4,253 research outputs found
Effects of phytoestrogen on sexual development
Phytoestrogen is an estrogenic compound that occurs naturally in plants. The most common sources of phytoestrogen are soybean products, which contain high levels of isoflavones. This compound, which has structural similarity with estrogen, can act as an estrogen receptor agonist or antagonist. Animal studies provide evidence of the significant effects of phytoestrogen on sexual development, including altered pubertal timing, impaired estrous cycling and ovarian function, and altered hypothalamus and pituitary functions. Although human studies examining the effects of phytoestrogen on sexual development are extremely limited, the results of some studies agree with those of the animal studies. In this paper, we review the possible mechanism of phytoestrogen action and the evidence showing the effects of phytoestrogen on sexual development in animal and human studies
Thermal properties of La2Zr2O7 double-layer thermal barrier coatings
La2Zr2O7 is a promising thermal barrier coating (TBC) material. In this work, La2Zr2O7 and 8YSZ-layered TBC systems were fabricated. Thermal properties such as thermal conductivity and coefficient of thermal expansion were investigated. Furnace heat treatment and jet engine thermal shock (JETS) tests were also conducted. The thermal conductivities of porous La2Zr2O7 single-layer coatings are 0.50–0.66 W m−1 °C−1 at the temperature range from 100 to 900°C, which are 30–40% lower than the 8YSZ coatings. The coefficients of thermal expansion of La2Zr2O7 coatings are about 9–10 × 10−6 °C−1 at the temperature range from 200 to 1200°C, which are close to those of 8YSZ at low temperature range and about 10% lower than 8YSZ at high temperature range. Double-layer porous 8YSZ plus La2Zr2O7 coatings show a better performance in thermal cycling experiments. It is likely because porous 8YSZ serves as a buffer layer to release stress
Social Network Analysis of Global Value Chain: Focused on Fabric Cotton
Companies try to establishing optimal production networks that can perform all stages of production activities at competitive cost and quality around the world. In this study, we try to determine the structure of the global value chain in the apparel industry using social network analysis. Data for analysis were created a matrix using 2005 and 2015 trade data about the top 10 trading partners in the import and export countries of cotton fabric (hs code 5208, 5209). China was the largest exporting country. Comparing the betweenness centrality and closeness centrality of exports of cotton fabrics, India and China are playing their role as mediating countries. Vietnamese cotton imports have increased significantly. The role of mediators in the importation of cotton fiber was continued by China, the United States, and European countries. We identified the part of the fashion industry structure by investigating the international trade patterns of cotton fabric
Extrusion-Based 3D Printing of Molecular Sieve Zeolite for Gas Adsorption Applications
Extrusion based 3D printing is one of the emerging additive manufacturing technologies used for printing range of materials from metal to ceramics. In this study, we developed a customized 3D printer based on extrusion freeform fabrication technique, such as slurry deposition, for 3D printing of different molecular sieve zeolite monoliths like 3A, 4A, 5A and 13X to evaluate their performance in gas adsorption. The physical and structural properties of 3D printed zeolite monoliths will be characterized along with the gas adsorption performance. The Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) test of 3D printed samples will be performed for calculation of the surface area, which will give us the capacity of gas absorption into 3D printed zeolite. The BET surface area test showed good results for Zeolite 13X compared to available literature. The surface area calculated for 3D – printed Zeolite 13X was 767m2/g and available literature showed 498 m2/g for 3D – printed Zeolite 13X. The microhardness values of 3D – printed Zeolite samples were measured using a Vicker hardness tester. The hardness value of the 3D - printed Zeolite samples
increased from 8.3 ± 2 to 12.5 ± 3 HV 0.05 for Zeolite 13X, 3.3 ± 1 to 7.3 ± 1 HV 0.05 for Zeolite 3A, 4.3 ± 2 to 7.5 ± 2 HV 0.05 for Zeolite 4A, 7.4 ± 1 to 14.0 ± 0.5 HV 0.05 for Zeolite 5A, before and after sintering process, respectively. The SEM analysis was performed for 3D printed samples before and after sintering to evaluate their structural properties. The SEM analysis reveals that all 3D – printed Zeolite samples retained their microstructure after slurry preparation and also after the sintering process. The porous nature of 3D – printed Zeolite walls was retained after the sintering process
NKT cells promote antibody-induced joint inflammation by suppressing transforming growth factor β1 production
Although NKT cells has been known to exert protective roles in the development of autoimmune diseases, the functional roles of NKT cells in the downstream events of antibody-induced joint inflammation remain unknown. Thus, we explored the functional roles of NKT cells in antibody-induced arthritis using the K/BxN serum transfer model. NKT cell–deficient mice were resistant to the development of arthritis, and wild-type mice administrated with α-galactosyl ceramide, a potent NKT cell activator, aggravated arthritis. In CD1d−/− mice, transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1 was found to be elevated in joint tissues, and the blockade of TGF-β1 using neutralizing monoclonal antibodies restored arthritis. The administration of recombinant TGF-β1 into C57BL/6 mice reduced joint inflammation. Moreover, the adoptive transfer of NKT cells into CD1d−/− mice restored arthritis and reduced TGF-β1 production. In vitro assay demonstrated that interleukin (IL)-4 and interferon (IFN)-γ were involved in suppressing TGF-β1 production in joint cells. The adoptive transfer of NKT cells from IL-4−/− or IFN-γ−/− mice did not reverse arthritis and TGF-β1 production in CD1d−/− mice. In conclusion, NKT cells producing IL-4 and IFN-γ play a role in immune complex–induced joint inflammation by regulating TGF-β1
eHealth literacy and Cancer Screening: A Structural Equation Modeling
Many people use the Internet for their health information needs. Individuals searching for health information can bombarded with resources. Some of these resources can me poor or give misinformation. It is important for individuals to be able to understand what resources are reputable and give the most accurate information. eHealth Literacy Scales (eHEALS) were developed to address some of these challenges. This study examined how eHealth literacy (direct and indirect) and affected the eHealth literacy on colon cancer screening test using Structure Equation Modeling (SEM). This study also analyzed what other factors, such as socioeconomic characteristics (SES) and Internet usage, influenced eHealth literacy and the colon cancer screening. The study examined the data of 108 adult participants. Among SES, race has a direct affect on the Internet usage and also a direct affect on the eHealth literacy. However, eHealth literacy does not directly affect on colon cancer screening.ye
Do lifestyle factors influence risk of breast cancer recurrence in Korean women?: a cross-sectional survey
Purpose This study aimed to investigate the influencing factors of breast cancer recurrence by comparing the risk factors and lifestyle patterns related to breast cancer in Korean women with and without recurrence. Methods This cross-sectional survey comprised 241 Korean women diagnosed with breast cancer who had received follow-up treatment. Participants were recruited from a university hospital in Seoul and an online social media platform for breast cancer patients. Data were collected either via online or a paper survey, using a structured questionnaire that included general and disease-related characteristics and lifestyle behaviors. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, univariate analysis, and logistic regression. Results Recurrence of breast cancer was influenced by four factors; childbirth experience, consumption of green/yellow vegetables, drinking behavior, and recovery from fatigue after sleep.Prevalence of recurrent breast cancer was associated with no childbirth experience (OR=2.29, p=.010), fewer green/yellow vegetables (OR=0.71, p=.008), drinking behavior (OR=0.24, p=.001), and a lower level of recovery from fatigue after sleep (OR=0.51, p<.001). Conclusion Aside from having experienced childbirth, this study identified several modifiable factors that influence breast cancer recurrence. Increasing green/yellow vegetable intake, alleviating fatigue, and reducing alcohol intake are important. Intervention strategies in clinical research and practice can be applied to address risk factors and reduce the prevalence of recurrent breast cancer
Psychosocial Factors Associated with dizziness and chronic dizziness: a nationwide cross-sectional study
Dizziness is a common symptom in adults, and chronic dizziness, such as persistent postural-perceptual dizziness, is also frequently reported and affects the quality of life of patients. This study aimed to identify psychosocial factors related to dizziness and chronic dizziness in a large-scale nationwide cohort.
This population-based cross-sectional study used the database of the Eighth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in 2020. Data from 4,147 adults over 40 years old were analyzed, and 1,102 adults who experienced dizziness were included in the dizziness cohort. Demographic data, medical conditions, comorbidities, functional status variables, nutritional variables and psychological variables were collected. The pattern of depressive symptoms according to the severity of dizziness was analyzed by network analysis.
The prevalence rate of dizziness was 24.6% in the general population, and chronic dizziness (≥ 3 months) developed in 210 of 1,102 (17.1%) individuals who experienced dizziness. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that female sex, stress, and depression were associated with dizziness. Chronic dizziness was related to tympanic abnormalities, diabetes, short sleep duration, and higher levels of stress and depression. Psychomotor retardation/agitation was a central symptom of depression in patients with chronic dizziness.
This study found sex differences in factors associated with dizziness and identified psychosocial factors linked to chronic dizziness. Focusing on somatic factors rather than depressive symptoms may benefit patients with chronic dizziness.This study was supported by a National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (NRF-2020R1A2C1102105
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