172 research outputs found

    Tribological Behavior of Very Thin Confined Films

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    The tribological properties of two smooth surfaces in the presence of a thin confined film are investigated with a generic model for the interaction between two surfaces and with computer simulations. It is shown that at large normal contact pressures, an ultra thin film automatically leads to static friction between two flat surfaces - even if the surfaces are incommensurate. Commensurability is nevertheless the key quantity to understand the tribological behavior of the contact. Qualitative differences between commensurate and incommensurate contacts remain even in the presence of a thin film. The differences mainly concern the thermal diffusion of the contact and the transition between smooth sliding and stick-slip.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Optimal Formation Design for Imaging and Fuel Usage

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/77028/1/AIAA-20080-363.pd

    Revisiting the orbital tracking problem

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    Consider a space object in an orbit about the earth. An uncertain initial state can be represented as a point cloud which can be propagated to later times by the laws of Newtonian motion. If the state of the object is represented in Cartesian earth centered inertial (Cartesian-ECI) coordinates, then even if initial uncertainty is Gaussian in this coordinate system, the distribution quickly becomes non-Gaussian as the propagation time increases. Similar problems arise in other standard fixed coordinate systems in astrodynamics, e.g. Keplerian and to some extent equinoctial. To address these problems, a local "Adapted STructural (AST)'' coordinate system has been developed in which uncertainty is represented in terms of deviations from a "central state". Given a sequence of angles-only measurements, the iterated nonlinear extended (IEKF) and unscented (IUKF) Kalman filters are often the most appropriate variants to use. In particular, they can be much more accurate than the more commonly used non-iterated versions, the extended (EKF) and unscented (UKF) Kalman filters, especially under high eccentricity. In addition, iterated Kalman filters can often be well-approximated by two new closed form filters, the observation-centered extended (OCEKF) and unscented (OCUKF) Kalman filters.Comment: 37 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Trusted Distributed Autonomy Demonstration Experiment: Simulation Based Results

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    The goal of the Trusted Distributed Autonomy Demonstration Experiment (TDADE) is to develop and demonstrate a fully autonomous, distributed, trusted, and adaptive onboard autonomy software solution that enables resilient management of resources in proliferated space constellations, to meet complex Missions at Scale

    On-Line Symbolic Constraint Embedding for Simulation of Hybrid Dynamical Systems

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    In this paper we present a simulator designed to handle multibody systems with changing constraints, wherein the equations of motion for each of its constraint configurations are formulated in minimal ODE form with constraints embedded before they are passed to an ODE solver. The constraint-embedded equations are formulated symbolically according to a re-combination of terms of the unconstrained equations, and this symbolic process is undertaken on-line by the simulator. Constraint-embedding undertaken on-the-fly enables the simulation of systems with an ODE solver for which constraints are not known prior to simulation start or for which the enumeration of all constraint conditions would be unwieldy because of their complexity or number. Issues of drift associated with DAE solvers that usually require stabilization are sidestepped with the constraint-embedding approach. We apply nomenclature developed for hybrid dynamical systems to describe the system with changing constraints and to distinguish the roles of the forward dynamics solver, a collision detector, and an impact resolver. We have prototyped the simulator in MATLAB and demonstrate the design using three representative examples.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43263/1/11044_2005_Article_269.pd
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