27 research outputs found
Formation Control for Moving Target Enclosing via Relative Localization
In this paper, we investigate the problem of controlling multiple unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAVs) to enclose a moving target in a distributed fashion
based on a relative distance and self-displacement measurements. A relative
localization technique is developed based on the recursive least square
estimation (RLSE) technique with a forgetting factor to estimates both the
``UAV-UAV'' and ``UAV-target'' relative positions. The formation enclosing
motion is planned using a coupled oscillator model, which generates desired
motion for UAVs to distribute evenly on a circle. The coupled-oscillator-based
motion can also facilitate the exponential convergence of relative localization
due to its persistent excitation nature. Based on the generation strategy of
desired formation pattern and relative localization estimates, a cooperative
formation tracking control scheme is proposed, which enables the formation
geometric center to asymptotically converge to the moving target. The
asymptotic convergence performance is analyzed theoretically for both the
relative localization technique and the formation control algorithm. Numerical
simulations are provided to show the efficiency of the proposed algorithm.
Experiments with three quadrotors tracking one target are conducted to evaluate
the proposed target enclosing method in real platforms.Comment: 8 Pages, accepted by IEEE CDC 202
DACOOP-A: Decentralized Adaptive Cooperative Pursuit via Attention
Integrating rule-based policies into reinforcement learning promises to
improve data efficiency and generalization in cooperative pursuit problems.
However, most implementations do not properly distinguish the influence of
neighboring robots in observation embedding or inter-robot interaction rules,
leading to information loss and inefficient cooperation. This paper proposes a
cooperative pursuit algorithm named Decentralized Adaptive COOperative Pursuit
via Attention (DACOOP-A) by empowering reinforcement learning with artificial
potential field and attention mechanisms. An attention-based framework is
developed to emphasize important neighbors by concurrently integrating the
learned attention scores into observation embedding and inter-robot interaction
rules. A KL divergence regularization is introduced to alleviate the resultant
learning stability issue. Improvements in data efficiency and generalization
are demonstrated through numerical simulations. Extensive quantitative analysis
and ablation studies are performed to illustrate the advantages of the proposed
modules. Real-world experiments are performed to justify the feasibility of
deploying DACOOP-A in physical systems.Comment: 8 Pages; This manuscript has been accepted by IEEE Robotics and
Automation Letter
EASpace: Enhanced Action Space for Policy Transfer
Formulating expert policies as macro actions promises to alleviate the
long-horizon issue via structured exploration and efficient credit assignment.
However, traditional option-based multi-policy transfer methods suffer from
inefficient exploration of macro action's length and insufficient exploitation
of useful long-duration macro actions. In this paper, a novel algorithm named
EASpace (Enhanced Action Space) is proposed, which formulates macro actions in
an alternative form to accelerate the learning process using multiple available
sub-optimal expert policies. Specifically, EASpace formulates each expert
policy into multiple macro actions with different execution {times}. All the
macro actions are then integrated into the primitive action space directly. An
intrinsic reward, which is proportional to the execution time of macro actions,
is introduced to encourage the exploitation of useful macro actions. The
corresponding learning rule that is similar to Intra-option Q-learning is
employed to improve the data efficiency. Theoretical analysis is presented to
show the convergence of the proposed learning rule. The efficiency of EASpace
is illustrated by a grid-based game and a multi-agent pursuit problem. The
proposed algorithm is also implemented in physical systems to validate its
effectiveness.Comment: 15 Page
Collaborative Target Tracking in Elliptic Coordinates: a Binocular Coordination Approach
This paper concentrates on the collaborative target tracking control of a
pair of tracking vehicles with formation constraints. The proposed controller
requires only distance measurements between tracking vehicles and the target.
Its novelty lies in two aspects: 1) the elliptic coordinates are used to
represent an arbitrary tracking formation without singularity, which can be
deduced from inter-agent distances, and 2) the regulation of the tracking
vehicle system obeys a binocular coordination principle, which simplifies the
design of the control law by leveraging rich physical meanings of elliptic
coordinates. The tracking system with the proposed controller is proven to be
exponentially convergent when the target is stationary. When the target drifts
with a small velocity, the desired tracking formation is achieved within a
small margin proportional to the magnitude of the target's drift velocity.
Simulation examples are provided to demonstrate the tracking performance of the
proposed controller.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure
A Novel Fusion Scheme for Vision Aided Inertial Navigation of Aerial Vehicles
Vision-aided inertial navigation is an important and practical mode of integrated navigation for aerial vehicles. In this paper, a novel fusion scheme is proposed and developed by using the information from inertial navigation system (INS) and vision matching subsystem. This scheme is different from the conventional Kalman filter (CKF); CKF treats these two information sources equally even though vision-aided navigation is linked to uncertainty and inaccuracy. Eventually, by concentrating on reliability of vision matching, the fusion scheme of integrated navigation is upgraded. Not only matching positions are used, but also their reliable extents are considered. Moreover, a fusion algorithm is designed and proved to be the optimal as it minimizes the variance in terms of mean square error estimation. Simulations are carried out to validate the effectiveness of this novel navigation fusion scheme. Results show the new fusion scheme outperforms CKF and adaptive Kalman filter (AKF) in vision/INS estimation under given scenarios and specifications
Data-driven control design for UAV autolanding : a pitch-only case study
This paper aims at exploring a new-type mode for autolanding control of fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). A discrete-time data-driven control scheme is tentatively proposed and developed with its pitch-only channel as a case study. Eventually, data-driven controllers inspired by attracting laws are introduced for a series of difference models. Numerical simulation for pitch-only dynamics is demonstrated to validate and compare performances of proposed DDC laws. Simulation results indicate that DDC laws can achieve the desired performance by altering data-driven models with different orders
ATI: Assemble topological interaction overcomes consistency–cohesion trade‐off in bird flocking
Abstract In nature, various animal groups like bird flocks display proficient collective navigation achieved by maintaining high consistency and cohesion simultaneously. Both metric and topological interactions have been explored to ensure high consistency among groups. The topological interactions found in bird flocks are more cohesive than metric interactions against external perturbations, especially the spatially balanced topological interaction (SBTI). However, it is revealed that in complex environments, pursuing cohesion via existing interactions compromises consistency. The authors introduce an innovative solution, assemble topological interaction, to address this challenge. Contrasting with static interaction rules, the new interaction empowers individuals with self‐awareness to adapt to the complex environment by switching between interactions through visual cues. Most individuals employ high‐consistency k‐nearest topological interaction when not facing splitting threats. In the presence of such threats, some switch to the high‐cohesion SBTI to avert splitting. The assemble topological interaction thus transcends the limit of the trade‐off between consistency and cohesion. In addition, by comparing groups with varying degrees of these two features, the authors demonstrate that group effects are vital for efficient navigation led by a minority of informed agents. Finally, the real‐world drone‐swarm experiments validate the applicability of the proposed interaction to artificial robotic collectives
DACOOP-A:Decentralized Adaptive Cooperative Pursuit via Attention
Integrating rule-based policies into reinforcement learning promises to improve data efficiency and generalization in cooperative pursuit problems. However, most implementations do not properly distinguish the influence of neighboring robots in observation embedding or inter-robot interaction rules, leading to information loss and inefficient cooperation. This letter proposes a cooperative pursuit algorithm named Decentralized Adaptive COOperative Pursuit via Attention (DACOOP-A) by empowering reinforcement learning with artificial potential field and attention mechanisms. An attention-based framework is developed to emphasize important neighbors by concurrently integrating the learned attention scores into observation embedding and inter-robot interaction rules. A KL divergence regularization is introduced to alleviate the resultant learning stability issue. Improvements in data efficiency and generalization are demonstrated through numerical simulations. Extensive quantitative analyses are performed to illustrate the advantages of the proposed modules. Real-world experiments are performed to justify the feasibility of DACOOP-A in physical systems.</p
Localization Framework for Real-Time UAV Autonomous Landing: An On-Ground Deployed Visual Approach
[-5]One of the greatest challenges for fixed-wing unmanned aircraft vehicles (UAVs) is safe landing. Hereafter, an on-ground deployed visual approach is developed in this paper. This approach is definitely suitable for landing within the global navigation satellite system (GNSS)-denied environments. As for applications, the deployed guidance system makes full use of the ground computing resource and feedbacks the aircraft’s real-time localization to its on-board autopilot. Under such circumstances, a separate long baseline stereo architecture is proposed to possess an extendable baseline and wide-angle field of view (FOV) against the traditional fixed baseline schemes. Furthermore, accuracy evaluation of the new type of architecture is conducted by theoretical modeling and computational analysis. Dataset-driven experimental results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the developed approach