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    Abstract: Public open spaces used for social interaction, recreation, and economics are now experiencing a crisis. The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic since the end of 2019 has caused various problems in public spaces. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method to determine how the community responds to public open spaces during a pandemic. A questionnaire survey by google form was conducted because of the social restrictions. And 84 respondents participated in this study. The data were analyzed descriptively, which consisted of analyzing, describing, and summarizing. And the results show that the park condition in Surabaya during the pandemic objectively and subjectively changed related to the arrangement of parks in Surabaya, which became cleaner and neater. The community also responded that the park's current condition was quite good, but the park closure made people feel bored and start visiting the park. So activities in the park that were initially spread throughout the park area now became centered on the park's edge. It emphasizes that parks are important to increase the quality of community, and improving public open space services that refer to the public needs during the COVID-19 pandemic is also needed.Abstrak: Ruang terbuka publik yang digunakan masyarakat untuk berinteraksi sosial, rekreasi dan nilai ekonomi kini mengalami krisis yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya. Penyebaran pandemi COVID-19 yang telah terjadi sejak akhir 2019 menyebabkan berbagai permasalahan pada ruang publik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk mengetahui bagaimana respon masyarakat terkait ruang terbuka publik saat pandemi. Pengambilan data dengan kuesioner dengan google form dilakukan akibat pembatasan sosial yang berlaku. Dan sebanyak 84 responden berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Data kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif yang terdiri dari menganalisis, menggambarkan dan meringkas kondisi situasi. Hasil yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa kondisi Taman di Surabaya saat pandemi secara objektif dan subjektif menunjukkan perubahan terkait penataan Taman di Surabaya yang pada saat pandemi menjadi semakin bersih dan rapi. Masyarakat juga merespon bahwa kondisi Taman saat ini sudah cukup baik, namun tutupnya Taman membuat orang menjadi jenuh dan mulai berkunjung ke Taman. Sehingga aktivitas di Taman yang awalnya tersebar di seluruh area Taman kini menjadi berpusat di pinggir Taman. Hal tersebut menekankan bahwa pentingnya Taman dalam meningkatkan kualitas masyarakat, dan peningkatan pelayanan ruang terbuka publik yang mengacu pada kebutuhan masyarakat saat pandemi COVID-19 juga dibutuhkan

    Strategi Rebrand Usaha Berbasis Rumah Tangga Melalui Desain Ulang Tempat Usaha di Kecamatan Pandaan, Kabupaten Pasuruan

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    This paper presents the community service (PKM) implementation for home based enterprises Pia “Mahen”. The purpose is re-design working place as a producing place and as a training center of Pia making through provided a layout design. These two functions took a same place currently. This condition interfere each functions. This PKM is involving students for apply their design knowledge. The implementation method is used technical assistance for re-design of the working place and the training center. Through the redesign of working place Pia “Mahen” is expected to be increasingly widely known as a producing place of Pia and a training center of Pia making