33 research outputs found

    JAMALOKE: Bingkai Kecintaan pada Tanah Air dan Kesia-siaan

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    Novel Jamaloke, adalah sebuah novel yang ditulis oleh anak dari pelaku sejarah Revolusi Indonesia di Surabaya. Novel ini didasarkan pada buku harian ayahnya. Isi novel tidak seluruhnya tentang realitas sesungguhnya dari peristiwa saat revolusi yang terjadi di Surabaya. Dalam konteks ini, pembaca dihadapkan pada persoalan hubungan antara historiografi dan karya sastra (dalam bentuk novel). Historiografi dan karya sastra keduanya merupakan simbol verbal, tapi memiliki perbedaan yang tegas antara keduanya. 

    A People-state Negotiation in a Borderland a Case Study of the Indonesia–Malaysia Frontier in Sebatik Island

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    This paper aims to show the dynamics of the Indonesian – Malaysian border area in Sebatik Island, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Take into account as a background is the territorial dispute between Indonesia and Malaysia over the Ligitan and Sipadan Islands which were awarded to Malaysia by the decision of the ICJ (International Court of Justice) in 2002, which was followed by the dispute over the Ambalat sea block in 2005. Sebatik Island is geographically very strategic since it faces the disputed areas. Therefore the concerns of the Indonesian state with regard to the island pertain to issues of nation-state sovereignty and territorial security, which she tries to safeguard through intensive campaigns. Research conducted in Sebatik in 2009 showed how people willingly reinforced the state by incorporating its programs, despite their ambiguous position as people in a border area, which support they used subsequently in negotiating with the state for their own local purpose

    A people-state negotiation in a borderland: A case study of the Indonesia-Malaysia frontier in Sebatik island

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    This paper aims to show the dynamics of the Indonesian – Malaysian border area in Sebatik Island, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Take into account as a background is the territorial dispute between Indonesia and Malaysia over the Ligitan and Sipadan Islands which were awarded to Malaysia by the decision of the ICJ (International Court of Justice) in 2002, which was followed by the dispute over the Ambalat sea block in 2005. Sebatik Island is geographically very strategic since it faces the disputed areas. Therefore the concerns of the Indonesian state with regard to the island pertain to issues of nation-state sovereignty and territorial security, which she tries to safeguard through intensive campaigns. Research conducted in Sebatik in 2009 showed how people willingly reinforced the state by incorporating its programs, despite their ambiguous position as people in a border area, which support they used subsequently in negotiating with the state for their own local purpose.KEYWORDSsebatik Island, borderland, negotiation, local people, state


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    One of the further effects of the G30S was the arrest of thousands of people who were considered PKI sympathizers. Most of them were banished and exiled to Buru Island. However, in December 1977 repatriation began. One of the main problems faced by former political prisoners was their acceptance by their families and communities. When they had to work to support their families, they often found obstacles. This paper looks at the processes political prisoners had to go through, from their arrest, banishment in Buru Island, and it also looks at the repatriation process and the difficult circumstances they had to face once they returned.   Keywords: Political Prisoners, PKI, Buru Islan


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    The Chinese migration to Surabaya can be traced back to the 14th Century. Among the push factors that forced the Chinese to migrate to Surabaya, poor conditions of living in their home country caused by natural disasters, warfares, and inhospitable environment were notable. In addition, the Chinese migrants in the 19th century were attracted by employment opportunities in colonial mines and plantations. Initially, there were no problems occuring between the Chinese and the indigenous peoples in Surabaya. The Chinese interacted with the indigenous people through marriage, religion, cultural performances, language, and food. However, their relations began to break down with the strengthening of the Dutch colonial rule in Indonesia. In the 19th Century, the colonial government began to introduce a number of regulations that effectively segregated the Chinese from the rest of population, namely the “wijkenstelsel”, an ethnic-based identification system (passenstelsel) and the establishment of Chinese schools. The postcolonial policies further disrupted the relations between the Chinese and the indigenous people. The policies included the Ekonomi Benteng, PP 10/59 which prohibited the Chinese and others identified as foreigners from engaging in village retail trade. Several additional policies established by the East Java Pepelrada (Regional Military Authority to Implement Dwikora) also discriminated against the Chinese in Surabaya.Keywords: assimilation, the Chinese, the indigenous people, Surabay

    Ketika Air Menggenangi Pemukiman: BANJIR DAN PENANGGULANGANNYA DI MADIUN, 1940-1989

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    Artikel ini mengkaji mengenai bencana banjir yang melanda Madiun pada tahun 1940-1989. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah. Dalam artikel ini, diketahui bahwa banjir di Madiun telah terjadi secara rutin jauh sebelum masa reformasi. Hal itu disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor, tidak hanya kondisi alam, tetapi juga aktivitas manusia. Salah satu faktor dominan yang menjadi penyebab banjir adalah curah hujan. Selain curah hujan, banjir disebabkan karena adanya anak sungai Bengawan Solo, yakni Kali Madiun. Setiap tahun, terutama ketika musim hujan, Kali Madiun akan mendapat kiriman dari kawasan hulu beserta anak-anak sungainya, sehingga membuat air sungai meluap. Akibat banjir yang rutin terjadi, penduduk Madiun mengalami kerugian, baik material, finansial, maupun korban jiwa. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah berupaya untuk melakukan penanggulangan bencana, di antaranya melalui Proyek Pengembangan Wilayah Sungai Bengawan Solo hingga Madiun River Urgent Flood Control Project (MRUFCP)

    Hubungan Indonesia-Australia

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    Indonesia and Australia are two countries that have long historical and diplomatic relations. Unfortunately, studies on these various relationships, both in the journals and books, are very limited. Therefore, this book is very important to help us understand relationship between the two countries. This book give an important contribution in adding to the collection of important works about Australia written in Indonesian. This book explains how Australian foreign policy in general grew out of Australia's concerns and beliefs (or perceptions), and how it came to shape and develop further. This is supported by the author's careful and systematic explanation of the social context in which the basic assumptions underlying Australia's foreign policy are formed. Today, Indonesia-Australia relations are very close. Several programs were initiated such as Economic Management, Infrastructure, Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene. By collaborating with a number of institutions of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, the Australian government helps to promote strong economic growth, sustainable economic growth that can be enjoyed by all people. Indonesia dan Australia adalah dua negara yang memiliki hubungan sejarah dan diplomatik yang cukup panjang. Sayang sekali, kajian-kajian tentang berbagai hubungan tersebut, baik dalam bentuk jurnal maupun buku tidak banyak dilakukan. Oleh karena itu, buku ini sangat penting untuk membantu kita memahami hubungan antara kedua negara.  Buku ini memberi kontribusi penting dalam menambah koleksi karya penting tentang Australia yang ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Buku ini menjelaskan bagaimana kebijakan luar negeri Australia secara umum tumbuh dari kekhawatiran dan kepercayaan (atau persepsi) Australia, dan bagaimana ia kemudian terbentuk dan berkembang lebih jauh. Hal ini didukung oleh  penjelasan cermat dan sistematis dari penulis atas konteks sosial di mana asumsi-asumsi dasar yang mendasari kebijakan luar negeri Australia terbentuk. Dewasa ini, hubungan Indonesia-Australia sangat dekat. Beberapa program digagas seperti Tata Laksana Ekonomi, Infrastruktur, Air, Sanitasi, dan Kebersihan. Dengan bekerjasama dengan sejumlah isntitusi Pemerintah Republik Indonesia, pemerintah Australia membantu untuk mempromosikan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang kuat, sustain serta dapat dinikmati oleh semua pihak


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    Tepat satu dekade setelah Howard Dick menerbitkan bukunya yang berjudul “Surabaya, City of Work: A Socio-economic Histroy, 1900-2000” (2003), akhirnya sebuah buku tentang masyarakat dan kota Surabaya terbit kembali di penghujung tahun 2013. Buku yang berjudul “Surabaya, 1945-2010: Neighbourhood, State, and Economy in Indonesia’s City of Struggle” ini ditulis oleh Robbie Peters, seorang antropolog dan dosen di University of Sydney yang sekaligus dapat dikatakan sebagai Indonesianis generasi baru. Pilihannya memilih Surabaya sebagai fokus kajian patut diapresiasi. Sepanjang pengetahuan saya, tidak banyak ilmuan asing yang menaruh perhatian pada Kota Surabaya terutama untuk kajian yang sifatnya komprehensif. Sebelum Robbie Peters, beberapa nama dapat disebut seperti James Peacok (1968), William Frederick (1978; 1986), dan Howard Dick (2003).


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    This article discusses the social and economic activities of ethnic Chinese in Mojokerto between 1959 and 1980 and it shows that ethnic Chinese in Mojokerto conducted their economic activities close to the riverbanks of  the Brantas River in Mojokerto area. Businesses owned by ethnic Chinese scattered over areas of Mojokerto. Ethnic Chinese in urban areas dominated trading activities at the city center located at Majapahit street while other activities, mainy agricultural activities, were spread in rural areas of the district. The implementation of the regulation PP 10 1959 forced Chinese population living in the countryside to move into the city. In East Java, the implementation of the regulation Pepelrada Jatim 1966 resulted in the changes of the attributes of Chineseness in economic activities in the area of Mojokerto.   Keywords: Social Economic Activities, Mojokerto, Chines

    Manisnya Kopi di Era Liberal: Perkebunan Kopi Afdeling Malang, 1870-1930

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    This article discusses about the coffee plantation at Afdeling Malang in 1870-1930 with the dynamics of emergence on the agrarian laws during liberal period. This research uses historical method. It shows that the journey of coffee plantation during that time had been fluctuated. To achieve the expected production, foreign private investora were involved to establish new plantations or branch of the plantation (with the same brand). They did the nusery on coffee plants, the use of various types such as Robusta, Arabica/Java and Liberia. Towards 1898 until 1910s, bladziektedisease suffered coffee plants. The coffee production was decreased, it needed the another coffee variety that could more resist from disease. The malaisecrisis in 1930 had influenced coffee plantation, due to the number of coffee plantations were decrease, it affected the production that was lower compare than before