102,401 research outputs found
Probing the primordial Universe from the low-multipole CMB data
Since the temperature fluctuations in cosmic microwave background (CMB) on
large-angular scales probe length scales that were super-horizon sized at
photon decoupling and hence insensitive to microphysical processes, the
low-multipole CMB data are supposed to be a good probe to the physics of the
primordial Universe. In this letter we will constrain the cosmological
parameters in the base CDM model with tensor perturbations by only
using low-multipole CMB data, including Background Imaging of Cosmic
Extragalactic Polarization (B2), Planck released in 2013 (P13) and Wilkinson
Microwaves Anisotropy Probe 9-year data (W9). We find that a red tilted power
spectrum of relic gravitational waves is compatible with the data, but a blue
tilted power spectrum of scalar perturbations on the large scales is preferred
at around confidence level.Comment: 5 pages, 2 tables, 2 figure
Constraints on the cosmological parameters from BICEP2, Planck and WMAP
In this paper we constrain the cosmological parameters, in particular the
tilt of tensor power spectrum, by adopting Background Imaging of Cosmic
Extragalactic Polarization (B2), Planck released in 2013 (P13) and Wilkinson
Microwaves Anisotropy Probe 9-year Polarization (WP) data. We find that a blue
tilted tensor power spectrum is preferred at more than confidence
level if the data from B2 are assumed to be totally interpreted as the relic
gravitational waves, but a scale invariant tensor power spectrum is consistent
with the data once the polarized dust is taken into account. The recent Planck
353 GHz HFI dust polarization data imply that the B2 data are perfectly
consistent with there being no gravitational wave signal.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures and 1 table; major revision, dust added for
solving the tension between Planck13 and BICEP2, version accepted for
publication in EPJ
An Electroweak-like Theory from Four Fermion Interactions
An electroweak-like theory of a broken chiral symmetry that is constructed by
the collective modes of fermion pairs from four fermion interactions of one
lepton generation is presented. The products of Dirac spinors lead to the
separation of the two chiral fermions to couple respectively with two different
kinds of polarization states. Because of a broken vacuum, a fermion and an
anti-fermion out of the four pair up to form vector bosons, which behave like
gauge bosons, such as , and in a group structure of
. The pairing of spinors only allows left-handed fermions
to interact with charged bosons to secure the gauge invariance, while, as
desired, -like bosons mediate different weak forces for two chiral fermions
and -like bosons interact freely with fermions.Comment: 15 page
A Route toward Quantum Gravity through the Imaginary-Time Field Theory
A possible way toward the quantization of a weak gravitational field inspired
by the imaginary-time field theory is discussed. The analogies of the general
relativity in the canonical formulation with the thermodynamic geometry and
superfluids are also pointed out. The proposed regularization method in the
imaginary-time formalism of field theory shows a good chance removing
theoretical obstacles and constructing a perturbative theory of quantum
gravity.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, some corrections have been mad
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