347 research outputs found
A PTAS for the minimum dominating set problem in unit disk graphs
We present a polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS) for the minimum dominating set problem in unit disk graphs. In contrast to previously known approximation schemes for the minimum dominating set problem on unit disk graphs, our approach does not assume a geometric representation of the vertices (specifying the positions of the disks in the plane) to be given as part of the input. \u
Improving local search heuristics for some scheduling problems - I
Local search techniques like simulated annealing and tabu search are based on a neighborhood structure defined on a set of feasible solutions of a discrete optimization problem. For the scheduling problems and we replace a simple neighborhood by a neighborhood on the set of all locally optimal solutions. This allows local search on the set of solutions that are locally optimal
Special cases of online parallel job scheduling
In this paper we consider the online scheduling of jobs, which require processing on a number of machines simultaneously. These jobs are presented to a decision maker one by one, where the next job becomes known as soon as the current job is scheduled. The objective is to minimize the makespan. For the problem with three machines we give a 2.8-competitive algorithm, improving upon the 3-competitive greedy algorithm. For the special case with arbitrary number of machines, where the jobs appear in non-increasing order of machine requirement, we give a 2.4815-competitive algorithm, improving the 2.75-competitive greedy algorithm
An analysis of the lifetime of OLSR networks
The Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol is a well-known route discovery protocol for ad-hoc networks. OLSR optimizes the flooding of link state information through the network using multipoint relays (MPRs). Only nodes selected as MPRs are responsible for forwarding control traffic. Many research papers aim to optimize the selection of MPRs with a specific purpose in mind: e.g., to minimize their number, to keep paths with high Quality of Service or to maximize the network lifetime (the time until the first node runs out of energy). In such analyzes often the effects of the network structure on the MPR selection are not taken into account. In this paper we show that the structure of the network can have a large impact on the MPR selection. In highly regular structures (such as grids) there is even no variation in the MPR sets that result from various MPR selection mechanisms. Furthermore, we study the influence of the network structure on the network lifetime problem in a setting where at regular intervals messages are broadcasted using MPRs. We introduce the ’maximum forcedness ratio’, as a key parameter of the network to describe how much variation there is in the lifetime results of various MPR selection heuristics. Although we focus our attention to OLSR, being a widely implemented protocol, on a more abstract level our results describe the structure of connected sets dominating the 2-hop neighborhood of a node
Run-time adaptation of a reconfigurable mobile UMTS receiver
UMTS receivers are mobile devices, which should have a low energy consumption and operates in a frequently changing environment. The idea of this paper is to adapt the amount of signal processing for the reception within an UMTS mobile to this changing environment. In this way the amount of signal processing can be decreased for a good channel to decrease the energy consumption and for a bad channel the signal processing can be increased to guarantee a minimum Quality of Service for the signal. Due to space limitation, this paper only describes the approach. For full details see [1]
Run-time Mapping of Applications to a Heterogeneous SoC
This paper presents an iterative hierarchical approach to map an application to a parallel heterogeneous SoC architecture at run-time. The application is modeled as a set of communicating processes. The optimization objective is to minimize the energy consumption of the SoC, while still providing the required Quality of Service. This approach is flexible, scalable and the performance looks promisin
BER estimation for wireless links using BPSK/QPSK modulation
This paper introduces a method that computes an estimation of the bit error rate (BER) based on the RAKE receiver soft output only. For this method no knowledge is needed about the channel characteristics nor the precise external conditions. Simulations show that the mean error of the estimation is below 2%, with only a small variance. Also an estimation of the BER for a different spreading factor or a different number of RAKE finger can be made. Implementation issues for a practical use of the method are discussed
Job-shop scheduling with limited capacity buffers
In this paper we investigate job-shop problems where limited capacity buffers to store jobs in non-processing periods are present. In such a problem setting, after finishing processing on a machine, a job either directly has to be processed on the following machine or it has to be stored in a prespecified buffer. If the buffer is completely occupied the job may wait on its current machine but blocks this machine for other jobs. Besides a general buffer model, also specific configurations are considered. The aim of this paper is to find a compact representation of solutions for the job-shop problem with buffers. In contrast to the classical job-shop problem, where a solution may be given by the sequences of the jobs on the machines, now also the buffers have to be incorporated in the solution representation. In a first part, two such representations are proposed, one which is achieved by adapting the alternative graph model and a second which is based on the disjunctive graph model. In a second part, it is investigated whether the given solution representation can be simplified for specific buffer configurations. For the general buffer configuration it is shown that an incorporation of the buffers in the solution representation is necessary, whereas for specific buffer configurations possible simplifications are presented
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