81,712 research outputs found
The Maximum B-mode Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background from Inhomogeneous Reionization
We compute the B-mode polarization power spectrum of the CMB from an epoch of
inhomogeneous reionization, using a simple model in which HII regions are
represented by ionized spherical bubbles with a log normal distribution of
sizes whose clustering properties are determined by large-scale structure. Both
the global ionization fraction and the characteristic radius of HII regions are
allowed to be free functions of redshift. Models that would produce substantial
contamination to degree scale gravitational wave B-mode measurements have power
that is dominated by the shot noise of the bubbles. Rare bubbles of >100 Mpc at
z>20 can produce signals that in fact exceed the B-modes from gravitational
lensing and are comparable to the maximal allowed signal of gravitational waves
(~0.1uK) while still being consistent with global constraints on the total
optical depth. Even bubbles down to 20 Mpc at z~15, or 40 Mpc at z~10 can be
relevant (0.01uK) once the lensing signal is removed either statistically or
directly. However, currently favored theoretical models that have ionization
bubbles that only grow to such sizes at the very end of a fairly prompt and
late reionization produce signals which are at most at these levels.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures; published in ApJ; corrected Fig. 4 and updated
Notes on two-parameter quantum groups, (I)
A simpler definition for a class of two-parameter quantum groups associated
to semisimple Lie algebras is given in terms of Euler form. Their positive
parts turn out to be 2-cocycle deformations of each other under some
conditions. An operator realization of the positive part is given.Comment: 11 page
On the Three-dimensional Lattice Model
Using the restricted star-triangle relation, it is shown that the -state
spin integrable model on a three-dimensional lattice with spins interacting
round each elementary cube of the lattice proposed by Mangazeev, Sergeev and
Stroganov is a particular case of the Bazhanov-Baxter model.Comment: 8 pages, latex, 4 figure
Relativistic description of magnetic moments in nuclei with doubly closed shells plus or minus one nucleon
Using the relativistic point-coupling model with density functional PC-PK1,
the magnetic moments of the nuclei Pb, Pb, Tl and
Bi with a closed-shell core Pb are studied on the basis of
relativistic mean field (RMF) theory. The corresponding time-odd fields, the
one-pion exchange currents, and the first- and second-order corrections are
taken into account. The present relativistic results reproduce the data well.
The relative deviation between theory and experiment for these four nuclei is
6.1% for the relativistic calculations and somewhat smaller than the value of
13.2% found in earlier non-relativistic investigations. It turns out that the
meson is important for the description of magnetic moments, first by
means of one-pion exchange currents and second by the residual interaction
provided by the exchange.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure
Secondary CMB anisotropies in a universe reionized in patches
In a universe reionized in patches, the Doppler effect from Thomson
scattering off free electrons generates secondary cosmic microwave background
(CMB) anisotropies. For a simple model with small patches and late
reionization, we analytically calculate the anisotropy power spectrum. Patchy
reionization can, in principle, be the main source of anisotropies on arcminute
scales. On larger angular scales, its contribution to the CMB power spectrum is
a small fraction of the primary signal and is only barely detectable in the
power spectrum with even an ideal, i.e. cosmic variance limited, experiment and
an extreme model of reionization. Consequently patchy reionization is unlikely
to affect cosmological parameter estimation from the acoustic peaks in the CMB.
Its detection on small angles would help determine the ionization history of
the universe, in particular the typical size of the ionized region and the
duration of the reionization process.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Ap
Notes on two-parameter quantum groups, (II)
This paper is the sequel to [HP1] to study the deformed structures and
representations of two-parameter quantum groups
associated to the finite dimensional simple Lie algebras \mg. An equivalence
of the braided tensor categories \O^{r,s} and \O^{q} is explicitly
established.Comment: 21 page
A Manganin Foil Sensor for Small Uniaxial Stress
We describe a simple manganin foil resistance manometer for uniaxial stress
measurements. The manometer functions at low pressures and over a range of
temperatures. In this design no temperature seasoning is necessary, although
the manometer must be prestressed to the upper end of the desired pressure
range. The prestress pressure cannot be increased arbitrarily; irreversibility
arising from shear stress limits its range. Attempting larger pressures yields
irreproducible resistance measurements.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure
Green's function method for single-particle resonant states in relativistic mean field theory
Relativistic mean field theory is formulated with the Green's function method
in coordinate space to investigate the single-particle bound states and
resonant states on the same footing. Taking the density of states for free
particle as a reference, the energies and widths of single-particle resonant
states are extracted from the density of states without any ambiguity. As an
example, the energies and widths for single-neutron resonant states in
Sn are compared with those obtained by the scattering phase-shift
method, the analytic continuation in the coupling constant approach, the real
stabilization method and the complex scaling method. Excellent agreements are
found for the energies and widths of single-neutron resonant states.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure
Reionization Revisited: Secondary CMB Anisotropies and Polarization
Secondary CMB anisotropies and polarization provide a laboratory to study
structure formation in the reionized epoch. We consider the kinetic
Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect from mildly nonlinear large-scale structure and show
that it is a natural extension of the perturbative Vishniac effect. If the gas
traces the dark matter to overdensities of order 10, as expected from
simulations, this effect is at least comparable to the Vishniac effect at
arcminute scales. On smaller scales, it may be used to study the thermal
history-dependent clustering of the gas. Polarization is generated through
Thomson scattering of primordial quadrupole anisotropies, kinetic (second order
Doppler) quadrupole anisotropies and intrinsic scattering quadrupole
anisotropies. Small scale polarization results from the density and ionization
modulation of these sources. These effects generically produce comparable E and
B-parity polarization, but of negligible amplitude (0.001-0.01 uK) in adiabatic
CDM models. However, the primordial and kinetic quadrupoles are observationally
comparable today so that a null detection of B-polarization would set
constraints on the evolution and coherence of the velocity field. Conversely, a
detection of a cosmological B-polarization even at large angles does not
necessarily imply the presence of gravity waves or vorticity. For these
calculations, we develop an all-sky generalization of the Limber equation that
allows for an arbitrary local angular dependence of the source for both scalar
and symmetric trace-free tensor fields on the sky.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, minor changes and typo fixes reflect published
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