42 research outputs found

    Author Correction: Reminder duration determines threat memory modification in humans

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    Reminder duration determines threat memory modification in humans

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    Memory reminders can return a memory into an unstable state such that it will decay unless actively restabilized into long-term memory through reconsolidation. Exposure to a memory reminder, however, does not always lead to destabilization. The 'trace dominance' principle posits that the extent of exposure to memory reminders governs memory susceptibility to disruption. Here, we provide a first systematic investigation of reminder duration effects on threat memory modification in humans. Reminder duration was parametrically varied across 155 participants in a three-day protocol. We found that short reminders (1 s and 4 s) made the memory prone to interference from post-retrieval extinction, suggesting that the memory had been updated. In contrast, no reminder or long reminders (30 s and 3 min) made the memory resistant to such interference, and robustly return. Reminder duration therefore influences memory stability and may be a critical determinant of therapeutic efficacy

    Gender Differences in PTSD: Susceptibility and Resilience

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    Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is anxiety disorder that has been estimated to affect individuals who are exposed to traumatic events. Women are diagnosed with PTSD approximately twice as often as men. In this review, we outline the evidence of gender differences related to PTSD, and the factors of resilience and susceptibility differ between men and women

    Neural computations of threat in the aftermath of combat trauma

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    By combining computational, morphological, and functional analyses, this study relates latent markers of associative threat learning to overt post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms in combat veterans. Using reversal learning, we found that symptomatic veterans showed greater physiological adjustment to cues that did not predict what they had expected, indicating greater sensitivity to prediction errors for negative outcomes. This exaggerated weighting of prediction errors shapes the dynamic learning rate (associability) and value of threat predictive cues. The degree to which the striatum tracked the associability partially mediated the positive correlation between prediction-error weights and PTSD symptoms, suggesting that both increased prediction-error weights and decreased striatal tracking of associability independently contribute to PTSD symptoms. Furthermore, decreased neural tracking of value in the amygdala, in addition to smaller amygdala volume, independently corresponded to higher PTSD symptom severity. These results provide evidence for distinct neurocomputational contributions to PTSD symptoms

    Toward more accurate variant calling for “personal genomes”

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    To date, researchers and clinicians use widely different methods for detecting and reporting human genetic variation. As the size of academic and private databases grow and as the use of the existing genomic techniques expand, researchers and clinicians stand to greatly benefit from the standardization of data generating approaches and analysis methodologies. To successfully implement genomic analyses in the clinic, it will be critically important to optimize the existing pipelines for attaining a higher sensitivity and specificity for more accurate and consistent variant calling

    Low concordance of multiple variant-calling pipelines: practical implications for exome and genome sequencing

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    BACKGROUND: To facilitate the clinical implementation of genomic medicine by next-generation sequencing, it will be critically important to obtain accurate and consistent variant calls on personal genomes. Multiple software tools for variant calling are available, but it is unclear how comparable these tools are or what their relative merits in real-world scenarios might be. METHODS: We sequenced 15 exomes from four families using commercial kits (Illumina HiSeq 2000 platform and Agilent SureSelect version 2 capture kit), with approximately 120X mean coverage. We analyzed the raw data using near-default parameters with five different alignment and variant-calling pipelines (SOAP, BWA-GATK, BWA-SNVer, GNUMAP, and BWA-SAMtools). We additionally sequenced a single whole genome using the sequencing and analysis pipeline from Complete Genomics (CG), with 95% of the exome region being covered by 20 or more reads per base. Finally, we validated 919 single-nucleotide variations (SNVs) and 841 insertions and deletions (indels), including similar fractions of GATK-only, SOAP-only, and shared calls, on the MiSeq platform by amplicon sequencing with approximately 5000X mean coverage. RESULTS: SNV concordance between five Illumina pipelines across all 15 exomes was 57.4%, while 0.5 to 5.1% of variants were called as unique to each pipeline. Indel concordance was only 26.8% between three indel-calling pipelines, even after left-normalizing and intervalizing genomic coordinates by 20 base pairs. There were 11% of CG variants falling within targeted regions in exome sequencing that were not called by any of the Illumina-based exome analysis pipelines. Based on targeted amplicon sequencing on the MiSeq platform, 97.1%, 60.2%, and 99.1% of the GATK-only, SOAP-only and shared SNVs could be validated, but only 54.0%, 44.6%, and 78.1% of the GATK-only, SOAP-only and shared indels could be validated. Additionally, our analysis of two families (one with four individuals and the other with seven), demonstrated additional accuracy gained in variant discovery by having access to genetic data from a multi-generational family. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that more caution should be exercised in genomic medicine settings when analyzing individual genomes, including interpreting positive and negative findings with scrutiny, especially for indels. We advocate for renewed collection and sequencing of multi-generational families to increase the overall accuracy of whole genomes

    Novel Y-chromosomal microdeletions associated with non-obstructive azoospermia uncovered by high throughput sequencing of sequence-tagged sites (STSs)

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    Y-chromosomal microdeletion (YCM) serves as an important genetic factor in non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA). Multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is routinely used to detect YCMs by tracing sequence-tagged sites (STSs) in the Y chromosome. Here we introduce a novel methodology in which we sequence 1,787 (post-filtering) STSs distributed across the entire male-specific Y chromosome (MSY) in parallel to uncover known and novel YCMs. We validated this approach with 766 Chinese men with NOA and 683 ethnically matched healthy individuals and detected 481 and 98 STSs that were deleted in the NOA and control group, representing a substantial portion of novel YCMs which significantly influenced the functions of spermatogenic genes. The NOA patients tended to carry more and rarer deletions that were enriched in nearby intragenic regions. Haplogroup O2* was revealed to be a protective lineage for NOA, in which the enrichment of b1/b3 deletion in haplogroup C was also observed. In summary, our work provides a new high-resolution portrait of deletions in the Y chromosome.National Key Scientific Program of China [2011CB944303]; National Nature Science Foundation of China [31271244, 31471344]; Promotion Program for Shenzhen Key Laboratory [CXB201104220045A]; Shenzhen Project of Science and Technology [JCYJ20130402113131202, JCYJ20140415162543017]SCI(E)[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

    Chinese Sexual Minority Men and Father-son Relationship

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