678 research outputs found
On the Construction of Splitting Methods by Stabilizing Corrections with Runge-Kutta Pairs
In this technical note a general procedure is described to construct
internally consistent splitting methods for the numerical solution of
differential equations, starting from matching pairs of explicit and diagonally
implicit Runge-Kutta methods. The procedure will be applied to suitable
second-order pairs, and we will consider methods with or without a mass
conserving finishing stage. For these splitting methods, the linear stability
properties are studied and numerical test results are presented.Comment: 18 page
Optimal stability polynomials for numerical integration of initial value problems
We consider the problem of finding optimally stable polynomial approximations
to the exponential for application to one-step integration of initial value
ordinary and partial differential equations. The objective is to find the
largest stable step size and corresponding method for a given problem when the
spectrum of the initial value problem is known. The problem is expressed in
terms of a general least deviation feasibility problem. Its solution is
obtained by a new fast, accurate, and robust algorithm based on convex
optimization techniques. Global convergence of the algorithm is proven in the
case that the order of approximation is one and in the case that the spectrum
encloses a starlike region. Examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the
proposed algorithm even when these conditions are not satisfied
Extrapolation-Based Implicit-Explicit Peer Methods with Optimised Stability Regions
In this paper we investigate a new class of implicit-explicit (IMEX) two-step
methods of Peer type for systems of ordinary differential equations with both
non-stiff and stiff parts included in the source term. An extrapolation
approach based on already computed stage values is applied to construct IMEX
methods with favourable stability properties. Optimised IMEX-Peer methods of
order p = 2, 3, 4, are given as result of a search algorithm carefully designed
to balance the size of the stability regions and the extrapolation errors.
Numerical experiments and a comparison to other implicit-explicit methods are
included.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure
Patankar-Type Runge-Kutta Schemes for Linear PDEs
We study the local discretization error of Patankar-type Runge-Kutta methods
applied to semi-discrete PDEs. For a known two-stage Patankar-type scheme the
local error in PDE sense for linear advection or diffusion is shown to be of
the maximal order for sufficiently smooth and positive
exact solutions. However, in a test case mimicking a wetting-drying situation
as in the context of shallow-water flows, this scheme yields large errors in
the drying region. A more realistic approximation is obtained by a modification
of the Patankar approach incorporating an explicit testing stage into the
implicit trapezoidal rule.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Submitted to AIP conference proceedings:
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and
Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2016), 19-25 Sep 2016, Rhodes, Greec
Spatially hybrid computations for streamer discharges with generic features of pulled fronts: I. Planar fronts
Streamers are the first stage of sparks and lightning; they grow due to a
strongly enhanced electric field at their tips; this field is created by a thin
curved space charge layer. These multiple scales are already challenging when
the electrons are approximated by densities. However, electron density
fluctuations in the leading edge of the front and non-thermal stretched tails
of the electron energy distribution (as a cause of X-ray emissions) require a
particle model to follow the electron motion. As super-particle methods create
wrong statistics and numerical artifacts, modeling the individual electron
dynamics in streamers is limited to early stages where the total electron
number still is limited.
The method of choice is a hybrid computation in space where individual
electrons are followed in the region of high electric field and low density
while the bulk of the electrons is approximated by densities (or fluids). We
here develop the hybrid coupling for planar fronts. First, to obtain a
consistent flux at the interface between particle and fluid model in the hybrid
computation, the widely used classical fluid model is replaced by an extended
fluid model. Then the coupling algorithm and the numerical implementation of
the spatially hybrid model are presented in detail, in particular, the position
of the model interface and the construction of the buffer region. The method
carries generic features of pulled fronts that can be applied to similar
problems like large deviations in the leading edge of population fronts etc.Comment: 33 pages, 15 figures and 2 table
Extrapolation-Based Super-Convergent Implicit-Explicit Peer Methods with A-stable Implicit Part
In this paper, we extend the implicit-explicit (IMEX) methods of Peer type
recently developed in [Lang, Hundsdorfer, J. Comp. Phys., 337:203--215, 2017]
to a broader class of two-step methods that allow the construction of
super-convergent IMEX-Peer methods with A-stable implicit part. IMEX schemes
combine the necessary stability of implicit and low computational costs of
explicit methods to efficiently solve systems of ordinary differential
equations with both stiff and non-stiff parts included in the source term. To
construct super-convergent IMEX-Peer methods with favourable stability
properties, we derive necessary and sufficient conditions on the coefficient
matrices and apply an extrapolation approach based on already computed stage
values. Optimised super-convergent IMEX-Peer methods of order s+1 for s=2,3,4
stages are given as result of a search algorithm carefully designed to balance
the size of the stability regions and the extrapolation errors. Numerical
experiments and a comparison to other IMEX-Peer methods are included.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with
3D hybrid computations for streamer discharges and production of run-away electrons
We introduce a 3D hybrid model for streamer discharges that follows the
dynamics of single electrons in the region with strong field enhancement at the
streamer tip while approximating the many electrons in the streamer interior as
densities. We explain the method and present first results for negative
streamers in nitrogen. We focus on the high electron energies observed in the
simulation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
Simulated avalanche formation around streamers in an overvolted air gap
We simulate streamers in air at standard temperature and pressure in a short
overvolted gap. The simulation is performed with a 3D hybrid model that traces
the single electrons and photons in the low density region, while modeling the
streamer interior as a fluid. The photons are followed by a Monte-Carlo
procedure, just like the electrons. The first simulation result is present
here.Comment: 2 page
On the error of general linear methods for stiff dissipative differential equations
Many numerical methods to solve initial value problems of the form y′=f(t,y) can be written as general linear methods. Classical convergence results for such methods are based on the Lipschitz constant and bounds for certain partial derivatives of f. For stiff problems these quantities may be very large, and consequently the classical order of convergence loses its significance. In this paper we consider bounds for the global errors which are based only on bounds for derivatives of y for linear and non-linear dissipative problems with arbitrary stiffnes
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