1,063,179 research outputs found
Open-string vertex algebras, tensor categories and operads
We introduce notions of open-string vertex algebra, conformal open-string
vertex algebra and variants of these notions. These are
``open-string-theoretic,'' ``noncommutative'' generalizations of the notions of
vertex algebra and of conformal vertex algebra. Given an open-string vertex
algebra, we show that there exists a vertex algebra, which we call the
``meromorphic center,'' inside the original algebra such that the original
algebra yields a module and also an intertwining operator for the meromorphic
center. This result gives us a general method for constructing open-string
vertex algebras. Besides obvious examples obtained from associative algebras
and vertex (super)algebras, we give a nontrivial example constructed from the
minimal model of central charge c=1/2. We establish an equivalence between the
associative algebras in the braided tensor category of modules for a suitable
vertex operator algebra and the grading-restricted conformal open-string vertex
algebras containing a vertex operator algebra isomorphic to the given vertex
operator algebra. We also give a geometric and operadic formulation of the
notion of grading-restricted conformal open-string vertex algebra, we prove two
isomorphism theorems, and in particular, we show that such an algebra gives a
projective algebra over what we call the ``Swiss-cheese partial operad.''Comment: 53 page
Design of sensor electronics for electrical capacitance tomography
The design of the sensor electronics for a tomographic imaging system based on electrical capacitance sensors is described. The performance of the sensor electronics is crucial to the performance of the imaging system. The problems associated with such a measurement process are discussed and solutions to these are described. Test results show that the present design has a resolution of 0.3 femtofarad. (For a 12-electrode system imaging an oil/gas flow, this represents a 2% gas void fraction change at the centre of the pipe) with a low noise level of 0.08 fF (RMS value), a large dynamic range of 76 dB and a data acquisition speed of 6600 measurements per second. This enables sensors with up to 12 electrodes to be used in a system with a maximum imaging rate of 100 frames per second, and thus provides an improved image resolution over the earlier 8-electrode system and an adequate electrode area to give sufficient measurement sensitivit
Searches for diboson resonances at CMS
A list of searches is presented for massive resonances decaying to WW, WZ,
ZZ, WH, ZH and HH boson pairs in proton-proton collision data collected by the
CMS experiment at the LHC. The data are taken at centre-of-mass energies of
13TeV, corresponding to respective integrated luminosities of 12.9/fb(ICHEP)
and up to 35.9/fb. The results are interpreted in the context of heavy vector
triplet and singlet models that mimic properties of composite-Higgs models
predicting W' and Z' bosons decaying to WZ, WW, WH, and ZH bosons. A model with
a bulk graviton that decays into WW and ZZ is also considered. Upper limits are
set on the production cross section of the two models and no evidence is found
for a signal.Comment: 9 pages, 11figures, LHCP2017(the fifth annual conference on Large
Hadronic Collider Physics
The behaviour of reinforced concrete slabs in fire
In this paper a robust model is presented based on the previous layer procedure developed by the author to also take into account the effects of concrete spalling on the behaviour of concrete slabs under fire conditions. In this study, a detailed analysis of a uniformly loaded reinforced concrete slab subject to different degrees of concrete spalling under a standard fire regime is first carried out. Further, a series of analysis of floor slabs with different degrees of concrete spalling is also performed on a generic reinforced concrete building. A total of 16 cases have been analysed using different degrees of spalling on the slabs, with different extents and positions of localised fire compartments. It is clear that adjacent cool structures provide considerable thermal restraint to the floor slabs within the fire compartment. And it is evident that the compressive membrane force within the slabs is a major player in reducing the impact of concrete spalling on the structural behaviour of floor slabs in fire. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
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