41 research outputs found


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    The cellular effects of Insulin Like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) are mediated by binding to cell IGF-I receptors, which arefound mainly on cells of mesenchymal origin, such of fibroblast, chondrocytes, and osteoblast. The study suggests thatIGF-I may regulate chondrocytes proliferation, differentiation and extracellular matrix deposition. The purpose of thisstudy was to quantify a synthesis of hydroxyproline HYP and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) by primary chondrocyteculture with IGF-I at 0, 5, 25, and 50 ng/ml concentration. Chondrocyte proliferation was assessed with collagensynthesis and measured by using hydroxyproline (HYP) assay and glycosaminoglycan GAG synthesis was determinedwith dimethylmethylene blue dye binding assay for 10 days. Primary chondrocytes was cultured for 10 days with 0, 5, 25and 25 ng/ml IGF-I. The results showed that, IGF-I was a potent in increasing GAG synthesis and also effective inpromoting collagen HYP synthesis. At the 50 ng/ml concentration, IGF-I was upregultators of GAG synthesis, producing6 times more GAG than control. Collagen content was promoted by IGF-I at its lower concentration, with level 3 timeshigher than control. In conclusion, IGF-I at doses ranging from 5 to 50 ng/ml for ten days has proved the induction GAGand HYP synthesis in 10 days primary chondrocyte culture of secondary cartilage rat condyles

    Mini Implant as The Anchorage in Skeletal Malocclusion Class II (Case Report)

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    A face profile which has disharmony in skeletal maloclusion class II makes it difficult to perform the treatment conventionally with the application of a face mask and head gear. Recently, through the development of technology in dentistry, mini implants have been discovered to correct skeletal maloclusion class II and can be used for maximum anchorage. Objective: This treatment was applied to correct skeletal maloclusion class II by using a mini implant as the anchorage, thereby balancing the face profile. Case: A male patient, 23 years old, had the main complaint that his front teeth were prominent with some gaps between the teeth that caused an unpleasant appearance. The patient admitted that he had a finger sucking habit. Cephalometry showed SNA 83⁰, SNB 76⁰, ANB 7⁰, NA-APog 9⁰ (convex), AB-Npog -8⁰ (skeletal class II), Y line 62⁰ (normal), interincisal angle 102⁰ (protrusion), distance I-APog 20mm (protrusion), INA angle 42⁰(protrusion), I-NB angle 35⁰(protrusion), Wits AO-BO 6mm (class II), and Naso Labial angle 105⁰. Clinical examination showed an overjet of 12 mm, overbite of 4 mm, molar and caninus relation lass I. Case Management: The application of fixed orthodontic appliance. Anterior upper jaw leveling until Ni-Ti 0,16 x 0,16 in 4 months, the insertion of a mini implant with a diameter of 2 mm and length of 10 mm on 1/3 of the apical region of the teeth in regions 16 – 17 and 26 - 27. One week after the insertion of the mini implant, retraction of the anterior teeth was performed by the en masse technique with a power chain using an archwire SS 0,16 x 0,16. Discussion: After 4 months of the treatment using the mini implant, overjet and diastema decreased. The patient is still being treated. The next treatment is to extract four teeth: premolar 1 of the upper and lower jaw to correct the overjet

    Hypodontia With Class I Malloclusion and Maxillary Diastema

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    Background: Dental agenesis is a term that refers to the absence of one or more teeth, and hypodontia refers to a severe type of tooth agenesis involving less than six or more than one congenitally missing teeth, excluding the third molars. Purpose: This aimed to report the correction of overbite by using intrusion archwires. Case: A 20-year-old female patient had class I malocclusion and deep overbite, incisor retroclination, mild mandibular crowding and agenesis of 12, 13, 14, 15, and 24. Case management: The case was treated with non-extraction using 0.022 pre-adjusted technique to level and unravel using intrusion archwires to correct the deep overbite. Conclusion: The 17-month treatment resulted in a corrected overbite, good occlusion, and good facial aesthetics

    Imunopatogenesis Kerusakan Jaringan Mukosa Rongga Mulut Akibat Paparan Monomer Metil Matakrilat

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    Dalam rangka pelindungan ciptaan di bidang ilmu pengetahuan, seni dan sastra berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipt

    Management Of Mandibular Lateral Incisor Agenesis With Skeletal Class III Malocclusion by Space Closing Technique

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    Background: Patients with congenital absence of a mandibular lateral incisor are often found having difficulty in achieving adequate functional occlusion. It may affect esthetics, mastication, speech, and occlusal balance. Purpose: This paper reported an agenesis treatment of one mandibular lateral incisor case using a space closure method. Case: A twenty-three years old female patient with agenesis of tooth 42, mandibular anterior crowding, multiple diastema on mandibular anterior teeth, and skeletal class III malocclusion. Case Management: Space closure method was chosen to correct the agenesis by considering the class III skeletal malocclusion and multiple diastema condition. Conclusion: Space closure method treatment improved the patient’s facial and dental esthetics, and it provided a good functional occlusion, despite the absence of a mandibular lateral incisor, which generally impairs the adequate incisal guidanc

    The Relationship Between Skeletal and Dental Characteristics in Patients with Class II Malocclusion

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    The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between dental and skeletal characteristic of Javanese ethnic patient with Class II skeletal malocclusion. This was a descriptive analytic research using lateral cephalograms and dental casts of 65 Javanese ethnic patients with skeletal class II malocclusion. Lateral cephalograms for each patient was traced with digital cephalometric to measure skeletal parameters (SNA, SNB, ANB, and Y Axis) and dental parameters (overbite, overjet, dental arch shape, width and length of dental arch, interpremolar and intermolar height, interpremolar and intermolar width) were measured also using vernier calliper. The data obtained were analyzed using Pearson correlation test with p < 0.05. The highest frequency of maxillary and mandibular denture arch shape were v-shape. There was a correlation between patterns of skeletal class II and dental characteristics, SNA was positively correlated with maxillary interpremolar width and SNB was negatively correlated with mandibular interpremolar height. There are various skeletal and dental characteristics that are correlated with DeutroMalayu races (Javanese ethnic) which makes dentocraniofacial complexity in class II skeletal malocclusion

    Modul Pertumbuhkembangan Gigi Geligi Dan Rahang

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    Dalam rangka pelindungan ciptaan di bidang ilmu pengetahuan, seni dan sastra berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipt

    The effect of miniscrew length and bone density on anchorage resistance: An in vitro study

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    Introduction > With conventional anchorage, it is usually hard to accomplish a satisfactory result with an absolute anchorage, and this limitation could be resolved by the usage of mini-screw. The successful rate of miniscrew usage depends on its stability, which was determined by its length, bone density, cortical bone thickness, the insertion technique, the insertion angle, and the applied loads. Objective > To observe the effect of miniscrew length and bone density on anchorage resistance. Material and methods > Thirty pieces of miniscrew with 1.6 mm in diameter were divided into three groups based on its length (n = 10): 10 mm (L), 8 mm (M), and 6 mm (S). Each group was further divided into 2 sub-groups: to be planted in optimal density bovine ribs (L1, M1, S1) and to be planted in low-density bovine ribs (L2, M2, S2). The density of bovine ribs was measured by CBCT. After the insertion of miniscrews based on respective groups, tensile test was done by means of Autograf Univerval Testing Machine to measure its stability. The data recorded was analysed using the Least Significant Difference (LSD) Fisher's test. Results > The results of this study showed that L1 provided the greatest stability than other groups. On the other hand, the least stability was found in S2. Conclusion > The length of miniscrew and the density of bone affect the stability of miniscrew. In bone with optimum density, 10 mm and 8 mm miniscrew equipped good anchorage resistance while in bone with low-density only 10 mm miniscrew provided favourable anchorage resistance

    The Occlusal Plane Inclination Analysis for Determining Skeletal Class III Malocclusion Diagnosis

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    Introduction: The occlusal plane is very important in the stomatognathic and aesthetic dentofacial system. Manipulation of the occlusal plane plays an important role in class III malocclusion correction. For this reason, the strategy in establishing the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plan becomes more complex, so a more comprehensive analysis of the occlusal plane inclination as a parameter of diagnosis is needed for more effective and efficient treatments. Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the comparison of occlusal plane inclination between class III and class I malocclusions and to knowing the correlation of occlusal plane inclination in class III malocclusions with the direction of facial growth. Materials and Methods: Samples were secondary lateral cephalograms collected at the Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Dental Hospital in October 2017–2018. Cephalograms were traced using the OrthovisionTM software; then, the Mann–Whitney comparative statistical test (p<0.05) was carried out followed by the canonical correlation test. Results: Differences in class III and class I malocclusions were found in the OP-AB and OP-FH angles. The OP-AB angle is the occlusal plane inclination which has the strongest correlation compared to others. OP-AB angle is strongly correlated with horizontal growth parameter, especially theSNB. The OP-AB angle is also correlated with vertical growth parameters: the Y axis and the Facial axis. Conclusion: The OP-AB angle is a parameter that can distinguish between class III and class I malocclusions. The OP-AB angle has a strong correlation with vertical and horizontal growth directions

    Gonial Angle Characteristics of Class III Malocclusion in Javanese Ethnic

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    Objective: To describe the gonial angle characteristics in class III skeletal malocclusion in Javanese ethnic. Material and Methods: Pretreatment lateral cephalometric radiographs of 43 Javanese ethnic patients were measured: upper (Go1) and lower gonial angle (Go2), anterior (AFH) and posterior face height ratio (PFH), maxilla-mandibular length difference, mandibular plane angle (FMA), Y axis, ramus position, ANB angle, posterior cranial base/ramus height and mandibular body length/anterior cranial base. The relation between Go1, Go2 and other variables were analysed using correlation and regression analysis. Results: The total gonial angle is within normal range, but Go1 is below normal and Go2 is above normal. There is no difference between male and female gonial angle measurements (p=0.939 and p=0.861, respectively). Ramus position is positively correlated to Go1 (p=0.003), while AFH (p=0.000), maxilla-mandibular length difference (p=0.000), FMA (p=0.000), Y axis (p=0.000), and posterior cranial base/ramus height (p=0.018) are positively correlated to Go2. PFH is negatively correlated to Go2 (p=0.018). Conclusion: The upper gonial angle is influenced by the position of mandibular ramus, while the lower gonial angle is affected by the posterior and anterior lower facial height and mandibular size and rotation. Javanese with class III malocclusion tends to have hypodivergent facial type, with more posteriorly located mandibular ramus and excess mandibular length