1,479 research outputs found
Effects of decoherence on the shot noise in carbon nanotubes
We study the zero frequency noise in an interacting quantum wire connected to
leads, in the presence of an impurity. In the absence of quasiparticle
decoherence the zero-frequency noise is that of a non-interacting wire.
However, if the collective, fractionally-charged modes have a finite lifetime,
we find that the zero-frequency noise may still exhibit signatures of charge
fractionalization, such as a small but detectable reduction of the ratio
between the noise and the backscattered current (Fano factor). We argue that
this small reduction of the Fano factor is consistent with recent observations
of a large reduction in the experimentally-inferred Fano factor in nanotubes
(calculated assuming that the backscattered current is the difference between
the ideal current in a multiple-channel non-interacting wire and the measured
current.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur
Asymmetry of the excess finite-frequency noise
We consider finite frequency noise in a mesoscopic system with arbitrary
interactions, connected to many terminals kept at finite electrochemical
potentials. We show that the excess noise, obtained by subtracting the noise at
zero voltage from that at finite voltage, can be asymmetric with respect to
positive/negative frequencies if the system is non-linear. This explains a
recent experimental observation in Josephson junctions as well as strong
asymmetry obtained in typical non-linear and strongly correlated systems
described by the Luttinger liquid (LL): edge states in the fractional quantum
Hall effect, quantum wires and carbon nanotubes. Another important problem
where the LL model applies is that of a coherent conductor embedded in an ohmic
environment.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur
Shot noise free conductance reduction in quantum wires
We show that a shot noise free current at conductance below 2 e^2/h is
possible in short interacting quantum wires without spin-polarization. Our
calculation is done for two exactly solvable limits of the ``Coulomb Tonks
gas'', a one-dimensional gas of impenetrable electrons that can be realized in
ultra-thin quantum wires. In both cases we find that charge transport through
such a wire is noiseless at zero temperature while the conductance is reduced
to e^2/h.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur
The tunneling conductance between a superconducting STM tip and an out-of-equilibrium carbon nanotube
We calculate the current and differential conductance for the junction
between a superconducting (SC) STM tip and a Luttinger liquid (LL). For an
infinite single-channel LL, the SC coherence peaks are preserved in the
tunneling conductance for interactions weaker than a critical value, while for
strong interactions (g <0.38), they disappear and are replaced by cusp-like
features. For a finite-size wire in contact with non-interacting leads, we find
however that the peaks are restored even for extremely strong interactions. In
the presence of a source-drain voltage the peaks/cusps split, and the split is
equal to the voltage. At zero temperature, even very strong interactions do not
smear the two peaks into a broader one; this implies that the recent
experiments of Y.-F. Chen et. al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 036804 (2009)) do not
rule out the existence of strong interactions in carbon nanotubes.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure
Fractional charge in the noise of Luttinger liquid systems
The current noise of a voltage biased interacting quantum wire adiabatically
connected to metallic leads is computed in presence of an impurity in the wire.
We find that in the weak backscattering limit the Fano factor characterizing
the ratio between shot noise and backscattering current crucially depends on
the noise frequency relative to the ballistic frequency v_F/gL, where v_F is
the Fermi velocity, g the Luttinger liquid interaction parameter, and L the
length of the wire. In contrast to chiral Luttinger liquids, the noise is not
only due to the Poissonian backscattering of fractionally charged
quasiparticles at the impurity, but also depends on Andreev-type reflections of
plasmons at the contacts, so that the frequency dependence of the noise needs
to be analyzed to extract the fractional charge e*=e g of the bulk excitations.
We show that the frequencies needed to see interaction effects in the Fano
factor are within experimental reach.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, conference proceedings of Fluctuations and Noise
2005, Austin, Texa
Appearance of fractional charge in the noise of non-chiral Luttinger liquids
The current noise of a voltage biased interacting quantum wire adiabatically
connected to metallic leads is computed in presence of an impurity in the wire.
We find that in the weak backscattering limit the Fano factor characterizing
the ratio between noise and backscattered current crucially depends on the
noise frequency relative to the ballistic frequency , where
is the Fermi velocity, the Luttinger liquid interaction parameter,
and the length of the wire. In contrast to chiral Luttinger liquids the
noise is not only due to the Poissonian backscattering of fractionally charged
quasiparticles at the impurity, but also depends on Andreev-type reflections at
the contacts, so that the frequency dependence of the noise needs to be
analyzed to extract the fractional charge of the bulk excitations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, final version, to appear in PR
AC conductance and non-symmetrized noise at finite frequency in quantum wires and carbon nanotubes
We calculate the AC conductance and the finite-frequency non-symmetrized
noise in interacting quantum wires and single-wall carbon nanotubes in the
presence of an impurity. We observe a strong asymmetry in the frequency
spectrum of the non-symmetrized excess noise, even in the presence of the
metallic leads. We find that this asymmetry is proportional to the differential
excess AC conductance of the system, defined as the difference between the AC
differential conductances at finite and zero voltage, and thus disappears for a
linear system. In the quantum regime, for temperatures much smaller than the
frequency and the applied voltage, we find that the emission noise is exactly
equal to the impurity partition noise. For the case of a weak impurity we
expand our results for the AC conductance and the noise perturbatively. In
particular, if the impurity is located in the middle of the wire or at one of
the contacts, our calculations show that the noise exhibits oscillations with
respect to frequency, whose period is directly related to the value of the
interaction parameter
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