2,629 research outputs found

    A Calculation Method for Quantitative X-Ray Microanalysis for Microparticle Specimens by Monte Carlo Simulation

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    A calculation method for quantitative X-ray microanalysis (QXMA) for microparticle specimens of a compound with various shapes is proposed in this paper. On the basis of a simplified physical model, the scattering of electrons in particles is calculated by Monte Carlo simulation. We have derived a series of evaluation formulae of the absorption and fluorescence of characteristic X-rays for the particles with regular shapes. With the use of these theories, along with an iteration calculation, compositions of microparticle specimens can be obtained from the measured X-ray intensity ratios. In order to examine the reliability of the method, a large number of electron probe experiments and analysis calculations were carried out for the microparticle specimens of a variety of geometric shapes, dimensions and compositions. Agreement of calculated concentrations using our method with known compositions of the analyzed particle specimens is fairly good. In practical work, calculation formulae for particle specimens with irregular shapes can be replaced by those of particles with approximate regular shapes

    Implementing universal nonadiabatic holonomic quantum gates with transmons

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    Geometric phases are well known to be noise-resilient in quantum evolutions/operations. Holonomic quantum gates provide us with a robust way towards universal quantum computation, as these quantum gates are actually induced by nonabelian geometric phases. Here we propose and elaborate how to efficiently implement universal nonadiabatic holonomic quantum gates on simpler superconducting circuits, with a single transmon serving as a qubit. In our proposal, an arbitrary single-qubit holonomic gate can be realized in a single-loop scenario, by varying the amplitudes and phase difference of two microwave fields resonantly coupled to a transmon, while nontrivial two-qubit holonomic gates may be generated with a transmission-line resonator being simultaneously coupled to the two target transmons in an effective resonant way. Moreover, our scenario may readily be scaled up to a two-dimensional lattice configuration, which is able to support large scalable quantum computation, paving the way for practically implementing universal nonadiabatic holonomic quantum computation with superconducting circuits.Comment: v3 Appendix added, v4 published version, v5 published version with correction

    Multiscale Photoacoustic Microscopy of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Incorporated Tissue Engineering Scaffolds

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    Three-dimensional polymeric scaffolds provide structural support and function as substrates for cells and bioactive molecules necessary for tissue regeneration. Noninvasive real-time imaging of scaffolds and/or the process of tissue formation within the scaffold remains a challenge. Microcomputed tomography, the widely used technique to characterize polymeric scaffolds, shows poor contrast for scaffolds immersed in biological fluids, thereby limiting its utilities under physiological conditions. In this article, multiscale photoacoustic microscopy (PAM), consisting of both acoustic-resolution PAM (AR-PAM) and optical-resolution PAM (OR-PAM), was employed to image and characterize single-walled carbon-nanotube (SWNT)–incorporated poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) polymer scaffolds immersed in biological buffer. SWNTs were incorporated to reinforce the mechanical properties of the scaffolds, and to enhance the photoacoustic signal from the scaffolds. By choosing excitation wavelengths of 570 and 638 nm, multiscale PAM could spectroscopically differentiate the photoacoustic signals generated from blood and from carbon-nanotube-incorporated scaffolds. OR-PAM, providing a fine lateral resolution of 2.6 μm with an adequate tissue penetration of 660 μm, successfully quantified the average porosity and pore size of the scaffolds to be 86.5%±1.2% and 153±15 μm in diameter, respectively. AR-PAM further extended the tissue penetration to 2 mm at the expense of lateral resolution (45 μm). Our results suggest that PAM is a promising tool for noninvasive real-time imaging and monitoring of tissue engineering scaffolds in vitro, and in vivo under physiological conditions

    Comparative Study of TCM Syndrome Scale for Liver Disease and Chronic Liver Disease Questionnaire Based on Assessment of Posthepatitic Cirrhosis

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    Objective. To compare and analyze the relevance and applied value of chronic liver disease questionnaire (CLDQ) and Traditional Chinese Medicine liver disease questionnaire (TCMLDQ) in patients with posthepatitic cirrhosis. Methods. The data of 146 patients' scales of CLDQ and TCMLDQ which based on the characteristics of chinese medical symptoms were collected. We made comparative analysis of the relationship between these two scales by the linear regression model and canonical correlation method and evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of two scales about its items setting and dimension definition. Result. There is a negative correlation in total scores between the two scales and the linear regression equation: CLDQ = 239.38 − 1.232TCMLDQ. The further canonical correlation analysis was used to analyze the two extracted canonical correlative variables with significances (P < 0.05), and the results showed that the overall negative correlation between the two scales mainly came from contributions of both the four dimensions of TCMLDQ (CS, GSYX, GYPX, and OS) and the five dimensions of CLDQ (AS, FA, SS, AC, and EF). Conclusion. These two scales have good consistency in the evaluation of severity and life quality of liver cirrhosis patients, so we suggested that TCMLDQ can be used to evaluate the severity and life quality of patients with posthepatitic cirrhosis

    The effective field theory approach to the strong coupling issue in f(T)f(T) gravity

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    We investigate the scalar perturbations and the possible strong coupling issues of f(T)f(T) around a cosmological background, applying the effective field theory (EFT) approach. We revisit the generalized EFT framework of modified teleparallel gravity and apply it by considering both linear and second-order perturbations for f(T)f(T) theory. No new scalar mode is present in linear and second-order perturbations in f(T)f(T) gravity, which suggests a strong coupling problem. However, based on the ratio of cubic to quadratic Lagrangians, we provide a simple estimation of the strong coupling scale, a result which shows that the strong coupling problem can be avoided at least for some modes. In conclusion, perturbation behaviors that at first appear problematic may not inevitably lead to a strong coupling problem, as long as the relevant scale is comparable with the cutoff scale MM of the applicability of the theory.Comment: 18 page

    Long-term exposure to road traffic noise and incident heart failure: evidence from UK Biobank

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    Background Evidence on road traffic noise and heart failure (HF) is limited, and little is known on the potential mediation roles of acute myocardial infarction (AMI), hypertension, or diabetes. Objectives The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impacts of long-term road traffic noise exposure on the risk of incident HF considering air pollution, and explore the mediations of the previously mentioned diseases. Methods This prospective study included 424,767 participants without HF at baseline in UK Biobank. The residential-level noise and air pollution exposure was estimated, and the incident HF was identified through linkages with medical records. Cox proportional hazard models were used to estimate HRs. Furthermore, time-dependent mediation was performed. Results During a median 12.5 years of follow-up, 12,817 incident HF were ascertained. The HRs were 1.08 (95% CI: 1.00-1.16) per 10 dB[A] increase in weighted average 24-hour road traffic noise level (Lden), and 1.15 (95% CI: 1.02-1.31) for exposure to Lden >65dB[A] compared with the reference category (Lden ≤55dB[A]), respectively. Furthermore, the strongest combined effects were found in those with both high exposures to road traffic noise and air pollution including fine particles and nitrogen dioxide. Prior AMI before HF within 2 years’ time interval mediated 12.5% of the association of road traffic noise with HF. Conclusions More attention should be paid and a preventive strategy should be considered to alleviate the disease burden of HF related to road traffic noise exposure, especially in participants who survived AMI and developed HF within 2 years

    Trends in smoking and quitting in China from 1993 to 2003: National Health Service Survey data

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    OBJECTIVE: China has about 350 million smokers, more commonly men. Using data from National Health Service Surveys conducted in 1993, 1998 and 2003, we (i) estimated trends in smoking prevalence and cessation according to sociodemographic variables and (ii) analysed cessation rates, quitting intentions, reasons for quitting and reasons for relapsing. METHODS: Data were collected from approximately 57 000 households and 200 000 individuals in each survey year. Household members > 15 years of age were interviewed about their smoking habits, quitting intentions and attitudes towards smoking. We present descriptive data stratified by age, sex, income level and rural versus urban residence. FINDINGS: In China, current smoking in those > 15 years old declined 60–49% in men and 5–3.2% in women over 1993–2003. The decline was more marked in urban areas. However, heavy smoking (≥ 20 cigarettes daily) increased substantially overall and doubled in men. The average age of uptake also dropped by about 3 years. In 2003, 7.9% of smokers reported intending to quit, and 6% of people who had ever smoked reported having quit. Of former smokers, 40.6% quit because of illness, 26.9% to prevent disease and 10.9% for financial reasons. CONCLUSION: Smoking prevalence declined in China over the study period, perhaps due to the combined effect of smoking cessation, reduced uptake in women and selective mortality among men over 40 years of age. However, heavy smoking increased. People in China rarely quit or intend to quit smoking, except at older ages. Further tobacco control efforts are urgently needed, especially in rural areas

    Surgical techniques in radiation induced temporal lobe necrosis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients

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    Background Radiation induced brain injury ranges from acute reversible edema to late, irreversible radiation necrosis. Radiation induced temporal lobe necrosis is associated with permanent neurological deficits and occasionally progresses to death. Objective We present our experience with surgery on radiation induced temporal lobe necrosis (RTLN) in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) patients with special consideration of clinical presentation, surgical technique, and outcomes. Method This retrospective study includes 12 patients with RTLN treated by the senior author between January 2010 and December 2014. Patients initially sought medical treatment due to headache; other symptoms were hearing loss, visual deterioration, seizure, hemiparesis, vertigo, memory loss and agnosia. A temporal approach through a linear incision was performed for all cases. RTLN was found in one side in 7 patients, and bilaterally in 5. 4 patients underwent resection of necrotic tissue bilaterally and 8 patients on one side. Results No death occurred in this series of cases. There were no post-operative complications, except 1 patient who developed aseptic meningitis. All 12 patients were free from headache. No seizure occurred in patients with preoperative epilepsy. Other symptoms such as hemiparesis and vertigo improved in all patients. Memory loss, agnosia and hearing loss did not change post-operatively in all cases. The follow-up MR images demonstrated no recurrence of necrotic lesions in all 12 patients. Conclusion Neurosurgical intervention through a temporal approach with linear incision is warranted in patients with radiation induced temporal lobe necrosis with significant symptoms and signs of increased intracranial pressure, minimum space occupying effect on imaging, or neurological deterioration despite conservative management