41 research outputs found
The Blame Game: Performance Analysis of Speaker Diarization System Components
In this paper we discuss the performance analysis of a speaker diarization system similar to the system that was submitted by ICSI at the NIST RT06s evaluation benchmark. The analysis that is based on a series of oracle experiments, provides a good understanding of the performance of each system component on a test set of twelve conference meetings used in previous NIST benchmarks. Our analysis shows that the speech activity detection component contributes most to the total diarization error rate (23%). The lack of ability to model verlapping speech is also a large source of errors (22%) followed by the component that creates the initial system models (15%)
Filtering the Unknown: Speech Activity Detection in Heterogeneous Video Collections
In this paper we discuss the speech activity detection system that we used for detecting speech regions in the Dutch TRECVID video collection. The system is designed to filter non-speech like music or sound effects out of the signal without the use of predefined non-speech models. Because the system trains its models on-line, it is robust for handling out-of-domain data. The speech activity error rate on an out-of-domain test set, recordings of English conference meetings, was 4.4%. The overall error rate on twelve randomly selected five minute TRECVID fragments was 11.5%
Automated speech and audio analysis for semantic access to multimedia
The deployment and integration of audio processing tools can enhance the semantic annotation of multimedia content, and as a consequence, improve the effectiveness of conceptual access tools. This paper overviews the various ways in which automatic speech and audio analysis can contribute to increased granularity of automatically extracted metadata. A number of techniques will be presented, including the alignment of speech and text resources, large vocabulary speech recognition, key word spotting and speaker classification. The applicability of techniques will be discussed from a media crossing perspective. The added value of the techniques and their potential contribution to the content value chain will be illustrated by the description of two (complementary) demonstrators for browsing broadcast news archives
A spoken document retrieval application in the oral history domain
The application of automatic speech recognition in the broadcast news domain is well studied. Recognition performance is generally high and accordingly, spoken document retrieval can successfully be applied in this domain, as demonstrated by a number of commercial systems. In other domains, a similar recognition performance is hard to obtain, or even far out of reach, for example due to lack of suitable training material. This is a serious impediment for the successful application of spoken document retrieval techniques for other data then news. This paper outlines our first steps towards a retrieval system that can automatically be adapted to new domains. We discuss our experience with a recently implemented spoken document retrieval application attached to a web-portal that aims at the disclosure of a multimedia data collection in the oral history domain. The paper illustrates that simply deploying an off-theshelf\ud
broadcast news system in this task domain will produce error rates that are too high to be useful for retrieval tasks. By applying adaptation techniques on the acoustic level and language model level, system performance can be improved considerably, but additional research on unsupervised adaptation and search interfaces is required to create an adequate search environment based on speech transcripts
Fast N-Gram Language Model Look-Ahead for Decoders With Static Pronunciation Prefix Trees
Decoders that make use of token-passing restrict their search space by various types of token pruning. With use of the Language Model Look-Ahead (LMLA) technique it is possible to increase the number of tokens that can be pruned without loss of decoding precision. Unfortunately, for token passing decoders that use single static pronunciation prefix trees, full n-gram LMLA increases the needed number of language model probability calculations considerably. In this paper a method for applying full n-gram LMLA in a decoder with a single static pronunciation tree is introduced. The experiments show that this method improves the speed of the decoder without an increase of search errors.\u
Robust audio indexing for Dutch spoken-word collections
AbstractâWhereas the growth of storage capacity is in accordance with widely acknowledged predictions, the possibilities to index and access the archives created is lagging behind. This is especially the case in the oral history domain and much of the rich content in these collections runs the risk to remain inaccessible for lack of robust search technologies. This paper addresses the history and development of robust audio indexing technology for searching Dutch spoken-word collections and compares Dutch audio indexing in the well-studied broadcast news domain with an oral-history case-study. It is concluded that despite significant advances in Dutch audio indexing technology and demonstrated applicability in several domains, further research is indispensable for successful automatic disclosure of spoken-word collections
Browsing and Searching the Spoken Words of Buchenwald Survivors
The âBuchenwaldâ project is the successor of the âRadio Oranjeâ project that aimed at the transformation of a set of World War II related mono-media documents âspeeches of the Dutch Queen Wilhelmina, textual transcripts of the speeches, and a database of WWII related photographsâ to an attractive online multimedia presentation of the Queenâs speeches with keyword search functionality [6, 3]. The âBuchenwaldâ project links up and extends the âRadio Oranjeâ approach. The goal in the project was to develop a Dutch multimedia information portal on World War II concentration camp Buchenwald1. The portal holds both textual information sources and a video collection of testimonies from 38 Dutch camp survivors with durations between a half and two and a half hours. For each interview, an elaborate description, a speaker profile and a short summary are available
The AMIDA 2009 Meeting Transcription System
We present the AMIDA 2009 system for participation in the NIST RTâ2009 STT evaluations. Systems for close-talking, far field and speaker attributed STT conditions are described. Im- provements to our previous systems are: segmentation and diar- isation; stacked bottle-neck posterior feature extraction; fMPE training of acoustic models; adaptation on complete meetings; improvements to WFST decoding; automatic optimisation of decoders and system graphs. Overall these changes gave a 6- 13% relative reduction in word error rate while at the same time reducing the real-time factor by a factor of five and using con- siderably less data for acoustic model training