95 research outputs found
The photocatalytic activity of TiO2–SiO2 coated and TiO2 coated on 100% cotton and PES/Co fabrics was investigated through the self–cleaning of red wine stains and coffee stains. It was shown that a TiO2 species could be produced at temperatures of 25 °C, 40 °C and 60 °C with acceptable photo–activity and TiO2–SiO2 nanocomposites were prepared by a sol–gel process at a low temperature. The discoloration of red wine and coffee led to CO2 evolution that was more efficient for TiO2–SiO2 coated cotton for samples than of TiO2 coated ones. The textile surface did not show any change after several consecutive light–induced discoloration cycles of a red wine stain and coffee stain. The structural properties of these nanocomposites were characterized with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT–IR). The scanning electron microscope (SEM) photo showed that the TiO2–SiO2 layer is thicker than TiO2 layer on the cotton fabric and PES/Co fabric and the Ti–particles were always surrounded by amorphous SiO2 and never alone by themselves. The TiO2–SiO2 nanocomposites were coated onto cotton and PES/Co fabrics by a simple dip–pad–dry–cure process
Effector of transcription (ET) - novel plant specific epigenetic regulators of reproductive processes
Effector of transcription (ET)-Faktoren sind pflanzenspezifische, evolutionär konservierte Proteine mit charakteristischen Zink- und DNA-bindendenDomänen. Sie haben so genannte, auch in bakteriellen Reparaturproteinen vorkommende, GIY-YIG-Domänen gemeinsam. Strukturelle Vergleiche führten zu der Annahme, dass ETs an der Regulation der genomischen DNA-Methylierung beteiligt sind. T-DNA- Mutanten wurden isoliert, genotypisiert und phänotypisiert. Sie zeigen pleiotrope Entwicklungseffekte, wie die fehlende Fusion der zwei Polarzellkerne, homöotische Transformationen von Blütenorganen (Antheren entwickeln sich in Karpelle), vergrößerte Nukleoli der Endospermkerne sowie vorzeitige Keimung. Molekulare Analysen umfassen die Suche nach putativen Zielgenen durch tiefe RNA Sequenzierung und die Identifikation differentiell methylierter Genombereiche durch Genom-weite Methylierunganalysen. Die Ergebnisse führen zu der Schlussfolgerung, dass ETs als neue epigenetische Regulatoren reproduktiver Prozesse durch die Kontrolle der Methylierung pflanzlicher Genome wirkenEffector of transcription (ET) factors are strictly plant specific, evolutionarily conserved proteins sharing a variable number of conserved ET repeats involved in zinc- and DNA-bindingand a so called GIY-YIG domain also found in bacterial repair proteins. Structural comparisons lead to the suggestion that ETs might be involved in the regulation of the methylation status of genomic DNA. T-DNA insertion mutants of Arabidopsis have been isolated, genotyped and phenotyped and reveal pleiotropic developmental effects, including the failed fusion of the two polar nuclei, homoeotic transformation of flower organs with anthers transformed into carpels, enlarged nucleoli of endosperm nuclei and precocious germination. Molecular analyses comprise the screening for putative target genes by deep RNA sequencing and the identification of differentially methylated regions by genome-wide methylation studies. The results provide strong evidence for the conclusion that ETs are novel epigenetic regulators of reproductive processes and act via the regulation of the DNA methylation status of plant genomes.vorgelegt von Bui Thi Mai Huon
Coffee ground residues is considered as biomass and organic wastes that can be used for further application due to their deodorant properties. The purpose of this study is applying anti-odor treatment on 100% wool fabric by bi-functional dyeing process with colorant extracted from coffee ground residues. The extraction was done with water at 100ÂşC with different extracting ratio. The knitted wool fabrics were IR dyed with extracting solutions at 80ÂşC, 90 min, then dried at 60ÂşC, 30 min. The effectiveness of treatment on wool fabric was determined by colour strength K/S and FT-IR spectra. The colour fastness after hand wash were tested by AATCC standard to confirm the treatment after laundering, exhibited good color fastness at grade 4-5. The anti-odor effect was also evaluated according to AATCC 2017 Methods for Odor Evaluation of Textiles and other Materials for fabric before and after laundering, which proved the efficiency of deodorization of treated fabric by coffee residues extraction, even with strong odor like onio
This paper presents the connection among three factors of the eco–friendly approach and products: natural textile materials, natural dyes and utilization of waste. The silk and wool materials were chosen as they are both protein fibers that have natural dyes affinity. The dyes were extracted from wastes (mangosteen hulls and used tea–bags) with optimal conditions found during our experiments: 80 °C for 120 min with a 15 % w/v citric acid solution in a 1:10 ratio of mangosteen flakes to solvent and 100 °C for 60 min in a 1:20 ratio of spent tea powder to solvent. The silk dyeing and wool dyeing were carried out at separately proper temperature, time and concentrations. The effect on dyeing of mordant types with different salt–metals mordanting methods and mordant techniques – pre–mordanting, simultaneous mordanting and post–mordanting were undertaken. The K/S values were used for determining the fixation of dyes on textile materials as it reflects the surface luster shade of the dyeing products. The results helped to estimate the influence of dyeing processes on protein materials where low temperature ( 90 °C) and post–mordanting methods exhibited good effects. The UPF values above 29 measured on dye fabric proved the excellent UV protection, even with non–mordant dyeing
Lyocell is considered as a new fiber that represents a milestone in the development of environmentally sustainable textiles. Lyocell is spun from wood pulp cellulose via a green chemical process with NMMO (N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide) solvent. Following the concept of lower the environmental impact of fashion clothing, this study aims to determine the suitable natural dyes recipes with the color extracting from tropical onion skins. Colorants were extracted by dissolving crushed dried onion skins with boiled in water at 100ºC for 20-25 minutes. The ratio of extracting and dyeing are 1:25 and 1:30 respectively. The optimal dyeing condition was found out at 80ºC, 45 minutes with 75% v/v. In addition, a variety of the most commonly used mordants including Potassium aluminum sulfate, Copper (II) sulphate and Iron (II) sulphate were used for mordanting in order to compare the differently mordanted and unmordanted dyed fabrics via color strength (K/S) and CIE L*a*b* color values. It was found that mordant type had an effect on color strength and the color coordinates of fabric dyed with onion skin, which can supply variety of color choices for the same colorants
Following the recent trend of using natural ingredients from bio-macromolecules, biomaterials, plant extract in textile chain, this research aims to develop an antibacterial textiles finishing with Tannin extracted from piper betle plant. The extracting processes were carried out with different solvent: distilled water, Ethanol 30%, Ethanol 50%, Ethanol 70% in 60 minutes. Two important types of fabric, including Cotton and CVC (Cotton/Polyester) were padded with piper betle extracts, then dried at 60oC in 5 minutes. The presence of tannin on fabric after treatment was determined by FeCl3 test and FT-IR spectrum. The antibacterial effect of finished fabrics was proved according to ASTM 2149-01 standard. The test was performed with Escherichia Coli ATCC 25922 and Staphylococus aureus AATCC 6538. The final results exhibited good antibacterial activity of 83.02%, 65,33% against the bacteria Ecoli and 93.88 %, 85.14% against the bacteria S.Aureus on cotton and then CVC fabrics
The lasting effects of innovation on firm profitability: Panel evidence from a transitional economy
This study is the first to study the lasting effects of innovation on firm profitability in Vietnam. Using a unique panel dataset for the period 2005-2015, our results show that innovators achieve higher profit in comparison with non-innovating firms. The positive effects of innovation on firm profitability are observed not only in the short term but also in the longer term. The benefits of innovation for firm profitability can be seen in higher export probability, better productivity, better access to formal credit, and the ability to secure government support, but only after innovation
The lasting effects of innovation on firm profitability: panel evidence from a transitional economy
This study is the first to study the lasting effects of innovation on firm profitability in Vietnam. Using a unique panel dataset for the period 2005–2015, our results show that innovators achieve higher profit in comparison with non-innovating firms. The positive effects of innovation on firm profitability are observed not only in the short term but also in the longer term. The benefits of innovation for firm profitability can be seen in higher export probability, better productivity, better access to formal credit, and the ability to secure government support, but only after innovation
Total dietary intake and health risks associated with exposure to aflatoxin B<sub>1</sub>, ochratoxin A and fuminisins of children in Lao Cai Province, Vietnam
The health burden of foodborne mycotoxins is considerable, but particularly for children due to their lower detoxification capacity, rapid growth and high intake of food in proportion to their weight. Through a Total Dietary Study approach, the objective was to estimate the dietary exposure and health risk caused by mycotoxins for children under 5 years living in the Lao Cai province in northern Vietnam. A total of 40 composite food samples representing 1008 individual food samples were processed and analyzed by ELISA for aflatoxin B1, ochratoxin A and fumonisins. Results showed that dietary exposure to aflatoxin B1, ochratoxin A and total fumonisins were 118.7 ng/kgbw/day, 52.6 ng/kg bw/day and 1250.0 ng/kg bw/day, respectively. Using a prevalence of hepatitis of 1%, the risk of liver cancer related to exposure of aflatoxin B1 was 12.1 cases/100,000 individual/year. Age-adjusted margin of exposure (MOE) of renal cancer associated with ochratoxin A was 127, while MOE of liver cancer associated with fumonisins was 542. Antropometric data show that 50.4% (60/119) of children were stunted, i.e. height/length for age z-scores (HAZ) below –2, and 3.4% (4/119) of children were classified as wasted, i.e. weight for height z-scores (WHZ) below –2. A significant negative relationship between dietary exposure to individual or mixture of mycotoxins and growth of children was observed indicating that the high mycotoxin intake contributed to stunning in the children studied
The use of antibiotics for therapeutic purposes in pig production in Bac Ninh province, Vietnam
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