15 research outputs found
Supplementary document for Resonant nonlinear nanostructured grating in unstructured lithium niobate on insulator platform - 6591233.pdf
S1: Band structures and electric field distribution at kx=0 S2: The refractive index of SiO2 gratings S3: The fabrication processes of LNOI device S4: Measurement of Transmission Spectra S5: Nonlinear response of LNOI nanostructured device S6: Comp
Supplementary document for Resonant nonlinear nanostructured grating in unstructured lithium niobate on insulator platform - 6513750.pdf
CONTEXT S1: Band structures and electric field distribution at kx=0 S2: The refractive index of SiO2 gratings S3: The fabrication processes of LNOI device S4: Measurement of Transmission Spectra S5: Nonlinear response of LNOI nanostructured device
Supplementary document for Resonant nonlinear nanostructured grating in unstructured lithium niobate on insulator platform - 6583161.pdf
CONTEXT S1: Band structures and electric field distribution at kx=0 S2: The refractive index of SiO2 gratings S3: The fabrication processes of LNOI device S4: Measurement of Transmission Spectra S5: Nonlinear response of LNOI nanostructured device
Matrix metalloproteinse 9 (MMP-9) expression profiles in each group.
<p>red, MMP9–positive; blue, DAPI-positive cells. (magnification:x20; scale bars: 50μm).</p
Electron microscopic findings of the lacrimal gland acinus.
<p>A, Secretory vesicle (SV) accumulation in the normal group(N), Scale bars = 1um. Atrophic SVs in the scopolamine-treated group (SCOP).Excessive accumulation of SVs in the 1-week in the E group (E1).Excessive accumulation of SVs in the 2-week group (E2). Excessive accumulation of SVs in the 4-week group (E4).Excessive accumulation of SVs in the 6-week group (E6). B: SV diameter. Total number of vesicles examined/group: 159/N group,254/SCOP group, 249/E1 group, 341/E2 group, 302/E4 group and 485/E6 group (Mann-Whitney U test). C: Percent SV area per acinus. Total number of acini examined/group: 148/N group ,177/SCOP group, 223/E1 group, 270/E2 group, 339/E4 group and 549/E6 group (Mann-Whitney U test) # P<0.001 versus the SCOP group, ** p<0.001 versus the normal group(N).~ P<0.001 versus the the E2 group. Original magnification: X10000. Hollow arrow, Ductal lumen; Arrows, Nuclei; Triangle, SV.</p
ICES Induced Corneal Epithelial Destruction.
<p>Corneal epithelial damage assessment by standard corneal fluorescein staining scores in ICES groups (E), the scopolamine-treated group (SCOP) and normal control group (N). *P < 0.05 versus the normal group (N).</p
Inflammatory cells infiltration of the Lacrimal Gland.
<p>A-E, immunostained for CD4(A), CD8(B), CD103(C), CD11b(D), CD45(E) in the lacrimal glands sections. F, Cell counts in mouse lacrimal glands stained by immunohistochemistry for CD4, CD8, CD103, CD11b, CD45 sections in the normal group (N), the scopolamine-treated group (SCOP), and after desiccating stress in ICES for 1 week, 2 week, 4 week and 6 week (E1,E2,E4,E6). # P < 0.01 versus the scopolamine-treated group (SCOP), * P<0.05 versus the normal group(N) (Mann-Whitney U test). Original magnification:x20;scale bars = 50 μm. Experiments were repeated three times with two mice per group per experiment.</p
ICES Stimulates Inflammatory Cytokine Production in the Conjunctiva and Lacrimal Gland.
<p>A, Real-time PCR for the mRNA expression of IL-17, IL-23, IL-6, IL-1β, TNF-α, IFN-γ, TGF-β2 in the conjunctiva of normal group(Horizontal line), the scopolamine-treated group (SCOP), and after desiccating stress in ICES for 1 week,2week,4 week and 6week (E1,E2,E4,E6). B, mRNA transcript levels of IL-17,IL-23,IL-6,IL-1β, TNF-α, IFN-γ,TGF-β2 in the lacrimal gland. *P < 0.05 versus the normal group (N), #P < 0.05, versus the scopolamine-treated group (SCOP).</p
Lacrimal Gland Histology by H&E Staining.
<p>H&E staining of lacrimal gland from normal controls (N), the scopolamine-treated group(SCOP) and after desiccating stress in ICES for 1 week, 2week, 4 week and 6week (E1,E2,E4,E6). Arrows indicate ductal lumens. Circle indicates one acinus. Scale bars = 50μ m.</p