996 research outputs found
Low-dimensional complex characters of the symplectic and orthogonal groups
We classify the irreducible complex characters of the symplectic groups
and the orthogonal groups , of
degrees up to the bound D, where for symplectic groups,
for orthogonal groups in odd dimension, and for
orthogonal groups in even dimension.Comment: 44 pages. Comm. Algebra, to appea
Characters of p'-degree and Thompson's character degree theorem
A classical theorem of John Thompson on character degrees asserts that if the
degree of every ordinary irreducible character of a finite group is 1 or
divisible by a prime , then has a normal -complement. We obtain a
significant improvement of this result by considering the average of
-degrees of irreducible characters. We also consider fields of character
values and prove several improvements of earlier related results.Comment: 23 page
Irreducible restrictions of Brauer characters of the Chevalley group G_2(q) to its proper subgroups
Let be the Chevalley group of type defined over a finite field
with q=p^n elements, where p is a prime number and is a positive integer.
In this paper, we determine when the restriction of an absolutely irreducible
representation of in characteristic other than p to a maximal subgroup of
is still irreducible. Similar results are obtained for and
.Comment: 30 page
Character degree sums of finite groups
We present some results on character degree sums in connection with certain
characteristics of finite groups such as p-solvability, solvability,
supersolvability, and nilpotency. Some of them strengthen known results in the
literature.Comment: 11 page
Variations of Landau's theorem for p-regular and p-singular conjugacy classes
The well-known Landau's theorem states that, for any positive integer ,
there are finitely many isomorphism classes of finite groups with exactly
(conjugacy) classes. We study variations of this theorem for -regular
classes as well as -singular classes. We prove several results showing that
the structure of a finite group is strongly restricted by the number of
-regular classes or the number of -singular classes of the group. In
particular, if is a finite group with then is
bounded in terms of the number of -regular classes of . However, it is
not possible to prove that there are finitely many groups with no nontrivial
normal -subgroup and -regular classes without solving some extremely
difficult number-theoretic problems (for instance, we would need to show that
the number of Fermat primes is finite).Comment: 23 pages, to appear in Israel J. Mat
On the average character degree of finite groups
We prove that if the average of the degrees of the irreducible characters of
a finite group is less than 16/5, then is solvable. This solves a
conjecture of I.M. Isaacs, M. Loukaki, and the first author. We discuss related
questions.Comment: The first version is revised based on the referee's report. To appear
in Bull. Lond. Math. So
Abelian subgroups, nilpotent subgroups, and the largest character degree of a finite group
Let be an abelian subgroup of a finite group and the set of
prime divisors of . We prove that is bounded
above by the largest character degree of . A similar result is obtained when
is nilpotent.Comment: 16 page
On the number of conjugacy classes of -elements in finite groups
Let be a finite group and be a set of primes. We show that if the
number of conjugacy classes of -elements in is larger than times
the -part of then possesses an abelian Hall -subgroup which
meets every conjugacy class of -elements in . This extends and
generalizes a result of W. H. Gustafson.Comment: 7 page
On the permutation modules for orthogonal groups acting on nonsingular points of their standard modules
We describe the structure, including composition factors and submodule
lattices, of cross-characteristic permutation modules for the natural actions
of the orthogonal groups with on nonsingular points
of their standard modules. These actions together with those studied in
\cite{HN} are all examples of primitive rank 3 actions of finite classical
groups on nonsingular points.Comment: 19 pages, 3 table
Irreducible characters of even degree and normal Sylow -subgroups
The classical It\^o-Michler theorem on character degrees of finite groups
asserts that if the degree of every complex irreducible character of a finite
group is coprime to a given prime , then has a normal Sylow
-subgroup. We propose a new direction to generalize this theorem by
introducing an invariant concerning character degrees. We show that if the
average degree of linear and even-degree irreducible characters of is less
than then has a normal Sylow -subgroup, as well as corresponding
analogues for real-valued characters and strongly real characters. These
results improve on several earlier results concerning the It\^o-Michler
theorem.Comment: 16 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1506.0645
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