32,354 research outputs found

    Rational points near planar curves and Diophantine approximation

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    In this paper, we establish asymptotic formulae with optimal errors for the number of rational points that are close to a planar curve, which unify and extend the results of Beresnevich-Dickinson-Velani and Vaughan-Velani. Furthermore, we complete the Lebesgue theory of Diophantine approximation on weakly non-degenerate planar curves that was initially developed by Beresnevich-Zorin in the divergence case.Comment: 27 pages, corrected typos, to appear in Adv. Mat

    Mean Value Theorems for Binary Egyptian Fractions

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    In this paper, we establish two mean value theorems for the number of solutions of the Diophantine equation an=1x+1y\frac{a}{n}=\frac{1}{x}+\frac{1}{y}, in the case when aa is fixed and nn varies and in the case when both aa and nn vary.Comment: 16 pages, to appear in J. Number Theor

    Extremal affine subspaces and Khintchine-Jarn\'ik type theorems

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    We prove a conjecture of Kleinbock which gives a clear-cut classification of all extremal affine subspaces of Rn\mathbb{R}^n. We also give an essentially complete classification of all Khintchine type affine subspaces, except for some boundary cases within two logarithmic scales. More general Jarn\'ik type theorems are proved as well, sometimes without the monotonicity of the approximation function. These results follow as consequences of our novel estimates for the number of rational points close to an affine subspace in terms of diophantine properties of its defining matrix. Our main tool is the multidimensional large sieve inequality and its dual form.Comment: 46 pages, minor revision, to appear in GAF
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