384 research outputs found

    Identifying the Genes of Unconventional High Temperature Superconductors

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    We elucidate a recently emergent framework in unifying the two families of high temperature (high TcT_c) superconductors, cuprates and iron-based superconductors. The unification suggests that the latter is simply the counterpart of the former to realize robust extended s-wave pairing symmetries in a square lattice. The unification identifies that the key ingredients (gene) of high TcT_c superconductors is a quasi two dimensional electronic environment in which the d-orbitals of cations that participate in strong in-plane couplings to the p-orbitals of anions are isolated near Fermi energy. With this gene, the superexchange magnetic interactions mediated by anions could maximize their contributions to superconductivity. Creating the gene requires special arrangements between local electronic structures and crystal lattice structures. The speciality explains why high TcT_c superconductors are so rare. An explicit prediction is made to realize high TcT_c superconductivity in Co/NiCo/Ni-based materials with a quasi two dimensional hexagonal lattice structure formed by trigonal bipyramidal complexes

    Topological Phases in the Single-Layer FeSe

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    A distinct electronic structure was observed in the single-layer FeSe which shows surprising high temperature superconductivity over 65k. Here we demonstrate that the electronic structure can be explained by the strain effect due to substrates. More importantly, we find that this electronic structure can be tuned into robust topological phases from a topologically trivial metallic phase by the spin-orbital interaction and couplings to substrates. The topological phase is robust against any perturbations that preserve the time-reversal symmetry. Our studies suggest that topological phases and topologically related properties such as Majorana Fermions can be realized in iron-based high Tc_{c} superconductors.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figue
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