Province
Blue swimming crab (BSC) is a fishery commodity with high economic value and great demand in domestic and foreign markets. P. pelagicus swimming crabs are commonly found in Indonesian sea waters, one of the largest contributors to the country's foreign exchange after shrimp and tuna. The high demand for blue crab resources will trigger an increase in fishing efforts. If this is done continuously, it is feared that it could endanger the population structure. Moreover, disrupting the sustainability of blue swimming crab resources in the waters, this study examines the morphometric distribution and growth pattern of P. pelagicus crabs based on environmental characteristics in Candi waters, Pamekasaan Regency. Census sampling was carried out using the census method; the census method was carried out by taking all crab samples caught by fishermen. The results obtained found 33 individual crabs, which were divided into three classes, namely small (10 cm), and large (>12 cm) size classes. Male crabs dominated the research locations with wider straps than female crabs. The analysis results show that the width-weight relationship's b values are 1.47 (males) and 2.00 (females). In addition, male and female crabs have a positive allometric growth pattern. Blue swimming crabs are often found in habitats with a substrate of dusty mud, high salinity and organic matter
Strategy Development for Puri Peliatan Heritage Tourism
Purpose: This study aims to identify the strategy and program of Puri Peliatan (Peliatan Palace) as a heritage attraction in Peliatan Tourism Village, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia.
Research methods: The data collection technique in this research is observation. Quotation is done from existing library materials, and other sources. Data analysis techniques used are descriptive-qualitative.
Results and discussion: The main strategy planning of Puri Peliatan Ubud as an attraction of heritage tourism is by designing various programs. Puri Peliatan has a lot of tangible and intangible potential that can be developed as a tourist attraction, especially in heritage tourism.
Implication: This study has a limited scope in identifying existing conditions of tourism in Puri Peliatan and Puri Peliatan planning as a heritage attraction so that a further study is needed
This study uses the Object Based Image Analysis (OBIA) approach for mapping shallow-water benthic habitats in Kepulau Seribu. This study aims to compare the capabilities of the classification techniques of Support Vector Machin algorithm and k-Nearest Neighbor on Worldview and SPOT Satellite Images. The selection of SVM and KNN algorithms in the classification process has an influence on the final results of image processing. The results show that the overall accuracy in the Worldview algorithm SVM image is 76% and KNN is 80%, while for SPOT imagery they are 73% and 77% respectively. The results of this study indicate that the SVM and KNN algorithms are able to map the shallow water benthic habitat well in Wordview 2 and SPOT 6 imagery
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