13 research outputs found

    Pemikiran Ekonomi Bapak Ekonomi Islam; Ibnu Khaldun

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    Economic issues discussed by Ibn Khaldun in his book that in section V. Economic motive arises because human desires are unlimited, being goods that will satisfy his needs were very limited. Therefore, to solve the economic problems must be viewed from two angles; corner power ( werk, arbeid ) and from the point of use. Ibn Khaldun also talks about personal business and general busines. It was described on the explanation of the terms 1 ( ma\u27asy and Rizqy ) and the terms 2 ( tamawwul and kasab ). On currencies, Ibn Khaldun predicts that both will be taking place in the world \u27s most important economy , namely: first, becoming exchanger and price measures, as the value of the business (makasib); secondly, a means of transportation, such as deviezen (qaniah); and third, an instrument deposits in banks (zakhirah). In addition to the things already mentioned above, there are still some other things discussed Ibn Khaldun relation to the economy\u27s problems. But the bottom line is, Ibn Khaldun through his work does not already represent the most Muslim scientists in the world arena of economic thought. In fact, not in order to praise it exceeds the limit, at least he has contributed to the European renaissance

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Fisika Teknologi Melalui Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Team Assisted Individualization Di Kelas Xi-av Semester Genap Smk Futuhiyyah Mranggen Demak

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    Keberhasilan belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Fisika teknologicukup rendah, padahal Fisika Teknologi merupakan salah satu matapelajaran yang dijadikan Ujian Sekolah di tingkat SekolahKejuruan. Untuk mensiasati hal tersebut, dikembangkan modelpembelajaran kooperatif Team Assisted Individualization yangdimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan minat belajar siswa sehinggadapat mendongkrak prestasi belajar siswa. Tujuan penelitian iniuntuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran fisikateknologi menggunakan model kooperatif Team AssistedIndividualization pada siswa kelas XI-AV SMK FutuhiyyahMranggen Demak semester genap 2007/2008. Metode Pengumpulandata yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitiantindakan kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus. Subjekpenelitian terdiri dari 40 siswa kelas XI-AV SMK FutuhiyyahMranggen pada semester genap tahun 2007/2008. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa penggunaan model kooperatif tipe TAI dapatmeningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat denganadanya peningkatan rata-rata Fisika teknologi dalam ranah kognitifsiswa. Hasil belajar siswa berturut-turut mengalami peningkatandari siklus 1 sampai siklus 2


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    PT. Ahadnet International, a business Multi Level Marketing (MLM) Syariah, is a MLM business operations based on the principles of syari'ah . The business attracted many people from among Muslims because it offers businesses with marketing Islamic halal products and toyyib. No doubt, many Muslims were later merged into the Ahadnet MITRANIAGA. Nevertheless, the Muslims interests of this business does not mean not raising the issue. Labeling the word “Syariah” is attached to the naming MLM International Syari'ah Ahadnet it needs proper interpretation. Wrong interpretation of the word shariah for the Ahadnet International MLM syari'ah business will bring counterproductive, both for the company, MITRANIAGA and for Islam itself. Seeing this phenomenon, it is through this study, researchers are trying to see how far the understanding of the actors (MITRANIAGA) International Ahadnet the term shari'ah. Their understanding of Shari'ah will affect the way they work on the syariah business in genera, particularly MLM syari'ah busines

    Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Multimedia Interaktif dan Video Menggunakan Program Camtasia oleh Kelompok Guru-guru Sdit

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    Pengaruh Posisi Stack Terhadap Frekuensi Resonansi Pada Tabung Resonator Termoakustik

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh posisi stack dalam tabung resonator termoakustik terhadap frekuensi resonansi. Posisi stack ditaruh pada jarak 10 cm, 30 cm, dan 50 cm. Data frekuensi diambil menggunakan mikrofon yang dipasang pada ujung resonator. Mikrofon tersebut dihubungkan dengan laptop yang telah terisntall software sound card oscilloscope V1.40. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variasi posisi stack tidak berpengaruh terhadap frekuensi resonansi, tetapi berpengaruh terhadap amplitudo maksimum pada masing-masing frekuensi resonansi. Amplitudo maksimum frekuensi resonansi terendah terjadi di tengah-tengah tabung resonator sedangkan amplitudo frekuensi resonansi terbesar terjadi pada ujung terjauh dari sumber bunyi

    The Development of a Web Based Database Applications of Procurement, Inventory, and Sales at PT. Interjaya Surya Megah

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    The objective of this research is to develop a web based database application for the procurement, inventory and sales at PT. Interjaya Surya Megah. The current system at PT. Interjaya Surya Megah is running manually, so the company has difficulty in carrying out its activities. The methodology, that is used in this research, includes interviews, observation, literature review, conceptual database design, logical database design and physical database design. The results are the establishment of a web-based database application at PT. Interjaya Surya Megah. The conclusion is the company can be easier to run the day-to-day activities because data processing becomes faster and more accurate, faster report generation and more accurate, more secure data storage

    Analisis dan Perancangan Data Warehouse pada PT Gajah Tunggal Prakarsa

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    The purpose of this helpful in making decisions more quickly and precisely. Research methodology includes analysis study was to analyze the data base support in helping decisions making, identifying needs and designing a data warehouse. With the support of data warehouse, company leaders can be more of current systems, library research, designing a data warehouse using star schema. The result of this research is the availability of a data warehouse that can generate information quickly and precisely, thus helping the company in making decisions. The conclusion of this research is the application of data warehouse can be a media aide related parties on PT. Gajah Tunggal initiative in decision making

    Analisis dan Perancangan Data Warehouse pada PT Pelita Tatamas Jaya

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    The purpose of this research is to assist in providing information to support decision-making processes in sales, purchasing and inventory control at PT Tatamas Pelita Jaya. With the support of data warehouse, business leaders can be more helpful in making decisions more quickly and precisely. Research methodology includes analysis of current systems, library research, designing a data warehousing schema using bintang. The result of this research is the availability of a data warehouse that can generate information quickly and precisely, thus helping the company in making decisions. The conclusion of this research is the application of data warehouse can be a media aide related parties on PT Tatamas Pelita Jaya in decision making

    The Development of the Application of a Data Warehouse at PT Jkl

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    One rapidly evolving technology today is information technology, which can help decision-making in an organization or a company. The data warehouse is one form of information technology that supports those needs, as one of the right solutions for companies in decision-making. The objective of this research is the development of a data warehouse at PT JKL in order to support executives in analyzing the organization and support the decision-making process. Methodology of this research is conducting interview with related units, literature study and document examination. This research also used the Nine Step Methodology developed by Kimball to design the data warehouse. The results obtained is an application that can summarize the data warehouse, integrating and presenting historical data in multidimensional. The conclusion from this research is the data warehouse can help companies to analyze data in a flexible, fast, and effective data access