1 research outputs found

    Optical sensor for the detection of mycotoxins

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    The methods of detection of mycotoxins in agricultural products have been analyzed. The advantages of using the fluorescence methods for the express diagnostics of the presence of mycotoxins in samples have been shown. The development of an optical biosensor, which allows the detection of mycotoxins in the field, has been presented. The principles of operation have been established, and the constructive solution of a sensor has been proposed. An electro-optical scheme for obtaining an information signal has been developed and tested. The particular attention has been paid to the choice of an element base of the proposed microsensor. The principles and procedure for its validation have been shown. The practical results of testing the developed technical solution have been presented. The achieved relative error in the linear approximation of the sensor conversion characteristics in the interval of concentrations 0...100 ppb at a temperature of 15...25 Β°Π‘ does not exceed 2%. The developed sensor can be used in agriculture for the express detection and evaluation of the mycotoxin contamination